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Thankyou everyone. I've been having a lie down with my other two but its lonely without my big girl. I miss her so much.... She's literally been my best friend for 10 years we rarely spent anytime apart except when i was at work. Love and kisses to my little girl...until we meet again and i get to sleep in your bed. Kisses baby girl.
Thankyou for the support. This morning I had Jedda put to sleep here at home. I just can't believe the differnce a week makes. I couldn't possibly allow her to go on the way she was. She has been through so much. Way too much for one little being. It was extremely hard but the knowing she would no longer be suffering eased the pain, just a little. She passed with great dignity. She was my very best friend for 10 years. I'm not a people person i live for my animals. Jedda was at the top of my totem pole so to speak. I was always being told she's spoilt but to me it was just pure love. I will for sure cry myself to sleep but i know in my heart i did the right thing. I will forever love my little girl. God bless her sweet heart. RIP Jedda
I rang the vet this morning to see when she was. You know what for. I am so worried for her. She's not in til tuesday. We went to the park and she was happy to go but not very sparky. she didn't really play but kept moving with us around the park til we got to the beachy part. After awhile she went and sat on a grassy bit. I took a photo. Sat down with her and patted her head, after a while i realised she had been sick, lasts nights dinner. Probably my fault as i put some stock in, may have been too much for her tummy. She did spark up a little but she is a different girl. I had email Robert McDowell and got an email back from a George offering to sell us Cancer Mast cell Support and Maritime Pine Bark - Super oxident. I really need to see her put weight back on. Thats a big point for me. I just did a stupid thing i saw her go past the window and thought i'd run out for a cuddle, picked her up and she wasn't comfortable. I'm sure she didn't want me to pick her up. I might have hurt her but i don't know. I know you guys don't have absolute answers, just your experience. Its heartwrenching. Thanks, Carolyn and Jedda
Thankyou, we have just woken up. Last night was hard, i couldn't sleep although i was really tired i was listening to her sleep, she licks her chops a lot so i get up and get her a bowl of water, she wakes up and drinks it all. Sometime in the early morning kelly wanted to go for a wee so i got up to go out, Jed came out and had a wee then came and lie on the concrete. Now it was freezing last night (partly why i couldn't sleep) but she wanted to stay there, she didn't attempt to get up and was like a rock when i thought she might be pliable to pick up. After all it was cold out there. No she was staying and i guessed there ws a reason. so let her stay got a doona cover and tried to have a rest on the chair near here. Then about 20-30mins later an idiot let off a firecracker, she moved inside. I put her on the bed. I got extra sheets and thngs to put on the bed and from then on was ok. During the night i had a chat with her and i thought that was it i was going to see if the vet was working sunday and do it. I don't want her worn out and hanging on for me. A kind of resigned peace came over me for the decision. I mostly stopped being upset. This morning when everyone woke up she turned looked at me and wagged her tail. Hasn't wagged it since but its early. Her legs are a bit doddery getting off the bed but she wanted to do it. Sometimes if she needs help she waits for me to help. I'll see how she goes eating today. Some parts of her are scrawny to me as i know she was quite a robust thing what seems a long time ago now. I wish i could get some weight onto her. I look at her and i get upset and sad. Then i wonder if i'm doing the right thing. Will have a rest day and try and sit in the sun. Thanks Carolyn and Jedda
hi, i've been patting Jeds bum and its bony. We went to the park today and although slower than usual she had a good time, she took after spinxy and the ball when i threw it in the water. Coming back to shore they would both tug of war with it, i took a video today and i had to break the longest tussle up at 3mins and 20 secs. Thats a long time to hang on. She was determined. Although she was ok down there and she rests as much as the others at home she has lost the spark in her eyes, she doesn't wag her tail as much. In fact i looked hard for it today. And while she's having quiet moments she looks at me. Is this the look? I'm thinking it might be. She looks like she's still a big girl but she has bum bones, a skinny neck and her head is smaller. She still has a big tummy though. I even purchased new supplements today, sent today being paid for next week. But i just don't know. I feel like i am hanging on....I don't want to hurt her. thanks carolyn and jedda
Thanks, i raced off to the organic man this morning but he is no longer there. Woolies now has some organic vegies. I got capsicum, pumpkin, brussell sprouts, carrots and brocolli. All things they have eaten before. You just steam vegies and put with meat cold? Do you ever put in a bit of that liquid stock? Cheers for now, Carolyn and Jedda
Hi again, what vegies do you recommend? And what do you know about red kidney beans? If they are good do they come in a can. Thanks, Carolyn and Jedda
Thanks guys, i've calmed down a bit. There are actually a couple of things going on personally and its all hitting me at the moment. Jed along with Spinxy and Kelly have had a big sleep this afternoon. They've just had dinner. Jedda didn't want her cottage cheese but thats ok, atleast she ate her other dinner. Will get onto buying vegies tomorrow. Thankyou for the support i don't have anyone here who i can talk to about it. So its a big comfort. Cheers, Carolyn and Jedda
