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Everything posted by valby

  1. My 4 month Amstaff does this occasionally, usually when he thinks he should play with the other dog. We have been practicing "watch" when other dogs or people walk past. Seems to work really well. I have also been doing it with my old unsocialised dog and she's doing ok with it too. We actually managed to walk sensibly past two GSD the other day (they were approx 20 metres away) and that's a first for a long time. Make sure you used a high value treat though or the other dog will be much more rewarding :D
  2. I thought they were meant to be on it right away too. My pups have been and if I had forgotten a month I would get the test to be safe.
  3. Thanks!! I am in the gong too so that makes it handy :D
  4. Where is your store 4 paws? I am in the market for some Orijen :D
  5. For those that feed raw offal, aren't you concerned about hydatids?
  6. Thanks Missmoo!! This is the approach I have been taking. I have been bringing the crate into the lounge room where we all sit to watch tv. Last night MJ put herself in there for a while to have a snooze. Its a slow process but we will get there. Just glad to know I am on the right track.
  7. Yep my lot love sardines and tuna. I drain any oil off and feed it to them about 3 times per week. With the fish oils is there any harm giving it to them in the capsule i.e not breaking it open? Two of mine think its a treat
  8. We keep Halston in a puppy pen inside (on some vinyl) or outside, depending on the weather. We put a jumper on him, but he likes to take them off too! We have started taking him to a Delta accredited puppy preschool and its fantastic. Perfect for boisterous players like staffies because we keep them on the lead to play Halston's favourite spot in all the world is the lounge!
  9. :D We have Halston in a crate at night which we started as soon as we got him home. He likes to go in there at night--although I am sure the bed would be a welcome alternative!! Couldn't leave him outside, even waiting for tea he sits there shivering his butt off LOL
  10. Ok I know there are probably oodles of threads on crate training and I did do some searching but haven't found too many answers (well alot of conflicting advice all over Google). I have a 1 year old Lhasa and I am trying to crate train her at night. When I got her as a pup I made a make shift crate which meant she couldn't get out a pee during the night and this worked really well. However I stupidly let her out of it too early and she is not reliably toilet trained and exhibits some strange behaviour like random peeing on the bed (not at night mind you). So I have screened the bedroom off from her and restricted her access to the rest of the house during the day and she has access to the doggy door. This seems to be working and if it doesn't continue she will be outside all day. So I have tried putting her in the crate at night and she panics and whines and barks. We got through one night of me ignoring her (and getting no sleep) but I am wondering whether I just keep putting her in there or whether I am making matters worse. Other info I have read says to get the dog used to the crate by putting food in there, putting the dog in for short amounts of time during the day. I am also thinking of going back to make shift solution for a while because she might be more comfortable with that. The crate is in the room right next to the bed (on top of my Amstaff's crate) so she is right there!! I also don't want Halston to start getting upset in his crate listening to MJ whine, because he is absolutely great in the crate. Any ideas on the best way to proceed? One more thing is that MJ and I will start obedience school next Sat and we have been doing TOT.
  11. How do I get my 1 year old Lhasa to sleep in the crate? First night she made it to 2am because she was exhausted but then she started whining and barking. I tried to get her to quieten down and took her out etc but from then on she hates going in the crate at night. Don't blame her because she is used to the bed, even with the crate right next to the bed she is carrying on. She was initially crate trained but I stupidly let her out too early and now she needs some re-training. I have been playing crate games during the day with her. Putting her in it during the day for very short times i.e.less than 5mins. Is this the way to go? Sorry to jump in on this thread but I am desperate!
  12. This why I like my current pp. The dogs are not allowed to play off lead only under strict supervision on-lead. Having a dog that does the boisterous playing this works really well. I have experienced more negative experiences walking my dogs i.e. off-lead aggressive dogs running up to us. So much so that I took my 1 year old Lhasa back to pp for a second time because she became so fearful of big dogs. She is now fine. The first pp I took Halston (Amstaff) too they tried to alpha roll him for playing roughly so I understandably ignored the instructor and did not return.
  13. I have been taking my Amstaff to a Delta pp. I have found it great, especially with a boisterous dog. Everything is carefully assessed with each dogs behaviour before they decide who plays with who. So far the bigger dogs have only played on lead, which is alot less stressful for me!
  14. Yeah she told me that too. See you there! The one in the show ground. Wasn't aware of the Horsley one....
  15. Just an update that we will be going to the Dapto Training school--probably next weekend! Actually it may be the weekend after because we still have 2 weeks of puppy preschool left. I found a Delta trained instructor (an old school friend actually) and the class is wonderful. So much better than another local class MJ went to. I will probably take MJ (Lhasa who is 1) and Halston (Amstaff who is 4 mths) on alternative weeks. I'm excited!! Later in the year I will book in a consult with Steve who will work with Coco (10 year old Shih Tzu cross) and me. She has some fear aggressive tendencies.
  16. I have my American Staffy in the deals direct crate and its perfect. Mind you he never put up much of a fuss because the crate is right next to my bed at night Seems pretty sturdy though.
  17. MJ (1 year old Lhasa) has exactly the same bowl which refills. She used to "swim" in it, shove her head in it and lie in the water. I think she either grew out of it or the weather got colder so she didn't need to cool off. Its so hilarious to watch that its hard to get too mad!! LOL
  18. My 1 year old Lhasa has been peeing on my bed too. I thought she had grown out of it!! She can wee on command, we do the TOT every night, training etc. Do I need to start crating her at night. She doesn't actually wee on the bed when we are sleeping though just sneaks in to the room, does a wee on the bed and then has a sleep! I can't fathom the behaviour. She did it at my mum's too. Only ever beds...
  19. I'm having the same issues. But there are so many variables I can't be sure. Mine could just be sick of the pup jumping all over her!? other times she is fine with it. Before she was desexed though she had never so much as growled at any other dog. She is 11.5 months so I guess coming up to 12 months could be a factor too
  20. Mine are all spewers *ew* and Nature's gift has never given them any tummy upsets. But I must say I haven't carefully read the ingredients of the treats so I better check them....
  21. Thanks all for the well wishes!! The vet said I have the choice whether to send the lump for diagnostics. He said we would use the same approach whether malignant or not i.e. keep checking her for lumps and then decide what we need to do if/when we do find them. He expects she will get more in approx 2 yrs :D The only way to prevent it is a full mammary strip which is pretty invasive. Argh she is a toughy though and I kind of wish I had know about the full mammary strip-perhaps it would have been good to do it in-case. She is already 10 so doing another surgery in 2-3 yrs time is going to be more risky. She is recovering really well. Despite having the teeth pulled she ate biscuits (put out for the others). She doesn't even wince when I pick her up! She is doing great with two big wounds!!
  22. Wow Gracie that really has got me thinking. Who did you go with? Does anyone give a 3 dog discount? Do they cover for tick paralysis?
  23. valby

    New Pup

    Noodlenut-did the crate come with that cover? I am looking for one for a large crate...
  24. Yes I would actually like to know this too, one of my dogs barks at other dogs when walking and I need a way to get her focus off them and back to me...
  25. I put their dinner right outside of the door and propped it open for a while. I also put them outside and held treats on the other side and they couldn't help themselves. I think MJ was about 6 months though. Halston my new pup went straight through it following MJ, although he hasn't been given free reign to it yet so that could have been chance-he is on 13 weeks. For now he and MJ (11 months) are outside during the day, with doggy door shut out of fear of chaos and destruction inside Took mine about 2 weeks approx till they were really used to it. Now they play games with it-not letting the other through, slapping the flap with their paw into the other's head
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