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I had the same problem as you but a little worse. I hosed my dogs and unbeknown to me the nasty women next door stuck her head over the fence. Guess what she was accidentally hosed too. The fence is 6 feet high double panel how she managed to get her head over is still a unknown to me. But she did threaten to have me charged with assault - the police had a great laugh. I have used electric fence 2 feet out from the double panel fence - did not work. Barking collar - did not work. So I have had to keep my girls locked up while I am away and only let them out when someone is home. It is bad when you get a neighbour who allows their dogs to challenge other dogs up and down the fence without taking action or teaching them it is bad manners. We have had no end of trouble with our neighbours, attacking dogs, barking dogs and it goes on and on. we have put our house on the market but only a few lookers. So here is hoping it will sell eventually.
I boarded my two dogs sometime ago and when they came home the young one was quite frightened and I had no idea why. Talking to someone who helps out at this particular kennel I was told that the owner sought the dogs out with her giant schnauzer. I asked what she meant - to my surprise she said " all the dogs are allowed together in the large exercise area and she puts her giant schnauzer in to stand over any dog who is showing aggression and boy does he solve the problem , as he will grab and fight". Needless to say my dogs are never boarded again in this area. If they cannot come with me than I stay home.
Unregistered Breeder Using Registered Breeder's Dog At Stud
Astese replied to Leema's topic in Breeders Community
Yes you are entitled to have your say. But again white is not accepted for Registered, see the ANKC Standard, Code of Ethics and Rule and Regulations. -
Unregistered Breeder Using Registered Breeder's Dog At Stud
Astese replied to Leema's topic in Breeders Community
Sorry I did not check what it posted but I should have said what they did was make the owner produce a Vet Certificate stating that the b itch had been spayed.etc -
Unregistered Breeder Using Registered Breeder's Dog At Stud
Astese replied to Leema's topic in Breeders Community
As someone said earlier "they reported the breeding of a registered dog to a unregistered bitch and the CC did nothing" I am sure that the State Kennel Bodies do not go out and inspect/count the puppies of every litter born they rely on the honesty of the breeders etc. Healthy puppies that have the wrong coat colour/length etc should be given away (no papers as they were not registered with the rest of the litter). Deaf blind or deformed puppies should be TPS , which they are, and are not registered on the main or limited register. Why would you do that as it is a waist of money and time especialy when the puppies are going to bePTS. I have know some breeders that have registered a still born puppy so that they had a set of papers on hand. So we have to get real and understand that is type of thing have gone on and will continue so until the governing bodies get more realistic about breeding practices. Most of the governing bodies are about making money not the policing of wrong practices. Anyone know if any action has every been taking by their state governing bodies against the code of ethitics. I only know of one incident where someone was trialing a unregistered bitch and breeding from the same. It took some 2 yrs before the governing bodies did something about it. What did they do but make the owner produce a vet certificate stating the bitch had been spayed. Nothing against the owner or the false titles it had gain prior to being spayed. -
Unregistered Breeder Using Registered Breeder's Dog At Stud
Astese replied to Leema's topic in Breeders Community
They give them away to good homes - as pets. I have attached the ANKC breed description of GSDS. Please note the paras where they say white is no acceptable. HomeAbout ANKC LtdBreedsContact UsHall of FameHealth & WelfareJudgesNational EventsMediaMember NewsLinks Group 1 (Toys) Group 2 (Terriers) Group 3 (Gundogs) Group 4 (Hounds) Group 5 (Working Dogs) Group 6 (Utility) Group 7 (Non Sporting) ANKC Ltd Breed Standards Coordination Group ANKC Ltd Policy on Adopting Breed Standards ANKC Ltd Procedure to amend the Breed Standard of an Australian breed Print - ANKC Ltd Group Listing Allowable Colours for all Breeds Breed Standards - Last Amended Dates Keyword Breed name: Judge name: Date: Keyword: A breed standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament, and appearance of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function with soundness essential. Breeders and judges should at all times be mindful of features which could be detrimental in any way to the health, welfare or soundness of this breed. Last Updated: 18 Jan 2012 [Print A4 PDF of Breed