Hi, First time we went to park the camera didn't work, so we had a play then came home for a rest. Went again after lunch and didn't get too much from the second camera, lucky there was a guy there trialling his new camera so he took a few shots for me. I've got to say i'm feeling a bit fragile at the moment because i've just found Jedda brekkie barfed up under the bed. The vet had said at one time that roo meat was great, so thought i'd give it a try for the first time today, perhaps it was too strong for her. She has been very tired since coming back from the park. I gave her and the others a bath and i noticed 2-3 lumps on her back that are quite large. I'm feeling sick at the moment. I did email Robert and i've just spoken to my supplier of supplements to get more. But for the first time i see in her eyes... a loss. I don't know how to explain it. I'm so worried for her. My wanting for her to stay well is clearly not as strong as anything else. I'm hitting the wall emotionally, can't stop crying, just driving in the car burst out crying, watching telly burst out crying, talking to someone burst out crying. I would gladly give anything of myself for her. I'm just sad. I didn't want to feel those lumps. Here are some photos of this morning. Thanks, Carolyn and Jedda
We were just at the vet and shewa happy nothing else had come up, i asked what the lumpy bits were on her neck and she said it is likely the lymph gland has scar tissue. She has lost another800grams for a few weeks ago. Not good. she is 18.6 last time she was 19.4 and in her day she has been as big as 25.5. She explained that the lymph carries things around the body, Great She wondered how she'll go when she has finished her course of antibiotics. I told her how i couldn't reconcile between the girl that runs around at the park (remember shes 10), she chases balls and sticks swims 20 metres out to get the stick will play fight with Spinxy and then there's talk of it being not far away. She said it all about quality of life. Jedda is eating well and getting around ok. When i start seeing signs of another kind it will not be so hard to "do the right thing" BUT believe me i have not given up. I never will not for my girl. Last night was hard because it was "Territory Day". Cracker night. So had to dose up the staffys. Sometime later she began panting i got worried because in the past her panting has meant pain. but i think the pill had worn of and hopefully she was just reacting to the crackers. If anybodies got any questions just ask. I'm taking the kids to the mark in 10 minutes i'll get some photos.
hi, i have read mixed reviews about giving dogs vitamin c. That was a while ago so will do some more research. Also wanted to say that she is drinking alot. thanks, carolyn
Hi, Jeddas was graded as a two, the first couple of surgeries were with clear margins but bumps just kept popping up. Jedda has not had chemo. She has been on a diet of hills science diet food. I did read about the no carbs about a year ago and stopped giving her those things. Lately to get down her pills i've been giving her mince meat but someone said try fish, so thats what we've just started. I will mix it up between mince (good quality) and fish in spring water. We don't have a holistic vet here, i did email a few down south but got no response. I live in Darwin, NT. Is there anyone else i could go to that might be inclined to know about this stuff. The vet hasn't done a full blood screen lately i don't think, she does occassionally do a test for liver/kidney? They have mostly been ok. my head is spinning with all i've been told and because of the way i'm feeling so i will try to answer as correctly as possible. Maybe the absess is not related to the MCT at all??? How would i know? Or is that just something you're giving me to think about. Thankyou, Carolyn pS, she's just had tea of fish which she ate off my hand, hungry girl. Some cottage cheese and her meds and supplements. Have a vet appointment tomorrow.
Thanks, found my old thread, moving back there.
Hello, my 10yr old staffy girl Jedda has got mast cell tumours diagnosed about 2 1/2 years ago. A few months ago i started her on all kinds of supplements and have added to them as i became aware. She has been through a great deal and the most recent is an absess the size of my fist grew on back leg overnight. The vet was concerned and drained it and gave her broad spectrum antibiotics. Two days later another came up on her neck, the vet said they will most likely keep popping up and she was hoping after the antibiotics that nothing else would happen "for awhile". She is letting me know as she does each time we go in that its closer that i will have to make a "decision". I can't reconcile that with the dog who i can take to the park, she'll run round around for an hour and a half, swim out 20 metres with her brother staffy Spinxy, collect the stick together and when they're back on shore have a minutes tug of war and she will win, she always does. How can i put her to sleep when she eats voratiously and can at times have lots of energy to play at the park but these incidents keep happening. Apart from the many, many vet visits and last week a spider bite (the day before absess), weeks before got poisoned by a cane toad. I know she has cancer, she has been on and off pred but i think she will never go back on it so i am making sure she has her supplements, k9 immunity and transfer, spirulina, flaxseed with cottage cheese, fish oil, and a few other ones. Has anyone had any experience with this? Anything i can do. The vet has given up and is managing. She has been great but when i see two dogs in one I can't comprehend. She has two kilos since these photos. Thankyou, Jedda
Is there anything else you would recommend?