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Everything posted by Bjelkier

  1. Oh I have to agree with this, the guy is fantastic and so nice. But don't be too late your call
  2. Apollo Armand Benny Brock Brockie Charlie Cooper Gandor Hudson Jack Juggie Kasper Lestat Milosh Mistral Raffy Shadow Tazz Zephyr Mine have been added, some are dogs of the past
  3. It's so hard to take a decent photo of Lestat, every time I get the camera out he puts on this sooky face and slinks away. Day 20
  4. Shell, I love your photos, the dog is brilliant. Poocow, Morgan is so happy with her toy, very cute Krislin, I love you cockatoo's Here is mine, very busy day and I didn't get much of a chance to do anything. Day 19
  5. BandC, I love the photo of your boys, its lovely! Day 18
  6. Abbey Alika Amber Amy Anais Anastacia (Annie) Angel X2 Anishinaabe April Arizona Asante sana Ashka Askari Astro Audrey Aura Ayla Baba Baci Becky Bella x2 Bit Blossom Bonny Bree Bridie Buffy Cassie Chelsea Chloe CJ Claudia Clover Coco x2 Dexta Ebony Echo Elizabeth Ella Ellie Ellie Erin Fanta Finta Glitter Gypsy x2 Harlow Hayley x2 Heidi Holly Honey Jay Jay Jezebel Jodie Kara Kenzie Krissy Layla Lea (lele) Logan Lottie Lucy x2 Lucy Mable Millie x2 Molly Molly Coddle Mya Nala Narla Natasha Ness Peggie Popcorn Rommi Rosey Roxy Ruby Sabrina Shae Shandy Sheba Shine Skye Spook Stella Stimpy Storm Sue Tara Tayla Tess Tilly TIlly Tinny (tin tin) Tori Vada Voodoo Winter Ziva Zoe Emily Durham Grace Heddy Amelia Tia Delta Claire Honour Kayla Griffin Teegan Alchemy Satu Merrique Meg Sinta Marie Claudette
  7. Poocow, great show shots. JS, the blue crab is awsome! Bellatrix, looks like it was a beautiful wedding, nice photos. Day 17. I found this little spider had made a very cosy little home in a thistle.
  8. When I got my first Samoyed Mistral we had narrowed it down to either a Sammie or a Keeshond. Both breeds require a good amount of grooming so that wasn't an issue for us and the Kees is only a little smaller then a female Sammie, size was never an issue anyway. What it came down to for me was the barking! I had met a few Kees and a few Sammies at that point and although not every Kees I have known is a problem barker it is something that could crop up and the pitch of the bark I almost felt my ears were going to burst. I didn't think I could provide the training that was required to have a quiet dog so I went with the Sammie.
  9. Its a bit late thanks to a Storm that knocked my internet out. On the up side I got a nice pic thanks to the rain. Day 16
  10. Oh that poor woman! I hope she thinks a little more about what she wears next time. FAIL!
  11. Um ok...interesting theory there but yes it does insulate the body, working on your theory my Samoyeds, if meant to drop their entire coat to keep them cool, would drop the outer coat as well as the thick winter layer which they don't. I have met a number of shaved Arctic breeds and I can tell you that they certainly did suffer when shaved. Oh and quick EDT with Samoyeds the coat blow is not always seasonal, I know of a number of dogs that, in the middle of summer have their full coat. So saying they lose it to keep cool is not always true.
  12. My guess is Dane X Boxer, although at second glance I might be more inclined to say Bullmastiff Sweet looking boofa
  13. Nawwwww how cute. I love Newfie pups. My MIL has Newfies and her last girl Tessa (RIP sweet girl) was a Planhaven dog too.
  14. Labrador and two Samoyeds. The house yard is about 1 acre, maybe 2 but they have 38 more acres that they run and play in for their walks.
  15. It does happen with puppies sometimes, my boy did this but then grew out of it. EDT, I read the origional question wrong
  16. Oh that poor little baby! Hope he is feeling much better soon, those are some sexy scars Snot
  17. BEEB, you Spider is brilliant, i love the little flowers. TLC, your last photo is beautiful
  18. JS I love your flowers, they are beautiful. Poocow, poor Morgan she does not look happy. Great photo Good luck at the shows
  19. My three will play with anything happily regardless of size or breed but I have noticed Lestat really enjoys the company of other Labs and Sibes (no idea what that last one is about) And Mistral and Alchemy will make a bee line for any arctic breed they come across but its even more special when its another Samoyed. They play very differently together then with Lestat. They talk to each other more and go all out, itsd very cute.
  20. Thankyou I'm just using a Panasonic DMC-TZ11 Lumix, nothing special. JS, I love your photo its brilliant Shell, great shot, I love the book. Here is mine for today. Day 12 Stairs
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