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Everything posted by Bjelkier

  1. I echo Kavik's advice - don't clip him Even if you had an 'arctic' breed you wouldn't clip them as their coat is insulation from heat and cold. Just follow common sense: don't walk them in the heat of the day, provide shade and fresh water. Exactly, with correct management shaving is never required.
  2. No, you don't need to shave your Lab, he will be fine, just like mine is.
  3. I would not recommend dachshounds. We had them as kids and ours were total Princesses! Smart, cunning and absolutely determined to get what they wanted. I adore the breed but IMHO dachshounds are more suited to adult home. Ah...I didn't recommend a dachshund?? I never would, we had one when I was young, they're intense dogs.
  4. Th OP has asked for breeds that are low grooming and quiet. Most Spitz breeds are neither of these things, so why are people suggesting them as an option? I wouldn't suggest a kees, sammy or a lappie for this situation at all! I would suggest one of the smaller gundogs as an alternative to a spitz
  5. So am I reading this right? The parents sold the sons cat without his knowledge and he's not happy about it and on top of this they're only giving him 20,000 of the 140,00 that they actually got for said feline? Top notch parenting......
  6. My Labrador grew up in an apartment until he was about 7 months old. We had a balcony but that was all so it took a lot of time and dedication to make it work but we managed it fairly well. A good friend of mine in Finland has three Samoyeds that live in a small one bedroom flat with a tiny (and I really mean tiny, like most peoples balcony's would be bigger kind of tiny) garden and they are absolutely fine. She walks them three to four times a day, as well as a big off lead run every week at the dog park, so her social life is totally worked around the dogs but they're very happy, calm, lovely dogs and she's happy as well. It takes a lot of work and dedication and yes, having a backyard is SO much easier (realised how much I took my yard for granted after getting back to Australia lol) but it can be done and your dog can be just as happy as a dog with a yard.
  7. There were Collie Rough at the show on Friday, whether or not she's still entered on Monday I'm not sure but it's worth heading over to have a look. There are almost always Roughs entered at shows in the area so it's worth having a look at what is going on around ACT and come along to one.
  8. Sounds like normal behaviour to me. I know many dogs who do such things.
  9. That's pretty gorgeous. My big boy Beowulf (aka The King) has his security toy as well. It's just adorable, he's such a big, regal dog and then he reverts to puppy hood :laugh:
  10. Can't say I've ever had that problem but if a magpie swooped mine I can't be sure it would be leaving, my dogs have been known to catch birds mid flight. Perhaps if you carry an open umbrella over you both on walks and keep the dog on a shorter leash? Might help...
  11. They're a cute little breed, I saw quite a few lovely ones overseas.
  12. I yave 5 samoyeds 1 lab and a havanese, they all get along fantastically. I am, however very careful with the Havanese and he's never left alone with the Samoyeds as they are much bigger than him (despite what he thinks) and accidents can happen to the best of us.
  13. I think it really boils down to what you and your pack are capable and happy living with. I currently have 7 dogs, all but one are long coated and entire and this number is totally fine for me. Every one gets along, no one is ever left alone, they all adore one another and I'm happy. I have to keep on top of the males when the girls are in season but that is easy enough. On the other hand I've previously had a pack of 3 (totally different dogs, all desexed and mixed breeds) and it was the most stressful time I've ever had with dogs. We had fights all the time and it was all because of one bitch that had serious issues with the two males. Eventually she had to be kept away from them all the time as she was causing damage. So really any number can be good or bad depending on you and your current dogs.
  14. The CC one posted is good but I've never found any slicker brush up to the task of removing undercoat from the Samoyeds when they moult. The only thing that is up to the task is a good comb
  15. I have 7. 5 Sammys 1 Lab and 1 Havanese. It's easy enough, they all get along well.
  16. I have three entire males and three entire females, all inside, one of the males has been used at stud and none of the boys mark. If anyone is going to mark anything it's far more likely to be one of the bitches.
  17. Usually I allow the dogs to take actions they see fit when dealing with one another, especially puppies being disciplined. However my two males tend to get a bit testy with each other, especially when the girls are in season and I've learnt that a growl and a bit of posturing between them can start a serious argument pretty quickly, however if I step in with a quick growled word of my own before that happens tempers are lowered and they go back to being pleasant with one another.