Standard] [print page] [Click to view breed extension PDF] FCI Standard No 166 dated 23 March 1991 Translated by German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia Country of Origin: Germany Group: Group 5 (Working Dogs) History: According to the official records of the Verein fur Deutsche Schaferhunde (SV) (The German Shepherd Dog Club in Germany) with its headquarters in Augsburg, the standard was originally developed at the first meeting of members in Frankfurt am Main on 20th September 1899 based on the proposals of A Meyer and M von Stephanitz. The next step was to have the breed standard accepted by the VDH (German Kennel Club). Amendments were made to the standard during the 6th meeting of the association on the 28th July 1901, during the 23rd meeting in Cologne on the 17th September 1909, by the Board of Directors and Advisory Committee in Wiesbaden on the 5th September 1930, and at the Board of Directors and Breed Committee meeting on 25th March 1961. Within the framework of the World Union of German Shepherd Dog Clubs (WUSV), it was revised and confirmed at the WUSV meeting on 30th August 1976 and reviewed, catalogued by authorisation and resolution of the Executive and Advisory Committee on 23rd March 1991. Further amendments were made at the meeting of the federation on 25 May 1997, 31 May 2001/1 June 2011 and 6 & 7 June 2009. The German Shepherd Dog, whose planned breeding commenced in the year 1899 after the founding of the German Shepherd Dog Club in Germany, was bred from central German and southern German strains of existing herding dogs with a final goal of creating a working dog predisposed to a high working aptitude. In order to reach this goal the breed standard was laid down which relates to physical attributes as well as those of temperament and character. General Appearance: The German Shepherd Dog is medium size, slightly elongated, strong and well muscled, the bones are dry and the overall construction firm. The length of the body is greater than the height at the withers by about 10 to 17%. Characteristics: Purpose and Usage: Versatile Utility, Herding, Guard and Service Dog. Temperament: The German Shepherd Dog must be of well balanced temperament, steady of nerves, self assured, absolutely `at ease (except when provoked) and good natured as well as attentive and easy to train. He must possess instinctive drive, resilience and self confidence in order to be suitable as a companion, watch dog, protection, service and herding dog. Head And Skull: The head is wedge-shaped, proportionate in size to the body, (length of head about 40% of height of withers) without being coarse or too elongated, in overall appearance dry and moderately broad between the ears. The forehead is only slightly domed when viewed from front and the side and without any or only slightly indicated central furrow. The proportion of the skull to muzzle is 50% to 50%. The breadth of the skull corresponds approximately to its length. The skull (viewed from above) tapers evenly from the ears to the nose with a sloping, not sharply defined stop, into the wedge shaped foreface (muzzle). Upper and lower jaws are strongly developed. The top of the muzzle is straight, a dish faced or convex curve is not desired. The lips are tight, well fitted and of a dark colour. The nose must be black. Eyes: The eyes are of medium size, almond shaped, slightly oblique and not protruding. The colour of the eyes should be as dark as possible. Light piercing eyes are not desirable as they detract from the expression of the dog. Ears: The German Shepherd Dog has erect ears of medium size that are carried upright and almost parallel (not tilted inwards). They taper to a point and are set with the orifice to the front. Tipped ears and drop ears are faulty. Ears carried laid back, during gaiting or when at rest are not faulty. Mouth: The dentition must be strong, healthy and complete (42 teeth conforming to the dentition formula) the German Shepherd Dog has a scissor bite that is, the incisors must fit scissor-like to each other so that the incisors of the upper jaw overlap those of the lower jaw in a scissor fashion. Level, over or undershot bites are faulty, as well as large gaps between the teeth. It is a fault when the incisors are placed in a straight line in the gums. The jawbones must be strongly developed so that the teeth are embedded deeply in the gum line. Neck: The neck should be strong, and well muscled and free from throatiness (dewlap) the angle to the body (horizontal) is approximately 45 degrees. Forequarters: The forelegs are straight viewed from all sides, and when viewed from front must be absolutely parallel. The shoulder blade and upper arm are of equal length and firmly attached to the body with strong musculature. The angulation of the upper arm and shoulder blade ideally should be at 90 degrees but generally up to 110 degrees. The elbows must be neither turned