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Everything posted by TessnSean

  1. Inside is being shared with Yorkies I hear. Entry for the Schnauzers is 62 so low compared to other years.
  2. Which group, Sheridan? There is a closed group called Exhibitors Choice & Voice. It is not 'my' group. I am just one of almost 6000 members. I am intrigued though how you dismissed it Sheridan as Jemima H fodder when you couldn't find it. I don't make outlandish statements on hearsay. If I say something happened, it will be by reading the first hand account from people who were present. Not my best friend was with the breeder when she said x and she told me. Worthless. I also inform myself from the other side and read many AR blogs. Plans are afoot to target all long coated breeds. Get rid of any breed that requires that 'awful' (their words) hand stripping practice for many breeds. The dogs scream and bleed after being held down and stripped out don't you know. Did you know that it is common practice for the ASPCA in the US to cut off the tips of the ears of cats and dogs that come from their shelter so they know which ones have been de-sexed? Have any of you taken the time to read Ingrid Newkirk and the PETA policy on dogs? All I can see is that the AR groups want all purebred dogs gone and the bickering amongst the people who should care and band together is helping the cause.
  3. Unless there is past history Aidan2' the insult has gone right over my head. I see where Jed has said don't treat me like a fool but not where it says you are a fool. The full run down the exhibitors point of view on the Peke examination is on Exhibitors Choice. . There is also a press release from one of the vets. Dog news TV is providing a lot of comment as is Our Dog. All the information is there if you want to go and look and read the documents at the top of the page, there is so much information from eye witnesses. Crisovar said what I should have said. What those who were there we're saying. It is all about the execution. I have not seen one person write that they don't agree that there should be health testing. No one thinks that bad health practices should not be wiped out. Anyone with any respect for the future of purebred dogs should feel that way.
  4. First Sheridan and now Aidan2 need to understand what the term personal attack means. From the dictionary "Making of an abusive remark instead of providing evidence when examining another person's claims or comments" Neither Jed nor I made abusive remarks in either of our replies so please get over your sensitivity to imagined rather real insults. Sheridan is pretty free with her colorful interpretations, purely designed to be dismissive and question the credibility of anyone she does not agree with. My posts are "tales of woes" and "the sky is falling" not terms I used. Yet when asked, Sheridan ignores all the requests to point out her claims of dogs "with eyes to their chins". Come on Sheridan. I supplied you details of where this was being discussed. How about you back up what you said and point me to the pictures. You do say things I agree with but for some reason, you have decided to multi quote me, taking out comments to belittle me, rather than engage in discussion of some value. So it is very, very clear, I fully support breeding sounder and healthier dogs. That is why I eye test when it is a suggested test with my breed and not required. I go a step further and DNA test to determine as much as I can, before breeding that it is a healthy dog I will use. What I am saying, is the testing conducted on some of the breeds at Crufts was not fair. The Peke was taken straight from the ring and when it was requested that she be given a drink of water, it was refused. She was subjected to a 20 minute eye examination where her top and bottom eyelids were drawn apart and pressure applied to see if she had shallow eye. Her eyes were held open while she had them examined for minutes, not seconds, with a direct light and she failed when she squeezed out tears when the lids were finally released. The bulldog was failed for a spot on the eye which was a scar and not a chronic complaint. The Clumber has been well discussed. I don't pass an opinion on either of the mastiffs because I don't know the reasons. What I will say is that if mastiffs breed back to what they were years ago, with far less skin folds, it can only be a positive. None of those DQ had the natural justice of an appeal process. They were dismissed full stop. I am all for rules but make them fair. I don't go see a podiatrist to check my eyes. I can't see that have a feline specialist check dogs was fair. What should have come from Crufts was that the health of all dogs was checked. Not just a selected 15.
  5. Wonderful post Jef. Pity ther is no like button. There are those who deliberately choose to read between the lines of what I wrote and place a meaning that was never said or intended. This was posted on another forum I frequent I think this describes what's happening right now. First they came for the docked breeds and I did not have a docked breed so I said nothing. Then they came for the short nosed breeds and I did not have a short nosed breed so I said nothing. Then they came for the short legged breeds and I did not have a short legged breed so I said nothing. Then they came for my breed and there was no one left to speak out for us. (apologies to Pastor Niemoller and all Holocaust victims)
  6. What people are not 'getting' is that a number of those DQ were open to change and were encouraging it. They were tested, patted on the back and given a thumbs up. They were told that they would be examined. They were given the criteria. They were given the format. What happened is the criteria changed. Any eye imperfection was used, not chronic as the entry contract said. Judges of that breed were not present at the examination as they were told they would be. Instruments were used to examine eyes when exhibitors were told that the vet would visually examine the dogs, the same way the judges had. There would be no instruments and that was not true. Exhibitors were told that the vets would be appointed by the KC as specialists. One was a feline specialist and another was an equine specialist. I totally agree that bad breeders should be exposed. I don't think breeders doing the right thing should be hung out to dry. What has come out of this is that over 1000 UK exhibitors have attended a meeting overnight and that meeting votes to form a new organisation called 'Canine Alliance' with the strap line, 'Responsible for Pedigree Dogs' I can't see Australian exhibitors banding together for improvement the same way.
