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Everything posted by shauna
Well got the results back from the vets late last week and all normal. I was relieved in one way but then worried that it could be difficult getting him back to normal. The vet gave us Scourban (chalky liquid) to add to his food for the next week which he has been having since Thursday and............................. Yay!!! At last we are getting somewhere and are almost back to normal on the poo front after only 3 complete days of medication. I am so relieved, but at the same time wish we could have tried this stuff earlier in the process. Thanks for all your help guys. I will certainly keep a note of all the useful tips you have posted in case we get a similar problems in the future.
Discouraging her from chasing and trying to eat milipedes is the next big challenge At last someone else who has a dog who loves to eat millipedes, my two love them. I did some research and apparently they have a really bitter and not nice taste which means animals don't like to eat them , my two hunt them, chase them, fight over them and adore crunching them up whilst teasing the other one who didn't win the prize that time Anyone know if it does them any harm I couldn't find anything to suggest that it would.
Don't worry too much about the chicken necks my Weimy, George and his kennel mate Dave the Viszla manage to swallow them whole quite often and no problems so far. As far the going out in the rain mine have the opposite problem they hate the rain. They will come for a walk no problem but we have problems with them toileting in the wet weather. As soon as it is raining neither of them will go to the proper place and then poo and pee all over the patio and if it is really raining a lot under the verandah!!! The place they normally go does get muddy so perhaps that's why. Any tips for solving this one anyone, they are both 4 months old and we (fingers crossed) don't have inside toilet problems anymore.
Thanks GoldD, have tried no chicken all week and still on normal food but no luck. I was very pleased last night though he managed to one normal textured poo and I thought Yay then this morning back to runny again. Hoping to get the results fomr the vets today, they have taken ages to come back which I am a bit annoyed about.
Hi guys Thanks so much for the advice. I think I will wait to get the results back from the vet before we try anything else, if there is something wrong we could be fighting a losing battle otherwise, hopefully we will get them today or tomorrow. Very runny all weekend to the point of being liquid sometimes, so the chicken necks aren't helping to firm him up as the vet suggested they might. I'll let you know when we get the results. I am really hoping it shows something that we can fix otherwise it will be a long road back to normallity changing diet and seeing what works. Thanks again for the replies.
Hi Thanks for the replies (yours and the one above). George had the antibiotices for an infected dew claw, unfortunately not removed properly but now cleared up, removal will be completed at desexing in 6 weeks time. Prior to the antibiotics stools were fine. Diet was Advance Puppy for Large Growth (as it had been at his breeder, so from about 4 weeks old onwards) with 250ml of puppy milk per day. Then most weekends a dried pigs ear, some bones, (lamb or beef) or chicken necks. As soon as we started having problems we stopped the puppy milk first and then began to stop all the other extras. Other things they had before antibiotics as treats are, fritz, cheese, dried liver treats, commercial treats - none of these in large quantities each piece just less than the size of a pea and not too manh in a day just used for training. thanks Shauna
Hi I'm new to all this and wondered if anyone could give me some advice................... I have 2 dogs a Weimaraner (George) and a Hungarian Viszla (Dave) both 4 months old. Dave is fine but George has had soft stools for about 4 weeks now since he had acourse of antibiotics, they range from soft to really watery. We have been to the vets several times and had an injection to slow his bowel down as well a 2 5 day courses of a pro-tex (a pro-biotic) to no avail. Last visit to vets they also said to put him on a rectricted diet for 3 days consisting of boiled rice and Hills ID but this still made no difference added to that when we weighed him he had only put on 1.5 Kg in 3 weeks (should have been more like 4.5Kg). The vet has now sent a sample off for analysis and we are waiting for the results. We have also now put him back on a normal diet (Advance Puppy Growth for Large Breeds) with the addition of chicken necks as they can help to harden stools, no point in a restricted diet if it doesn't make any difference - except a hungry dog Has anyone here has similar problems with a Weimaraner or indeed another breed and any magic tips to get his digestive system back to normal, otherwise he is fine eating properly running around etc. Thanks for any tips you can share.