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  1. Just be grateful she doesn't do it to food. We have one charmer here who likes to pee in the bowl when he's finished. Nothing like washing up bowls full of pee first thing in the morning
  2. Probably worth mentioning that the collar should be put on the dog without the battery in for a few hours initially (and this done every few days) so that the dog does not associate the collar with pain when barking. Otherwise they will learn not to bark but only when the collar is actually on. ETA Oops, didn't see this: ;)
  3. I bought one bag of Uncle Albers and would never buy it again. Our dogs wouldn't eat it until they were starving hungry and even then they only picked at it. The ingredients list did sound promising: (Listed in order of quantity) Meat Fish Animal fat Cereal But when you actually look at the stuff, the quality seems pretty poor. ;)
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