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Everything posted by coobypup
Hi Labmummy , How's Harry going? Sorry I haven't posted for a while but I seem to get less chance to log on these days with Cooby around :D and the times I've had it's usually because I've put him outside as he's been 'misbehaving' so not really in a good mood to talk ;) Anyway, Cooby is coming along well and I say that now because we've had a good couple of days. Last weeks rain was horrid and he seemed to take 2 + steps backwards in his progress which was very frustrating so I can also relate to what MotherKing said. Issues still dealing with are the biting, jumping, digging holes and taking my washing off the line. It is getting better though since we started puppy school which is giving me helpful hints such as the aaahhh aaaah!! when he bites or jumps and the 'keep off my grass' for the digging (i'm hanging my washing horizontally instead of vertically although I'm sure there is a better more pratical way of stopping him from getting it...just haven't come across the topic at puppy school yet ). All going good with toilet training, commands (sit, stay, come, drop) but he did go through a period of just looking at me defiantly on commands...I'm sure he picked it up from the kids but thankfully a bit of food reward seems to have cured that..... It would be good to hear how Harry is going?
Wow!!! Five kids....I take back my feeling I've got my hands full Cooby has had 2 toilet accidents today and is getting nippier by the moment so I'm hoping we weren't in a honeymoon phase
Thanks and so is Harry! :rolleyes: Yes, I was also after a yellow one but got outvoted by family. We did go and view Cooby when he was 4 weeks old only because I think I spent too much time researching on the internet about breeders and wanted to reassure myself we were on the right track - which after seeing the older dogs and the litter, I knew it would be all good. Would also love to add more to the family but think I'll wait and see how we all go with Cooby (and if I'm still sane after a year as the main caretaker) How's Harry with the kids? We have a 4 and 6 year old and I'm finding Cooby a little bit nippy but using Mal's advice which seems to be working....
Would love to see some pictures of Cooby when you get your camera worked out. Hi labmummy, Finally got the camera sorted I think - here's a photo of Harry's brother, Cooby :rolleyes:
That's great going with his name! Might have to give it some more thoughts ourselves....my pics seem to large to attach so still figuring it out. Also, not sure if anyone can tell me but we have 10 flights of steps from our back deck to the yard which I carry Cooby up and down for his play/toilet etc. At what age is it safe for lab pups to go up/down stairs themselves without causing any injury on joints/hips etc????
Is there any bone in that chicken mince? That's not a very balanced diet to raise a youngster on. Being new to having a puppy I wasn't sure myself but guess can only follow what the breeder recommended? Cooby has Coprice Horse Pellets cereal morning and night with raw chicken mince for lunch (the whole carcass is minced). Apparently most commercial dog foods have by-meat products/slush in them whereas the Corprice Horse Pellets are based on rice and rice pollard and fortified with vitamins and minerals. The chicken mince is high in calcium and we also give raw chicken necks as a snack. He seems to be going well on it ..... and it's a huge cost saving compared to the commercial products around
I thought so! We bought a chocolate boy (his name is Cooby - pretty original hey but the kids wanted Scooby so we compromised Mal had originally sent me a photo of Harry instead of Cooby and when we signed the register on Saturday I saw that Harry was collected on the Friday. I found Mal pretty good if a little laid back I guess. Are you using the diet he provided (horse food and chicken mince)? We are and find Cooby is going well on it (he also loves raw carrot sticks). Cooby also travelled very well home (2 1/2 hour drive back to Brisbane) with no mess at all. We have Cooby sleeping on our back deck and he went great the first night (no sound at all and only one pee), howled the second night (so we put him in the corner of our bedroom) and since returning him to the back deck on the third night he hasn't whinged or done any toilet mishaps at all. So I'm thinking we might have been lucky and got a good pup althought I don't want to speak too soon About the only thing I have to be on top of is getting to his poo before he eats it...does Harry do this? I'll send through pics as soon as I figure out new camera....
Hi labmummy, We also picked up our new choc lab on Saturday and just wondering, did you get Harry from Coobyview?