in nor turned out while in stance or in movement. The forearms when viewed from all sides are straight and absolutely parallel, dry and firmly muscled. The pastern is approximately one third of the length of the forearm and has an angle of approximately 20 degrees to 22 degrees to the forearm. Both infirm (more than 22 degrees) as well as steep pasterns (less than 20 degrees) restrict the working ability of the dog and in particular its endurance. Body: The topline flows from the set on of the neck, over the high long withers and over the straight back to the slightly sloping croup without a noticeable break. The back is moderately long, firm, strong and well muscled. The loin is broad, short, strongly developed and well muscled. The croup should be long and slightly sloping (approximately 23 degrees to the horizontal) into the set on of the tail without disruption to the topline. The chest should be moderately broad; the underchest is as long as possible and well developed. The depth of chest should be approximately 45% to 48% of the height at the withers. The ribs should be moderately sprung, barrel-chested is equally faulty as slab sided. Hindquarters: The position of the hind legs is slightly set back, when viewed from rear the hind legs are parallel to each other. Upper and lower thighs are of almost equal length and form an angle of approximately 120 degrees, the thighs are strong and well muscled. The hock joints are well developed and firm, the rear pasterns stand perpendicular under the hock joint. Feet: The front feet are rounded, well closed and arched. The pads are hard but not inflexible. The nails are strong and dark in colour. The hind feet are closed slightly arched; the pads are hard and dark in colour. The nails are strong, arched and also dark in colour. Tail: The tail extends to at least the hock joint, however, not beyond the middle of the rear pastern. It has slightly longer hair on the underside and is carried in a gentle hanging curve when relaxed. It can be carried higher when excited or during movement but not above the horizontal. Corrective surgery is forbidden. Gait/Movement: The German Shepherd Dog is a trotter. The limbs must be of such length and angulation that the hindquarter may be thrust well forward under the body and the forequarter reaches equally far forward without noticeable change to the backline. Any tendency towards over-angulation of the hindquarter decreases the firmness and endurance and therefore the dog's utmost working ability. Correct structural proportions and angulations result in a ground covering, low to the ground movement that gives the impression of effortless forward propulsion. With the head pushed forward and a slightly raised tail, an even, balanced and smooth trot, results in a gently curving and unbroken topline, running from the tips of the ears and over the neck and back through to the end of the tail. Coat: The German Shepherd Dog is bred in the coat varieties: stock coat (normal) and long stock coat, both with undercoat. Stock Coat (normal): The top coat should be as dense as possible, straight, harsh and close lying. It should be short on the head, including the inside of the ears, the front of the legs, and on the feet and toes; it is a little longer and heavily coated on the neck. The hair lengthens on the back of the legs to the pasterns or hock joints; and on the back of the thighs it forms moderate breeching Long Stock Coat (Long Coat): The top coat should be long, soft and not close fitting, with fethering on the ears and legs, bushy breeches and bushy tail forming flags below. It should be short on the head including the inside of the ears, the front side of the legs, on the feet and toes, it is longer and heavily coated on the neck, almost forming a mane. The hair lengthens on the back of the legs to the pasterns or hock joints; and on the back of the thighs it forms distinct breeching. Colour: Black with reddish tan, black/tan, black/gold to light grey markings. All black, grey (commonly known as sables) with dark shadings; black saddle and mask. Unobtrusive small white markings on chest as well as very light colour on insides of legs permissible but not desirable. The nose must be black in all colour types. Lacking mask, light to piercing eyes, as well as light to whitish markings on chest and inner sides of the legs, light nails and red tip of tail are to be rated as lacking in pigment. The undercoat is of a light grey toning. The colour white is not permitted. Sizes: Dogs: Height at withers: 60-65 cm Weight: 30-40 kg Bitches: Height at withers: 55-60 cm Weight: 22-32 kg The length of body is greater than the height at withers by approximately 10-17%. Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. MAJOR FAULTS * Any deviations from the above described breed characteristics that impair the working ability of the dog. * Ear Faults: Laterally too low set ears, tipped ears, inward tilted ears, ears that are not firm. * Severe lack of pigmentation. * Severe lack in overall firmness. DENTITION FAULTS * All deviations from a scissor bite and the dentition formula as far as it does not concern disqualifying faults (see below) DISQUALIFYING FAULTS a) Weak character, aggression without provocation or nervousness. b) Dogs with proven severe Hip Dysplasia. c) Monorchids and cryptorchids, as well as dogs with clearly uneven or atrophied (stunted) testicles. d) Disfiguring ear or tail defects. e) Dogs with deformities. f) Dogs with missing teeth as follows:- 1 Pre-Molar 3, and one further tooth, or 1 Canine, or 1 Pre-Molar 4, or 1 Molar 1, or 1 Molar 2, or 3 or more teeth altogether. g) Dogs with jaw defects: - Overshot 2mm or more. Undershot. Level bite in whole of the incisor area. h) Dogs that are more than 1cm over or under size. i) Albinism. j) White coat colour (even with dark eyes and nails). k) Longcoat: Long, soft top coat without undercoat, usually with a parting down the middle of the back, flags on ears and legs and tail. Notes: Males must have two normally developed testicles fully descended in the scrotum. Last Updated: 18 Jan 2012 Copyright © 2012 Australian National Kennel Council Ltd -
Unregistered Breeder Using Registered Breeder's Dog At Stud
Astese replied to Leema's topic in Breeders Community
You cannot register a white GSD on a limited register!! But if you intend to Trial you can register it on an Associate Registger which is entirely different from the limited Register. Please check with the Germanshepherd League of Australia and they will verify if I am correct or not. A white coat cannot be registered at all. It wasthe same for Long coats which has now changed and long coats are now recognised. White is a fault check the standard. -
Unregistered Breeder Using Registered Breeder's Dog At Stud
Astese replied to Leema's topic in Breeders Community
No white is a fault and white coats have never been allowed to be registered. -
Unregistered Breeder Using Registered Breeder's Dog At Stud
Astese replied to Leema's topic in Breeders Community
It is happening all the time!!! Where do you think the socalled White German Shepherds came from????? -
I would like to enter the obedience for the national. I am not a member of the GSL anymore (let my membership go) where can I get a schedule please.
Has Anyone Had A Litter After A Puss Coloured Discharge
Astese replied to Fordogs's topic in Breeders Community
My girl had a similar discharge after being in season. The vet put her on antibiotics and two days later we had to rush her to another Vet (some 56 Klms away). He immediately put her on a drip and operated. She had a pyrometra, he said that the entire uterus was full of pus and there was no change of saving the uterus. Therefore, no breeding from our beautiful girl but we save her life. -
I hope to be a Nanna on the 17th - baby girl name Taylor if all goes well.
Yes the Rotty was from the same household and killed one of their two little white dogs ( the other was locked in the house) or it could have been two dead dogs). Yes we reported the Rotty Killing, their own dog ,to the Council and then asked what action if any they took and were it was none of our concern end of story. I am positive that the Rotty bitch I saw last week at the car Wash is the same animal. Same ,bitch, similar appearance, with long tail and same name. The Law states that if you rehouse, moved or destroy a dog that has been declared dangerous you must inform the Council so I have a feeling that they did not inform the Council and that the Council does not believe what we are saying. If it was the same dog well time will tell as it will surely kill again. and this time someone maybe hurt. Thank goodness we kept a video of dog carrying the body of the other dog around the yard dropping it and coming back and attacking the dead dog again and again. Before anyone asks we took the video so that these people could not deny the incident happened. The dogs name was Camilla and the dog it killed was Emily. Since then the people have another two dogs that are continually escaping, barking and are untrained. Some People Should Never B e Allowed to Own Dogs!!!!
In NSW cat are bound by the Companion Animals Act same as dogs. But it is harder to police. I know the law is the law but our Council seems to take sides depends on how much money you have. As I said in my earlier post it took four dog attacked before the Council did anything. The Council also did not prosecute them for swearing false affidavits (which is an offence) nor did they make the owners take appropriate percaustion as detailed in the Dangerous Dog Order. Dogs who are not taught manners and are aggressive are a reflection on the owners - the owners should be liable for more severe penalities (because the dogs suffers and in some cases are PTS) and what does the dog owner dog go out and buys another.
