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Everything posted by trifecta

  1. Rabbit Lady is a veritable work of theatre, gapvic I think you should devote a topic of her own to her so that we can more easily follow the story? I must admit I was pleased to see she was fully clothed (& beautifully so), I wondered if you were going to do a 'Bunnies Being Bad' a la Peter Coulson? :laugh: Lots of lovely pics from everyone again, we are all doing well 10/52 The eerie light of the sun setting in the smoke haze of a bushfire Smoke Haze by Groenendevil on Flickr I am going to be away for ten days or so from the end of the week so I will be late with next week's contribution - hopefully I will have plenty of shots to choose from!
  2. Thank you for your contributions to the thread m-j, it's good to hear people's own experiences
  3. I remember Leo too! Wonderful to hear he is still going strong
  4. He is gorgeous! Photographs are crap & to call him a Wheaten Terrier is just plain misleading.
  5. Not Saturday but Sunday! 14yo desexed female Staffy/ Kelpie mix at DAS Canberra. Hopefully temp notes will be up soon in Urgent, but she is on the PTS list for Wednesday am. She sounds like a lovely low maintenance girl, just looking for a kind home to live out her life. Yard 34 DAS Canberra
  6. trifecta


    So sorry to hear about Appollo, juice. I know what an important part of your family he was and that his loss will leave a big hole in your hearts.
  7. Not picking on you melz, :) but just using your quote to illustrate a point: This is how gambling/ racing started. "I bet you $50 my dog can reach the hare before yours!" There seems to be a lot of naievety about gambling...... Probably most of you are too young to remember the SP bookie down the pub? If gambling is a licensed activity controlled by the government then revenue can go back into ensuring integrity, welfare & increased prizemoney. The problems in the greyhound industry are systemic, we know illegal practices exist at all levels even at the top. Greyhound Racing needs someone like John Schreck, chief racing steward in Hong Kong, or Ray Murrihy, NSW Racing's chief lawman at the helm. Greyt, if you are quoting figures please provide the source :) and it would also be useful to put the figures into perspective, is this nationally, globally or what, & how does it to compare to the number of dogs starting in races? For instance, in Australia last night alone there were probably 10 or more races at 5 or more meets, that's 400 dogs starting in the space of about 5 hours...... so how many starters in a month.... 12000, 15000? I abhor the waste of beautiful animals & agree wholeheartedly that there is overbreeding of dogs in the greyhound industry, but shutting it down is not the answer..... neither do I have the answer.... but I hope some concensus can be reached where the greyhound is the winner. It's got nothing to do with courage, labradore. Gambling raises revenue, it is taxed. It is exactly why the Government doesn't give a rats about the price of petrol at the pump. The higher the price the more they get from their percentage.
  8. ^ This! If greyhound racing is banned it will be the end of the breed. How many show pups are bred each year? Very few, I suspect, though Rebanne would know for sure . The dogs love to chase, it is what they have been bred for over centuries. Of course there are injuries in racing - there are injuries to dogs outside of racing too. My Shep x broke a toe doing zoomies in a paddock, one of my Belgians broke a shoulder jumping a fence, tipping the top bar & landing awkwardly. Do you not think agility dogs & racing sled dogs sustain injuries? Hey let's ban them too! I applaud the work that AA & Animal Lib have done in exposing the dark side of greyhound racing, but nowhere in the general media has there been a mention of the ethical trainers. I listened to a greyhound trainer on Sky Racing Radio recently. He lamented the fact that no-one has mentioned that in the Eastern States (or so I presume - it could have been just NSW) 10 tracks were under camera surveillance, 4 showed evidence of live baiting, the other 6 were clean. Let's get rid of the rogue element so that the public can enjoy fit dogs doing what they do best.
  9. Yes she does! She is little more than a pup, belongs to a neighbour. ETA Thanks denali!
  10. 9/52 How Much Is That Doggy in the window? By Groenendevil on Flickr
  11. Have you tried AWDRI? I believe they give impounded dogs priority over private surrenders?
  12. 8/52 Lightfingers by Groenendevil on Flickr
  13. Thank you for sharing, Stitch, I find your experience very interesting
  14. Thanks for the comment, helen, the little wren was actually hard to photograph because I was precariously hanging off a ledge Ozstar, love both of those shots, the water is like a millpond! At the races for this week, on the way down to the birdcage: 7/52 Goulburn 13.02.15 by Groenendevil on Flickr
  15. I think Hazy's point is, Skruffy n Flea, how was it possible to post in a topic that is five years old? Usually an error message comes up if you try to post in a topic that is more than 365 days old.
  16. A bit off topic, but nice to 'see' you Ibizan, you haven't posted for such a long time :)
  17. They are great! Girlie looks such a sweetie!
  18. :laugh: Love Jess' little mate!
  19. Not at all Teekay, over the past twelve months or so, you're photography has grown - you're obviously working hard at it as photography is one of those things in life that you have to work at!
  20. Lots of lovely photos, too many to mention, but I must say Archie looks gorgeous amongst the violets! Teekay, you're so consistent with your photography week after week, no matter the subject. I didn't take many shots last week, so you'll have to make do with the view from our property..... yet again! It is lovely though..... and always changing with the light. 6/52 View From The Triangle by Groenendevil on Flickr Storm approaching
  21. Sorry but what rubbish, a properly researched raw diet provides a well balanced diet and certainly doesn't need the addition of kibble to 'balance' it. Some people/dogs don't always adapt or cope with being raw fed, so for some sticking to kibble works better for them. I totally agree CrazyCresties, & what's more raw & kibble should not be fed in the same meal. The two elements of the diet, ie raw & kibble are digested & absorbed at different rates. Feeding together may predispose your dog to gastric upsets.
  22. Plenty of breeders & members of this forum raise their puppies from weaning on a totally raw diet, it's not that hard! If you want to feed raw and kibble, feed the two elements of the diet seperately, eg raw in the morning & kibble at night. Raw & kibble are digested & absorbed quite differently, feeding together may predispose your puppy or dog to digestive upsets.
  23. Catching up (& cheating ) 5/52 This little baby 'blue wren' had a lucky escape 4 days ago when it was struggling to fly when first out of the nest. I managed to put it in a tree and have been watching closely for a few days. It is now flying well although is still under the solicitous care of its parents. It's tail feathers have doubled in size in the last four days! Juvenile Superb Fairy-wren by Groenendevil on Flickr
  24. 4/52 There ain't nothin' like a 'zoom groom' :laugh: untitled by Groenendevil on Flickr
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