  18. They are one of the most fascinating types of dog IMO and I love reading about the histories.
  19. OT question; As Aboriginal / native Samoyed dogs were many colours, were the white dogs a strain of this hence the name? Yes. Different tribes and geographical areas had different coloured dogs. The dogs from the White and Kara Sea areas were always white/cream or biscuit shades. Basically the parti colours from the southern regions were mostly reindeer herders whereas the white from the north were hunters and sledge dogs as well as herders. The british favoured the lighter coloured dogs so focused on those with their breeding programs however to this day we still get the odd parti colour pop up in a pedigree litter. Just recently there was a pedigree bitch in Norway born with a full black tail.
  20. Why are you still going on about that discussion? That's not really friendly, Alexsandr. You sound like you are trying to put Yonjuro down. On a forum, people are allowed to have different thoughts. I have replied to dotdashdot with my opinion about Laika dogs. I think I can because I know this type of dog. I raised them and I use to hunt with them. Besides I would never bring one to Australia it will be just simply cruel to the dog which is developed to love the snow 9 months a year and not feeling comfortable on +25C heat. Nobody trying to put anybody down. Apologize if it sounds like. In fact I have a great respect to Yonjuro He've got a russian missus and i've got one too! I believe we both know how tough live can be! :)<br style="font-size: 9pt;"> As someone who breeds Samoyeds I don't believe that to be the case at all. The samoyeds in Australia cope extremely well with our hot climate and I don't believe they suffer in the slightest with proper care. Also not all spitz type dogs in russia were only known as Laika. Samoyeds were known as Bjelkier, white dog that breeds white Bjelkier(lat)-Белка(rus)-Squirrel(eng) . Nothing about white in Bjelkier :)They are great wild Squirrel hunters. :) Also they can do well/happy in Tasmania or in areas of AU such as Blue mountains(NSW). Western Australia is just not their cup of tea! :) Excuse me but do not tell me where my breed do well and what they were used for. There are many good dogs in QLD and WA who cope just fine thank you very much. Also Samoyeds were used for far more then squirrel hunting, their main use was as a reindeer herder and seal hunter. The Samoyede people call their dogs "bjelkier" (byel-kee-er) which translates to "white (dog) that breeds white." In Russian, the dogs are called "voinaika" which means lead or direction dog. The Samoyedes incorporated their dogs into every aspect of their daily lives and trained and depended on them year round for hunting, herding, guarding, and as sledge (sled-pulling) dogs. Their dogs were considered part of their family. They included them in meals and even brought them in to sleep (especially with the children) for warmth on cold Arctic nights. The Samoyede so trusted their dogs that they would leave them to guard their children and posessions (including their valuable reindeer) while they were out hunting. I've been in this breed for quite awhile now and I'm fairly sure I know them pretty well at this stage.
  21. Why are you still going on about that discussion? That's not really friendly, Alexsandr. You sound like you are trying to put Yonjuro down. On a forum, people are allowed to have different thoughts. I have replied to dotdashdot with my opinion about Laika dogs. I think I can because I know this type of dog. I raised them and I use to hunt with them. Besides I would never bring one to Australia it will be just simply cruel to the dog which is developed to love the snow 9 months a year and not feeling comfortable on +25C heat. Nobody trying to put anybody down. Apologize if it sounds like. In fact I have a great respect to Yonjuro He've got a russian missus and i've got one too! I believe we both know how tough live can be! :)<br style="font-size: 9pt;"> As someone who breeds Samoyeds I don't believe that to be the case at all. The samoyeds in Australia cope extremely well with our hot climate and I don't believe they suffer in the slightest with proper care Also not all spitz type dogs in russia were only known as Laika. Samoyeds were known as Bjelkier, white dog that breeds white
  22. My friend owns one and he's a lot more intense than the Shibas I know. Beautiful dogs
  23. The little bit I've read on these dogs suggests they have a rather serious temperament! Karelians do need an experienced hand, yes. The ones I all met were very well adjusted and friendly dogs.
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