  7. It has taken 22 pages to finally point out that the Bulldog was part of a test run for these new rules and passed with flying colours. Mellowood have been working extensively with the KC to ensure that at the very least, their dogs meet the amended standards. If I was them, I would be feeling sold out. They have worked with the KC, had their dog passed in the trial run less than 3 months ago and have the required certificates, so of all the dogs shown, they should have felt 100% confident she would pass. Competitors were assured that the vets would examine the dogs as a judge would and not use any additional equipment such as a torch or scope to exam eyes. This was not correct. Several of the DQ certificates have appeared on the net and the ones I have seen, have been signed by W.M.Femal. Google him. He is listed as a feline specialist. I am sure he is a very good vet, but to keep faith with the exhibitors, the very least the KC could have done was to engage a canine specialist. I don't show any of the listed breeds and a couple, I wouldn't show if you paid me so have no vested interest in saying I think that many DQ were badly done by. I am all for improved breeding practices but what incentive is there if you do all that is asked to improve and you get kicked in the teeth at the biggest show in the world. Of course exhibitors knew what was being examined. Why else do you think they had current and comprehensive health certificates? They went to Crufts, confident they were all meeting the new criteria and that their dogs would pass. Only a moron would take a dog suffering exactly what they knew would disqualify them. The ripple effect in the UK is huge. Judges are withdrawing from assignments for these breeds and judges are refusing to replace them. Exhibitors are saying they are finished with showing and breeding and some with wonderful bloodlines. I am surprised that the main groundswell is almost serves them right. Do not forget our own ANKC is aligned with the UK KC. We may just find that the same rules flow on to us. Food for thought.
  8. Beside each of the rejected prefixes it said overseas prefix or too common a word and that is in Victoria. One that was rejected as too common a word was Glyneryk. I can see the reason that. Everybody uses that word ;)
  9. Ask her if Keilor is too far. It shouldn't be but some people don't want to travel outside their home suburb. Ask her and then PM if she is interested. I know a nice lady in that area who shows her own minis and grooms others.
  10. Contact Wayrod on the forum. Really great guy to speak to and organizes travel all the time. I am sure he would be happy to give you some advice.
  11. I am so very, very sorry please, please don't blame yourself. It was just one of those things that could happen to anyone. We almost had a dog go missing in very similar circumstances.
  12. Disappointed that Rochester is not starting earlier. I spoke to a friend today and she is 20klms from there and said it was 37 degrees with tomorrow expected to be hotter. I think my 4 will stay home.
  13. My girl does it every time. Frustrating I know but you can still show her. You can still show her. She will get puffy around her teats towards when she would be due to have puppies but that is no reason not to show. Mine even got milk in the last couple of days and then overnight, it was finished.
  14. It is always super hot and humid. Saturday is opening for the duck season and while the shooting has never worried my dogs, the shotguns going off do upset a lot of them. Industrial strength fly repellent too. It is a dairy area and the flies stick like glue without it. Surface is always really, really nice there. Just don't set up near the porta lights they have for Friday show. The generators on those are really, really noisy.
  15. I saw it in the Gazette. They print the show regulations and Code of Practice each month.
  16. I don't know if it has to be on the day. It is a bit limiting if you can't have a complaint followed up after the day.
  17. I am just disappointed I did not see it happen so I can't make a written complaint under the Code of Ethics 20.1.2 and 20.1.3. Is anybody going to put it in writing or just let it go?
  18. Oh bother Bug. Maybe your provider has not cleared their cache which means you keep being pointed to the broken page. Ring the tech support for your provider.
  19. I am a Mac user and can get in after I cleared browsing history.
  20. I find it disturbing that the posts were edited. It was not off topic as it was posted under the heading of those shows - no more off topic than the discussion on slippery flaws, heart attacks, broken teeth etc. They were not defamatory. I wonder if they would have been deleted if discussion was about someone gloating and doing high fives after a win. It is just as important to win graciously. Perhaps the party concerned complained. Does not matter though. The pictures have gone viral on FB and the topic is being discussed world wide.
  21. Friday show BIG was Kerrie Lee with John Foster's Kinnego Wire. Bendigo AM BIG was a Stafford RU was Campbell's Smooth Fox. I know that Saunders Manchester import was PIG at both the Bendigo shows. We weren't all that far from Group 2 and I saw those winners head back past were we we're.
  22. The brags that irritate me are the sly brags. The poster always manages to work just how much they have won and how successful they have been over many, many years. Have a look at any one of the numerous discussions on Grand Champions and there they will be. Their addition will be to tell you how many Grands they have won. Start a topic on best scissors or some innocuous topic and in they will slide with a totally irrelevant post " I used x while I was titling the youngest ever champion of her breed" Talk about a bad ring surface and it will be "oh yes. the day I got BIG and the last points towards GC the surface was dreadful." i have been a reader here for quite a while and as soon as a topic on a particular subject is posted I can pick who will be in early, posting just how much they have won under the current rules, that ground, using those clippers, wearing that type of suit. Who are they trying to impress besides themselves?
  23. In Victoria, coat has nothing to do with it. There are no Giant Schnauzer breeders in Victoria and none being shown consistently.You will see dogs come from interstate for the specialties, Royal, Sunbury and sometimes the shows over Christmas at Lancefield but outside those shows, there are none.
  24. I think that the dog show competitors have become a known target with the idle hands group in Benalla. No one has been found for their previous vandalism tours so they keep coming back. No way would I leave a gazebo up there or any other show now.
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