It depends on the Council concerned. We had a Rotty and two little white x poodle- come onto our land up our driveway (some 200 mtrs) and attack our two GSD in our garden . This happened three times. Each time the owners said their dogs were not home and had friends swear affidavits to say the same. The Council said we were making it all up and they would do nothing about it. The last time they attacked my husband handled the dogs I had a video camera and photographed the whole incident. I rang the Council and asked for a meeting with the head Ranger and CEO. Guess what I was told when I said that we were sick of these animals being allowed to wander free and attack other dogs. The CEO (who happened to be a friend of the dog owners and drank at their Pub,) to me that the dogs were no in town on that day and they had affidavits to verify that. I said is that true and received a reply yes. I than said that I have here in my hand a video of the incident - well the look of shock on the Council Officer's faces told it all. Unknown to me the dogs attacked another dog further down the road and that person had complained also. The Council was forced to take action four attacks later. Not the end of the story yet the owners defended the Court action but eventually the dog was declared dangerous. The Council did not insist on the owners taking action as stated in the Dangerous Dog Act - that is having the dog contained in a escape proof yard, muzzel etc etc. We were home and we heard their little dog screaming (they we down at the Pub) I insisted that my husband had a look as I thought the dog had its head caught in a fence or something and needed help. Sure the dog had it head caught the Rotty had killed it and was dragging the body around the yard. We rang the owners and told them what had just happened and they came home and the next thing we see is the Rotty being driven off in their vehicle.(This was two years ago) Sunday I was at the car wash and I noticed a Rotty tied up in the back of a car (I thought it looked like the one that attacked own animals). I asked the owner the name of the dog and guess what it was the same name as the attacking dog!!!! It appears that the dog was not putdown but given away to someone else (which is an offence). So it appears that the Council did not know about the killing and the dog was allowed to live to kill another day. Sorry about any spelling or grammer mistakes aswriting this has made me cranky again.
Come on GSD lovers about time you started posting (in a happy positive way - no negativity ) . I would love to hear about GSD's achievements in the last few months and if there are anyone has obtained their herding titiles this year.
Just arrived home from Grafton - What a weekend the Grafton Dog Obedience Club ran an Obedience/Rally O workshop with Jan Keilly and Judy Rogers. There were quite a few GSDs in attendance. It was the most informative workshop on dog behaviour and training. So if you GSD owners can attend a workshop with these two ladies do so you wont regret it. The Grafton Club catered for the group over four days and the food was out of this world. Congratulations well done Grafton Dog Obedience Club.
I agree with your comments about freedom of speech etc . as we have seen with the Wiiki Leaks saga, internet discussions are being monitored by ASIO/Federal Police and maybe this thread might be on their list of targets to be monitored Ha Ha. Please everyone (including Angelsun) keep the thread positive as GSD's are a wonderful breed and to be involved with them is so rewarding. If you want to see GSD's movement/ action just look at them working in Germany in the Hug Ha competitions . .They still today work with shepherds controlling stock in unfenced areas. These GSD's trot all day around a herd of up to 300 sheep to keep them in a confined area and at the end of the day they then herd the flock home arcoss roads, bridges and busy motorways. Off springs of these dogs are here in Australia and many compete in Speciality Shows, working trials and are just plain pets. So get of the GSD's backs.
That is what she had in her Kennel Blurb. Her words not mine that is why I thought this interesting. Send a dog overseas, with a so called pedigree, have it registered in another country that recognises the so called breed. Breed with it for four generations and have the offprings imported back as something else. How
I have just spent 5 minutes reading an advertisement, Blurb, from a breeder of a non-recognised breed of dog here in Australia . The Kennel Advertisement intrigued me to no end so I kept reading and half way through the two page blurb about genetic pooling/pedigrees/frozen semen etc it mentioned using not one but two different recognised breeds to improve the bloodlines (against the ANKC Code of Ethics for a start). Exporting these dogs overseas having them registered and eventually importing their offsprings back into Australia under a new breed name. Confused how it works well I am!!!!!!! Surely the ANKC is not totally stupid to recognise this as a Con Job.
a pause or stop is not allowed anymore. The dog must indicate the article by either a sit/down or long stand.
We breed Bull Terriers for some 31 years and only once did we try the half brother half sister mating. We had a very good bitch which was mated to a very very very good dog both by the same sire as her but from different dams. The litter produced six puppies two out of the six were exceptional the others were homed as pets. The two puppies went on the win specicality shows and BIS All Breeds. We knew the lines and did not double up on faults you can take the risk only if you know your lines throughly and know to expect from that line of dogs etc. The dog and bitch later produced good speciments of the breed and are now behind many show winning stock. It comes down to knowing your lines, taking a risk and being prepared for dissapointment.
Did you check to see if the puppy had a cleft pallette. Things like this happen when breeding dogs. If you stay in the game long enough you will see lots of problems. So dont become disheartened it happens to everyone if the breed dog long enough. Good luck with the other babies.
Two siamese cats on the bed and GSDs on the bed on the floor next to the bed. One of the dogs tried to worm her way onto the bed but that was not on as the cats were the first in the household and that was their place.
Yes most breeders of purebred dogs are abiding by this so called new code. But how will it effect those people who are breeding designer breed and are members of Dogs NSW. How will they police these breeders who are not abiding by the Code.