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Everything posted by Bjelkier

  1. Yes. Just be aware, you will need to send the sample to Dr Jean Dodds in the USA to test for hypothyroidism at this level. It cannot be done here and any result returned will probably show "normal" (otherwise you would be seeing the better known symptoms of hypothyroidism already). What's more, the results needs to be interpreted specifically for breed. There are other possible medical reasons for this sort of behaviour. Like what?
  2. Hmmm that sounds very much like what he has been doing. Might be making a trip to the vet soon, thanks PF. Our of idle curiosity does anyone know if Hypothyroidism is genetic?
  3. This worries me too, I will watch him carefully. Its so strange that he is doing this, he has never been a fearful dog and nothing has happened to him recently. He already knows to target so I will get him doing that. Thanks everyone I will try some of the suggestions and see how he goes.
  4. I have started coaxing him in with food which is slowly working but as soon as I say he can go he bolts out of there. Poor thing is shaking the whole time. I am a little worried that doing this might reward the fearful behaviour though, not sure about that one. I just don't understand what may have happened ;)
  5. Mistral my two year old entire male Samoyed did the strangest thing last night. He was in the kitchen eating his dinner when suddenly he bolted out and came to the door so frightened he actually peed on the floor! Now he is totally terrified of the kitchen! We were sitting just outside and herd nothing that could have scared him in such a way, he has been in there alone hundreds of times and this has never happened before. My question now is what to do with him? He wont go in there at all, he is very nervous in the rest of the house and every little noise is freaking him out. I am stumped about how to get him in the kitchen again. I have tried coaxing him in with me slowly but he gets to the door and bolts. I am open to any ideas.
  6. I wouldn't say it was any harder to purchase an Elkie show potential puppy than other breeds. You might have to wait a little while but you will get one. Awsome. Well at this point time is all I have so waiting isnt an issue. Thanks again
  7. I should have worded that first question a little better now I realise, I think I came across the wrong way I understand that it happens in most breeds, I have just found that in the slightly less common breeds it can be a bit harder. Thanks Norskgra.
  8. Greetings Elki people A quick, somewhat generalised question I know but..... There are a few breeds out there that are very hard to get a show quality pup from without having to jump threw hoops of fire... Does the Elkie tend to be like this too? And how much would I be looking at roughly for a show potential puppy? Thanks
  9. Dogs Marie Claudette (SWF) - lesser known character from the Anne Rice Witches Series Lestat - (Lab) main character of Anne Rices Vampire Series Merrique - (X Breed) Anne Rice Vampire Armand - (APBT) Anne Rice Vampire Mistral - (Samoyed) Laurell K Hamilton Fae Warrior Character Satu - (Malamute) just a name my OH liked, its Finnish, means fairytale Alchemy - (Samoyed) another name we just liked, also a character in a story I wrote myself Cats Salem - black cat, sort of works itself out really Charlemagne - I was doing a report on the french King, the name stuck Seti - Egpytian King Lucrecia, aka Lulu - just a name we liked, also a character in a story I wrote Nightwish - favourite band Vladimir - The origional count Dracula! Ahti - finnish god/magician Rats Rasmus Rammstein - both bands we like The next names we want for girl Samoyeds are Delain Chimera - both bands And for the dog my OH wants to get and show Vikingr or Raider
  10. I have been a bit sick lately so most of the photos are very lazy Measure Lemon (lemonade) I have heel, stamp and upside down all on my camera and I really need to get around to taking them off.
  11. Yes, I've been to different types of training. With (1) RSPCA that ONLY uses positive reinforcement and allowing no contact or playtime between dogs, (2) socialisation classes run by Lort Smith that allow our dogs to play freely followed by some basic training using praise and treats as rewards, and (3) local obedience school that is similar to the socialisation classes, but a bit more formal and only using praise as reward. So I've tried each different method learnt from the various classes. (1) using food to lure, constant feeding, ignore bad behaviour/pulling and just stop in my tracks; (2) stop when she pulls or change directions when she gets too far ahead; (3) stop walking when she pulls, but also be firm and quick tug of leash to get her to return to my side. At the moment I'm more doing the stopping when leash is tight, and continue walking when she turns back to me (only her head will turn back, but I think it's good enough), also giving treats (relatively high frequency) when the leash is slack. All the methods I've tried have some, but limited success, and everything just goes down the drain as soon as she sees people, dogs, bikes, and basically anything else that moves. It seems she gets angry at me for not letting her chase after those things, and will react by doing zoomies in between jumping at me, growling and trying to bite. As for at home she always talks back to us, so we have tried using the command quiet, tried making loud noise (only tried this a couple of times), or ignoring, yet she still barks at us everyday. I've tried to do lots of research on the internet, including on this forum, and reading training books, but there are just too many methods (some of them completely conflicting) and I'm probably not using the right one/doing it correctly for Buffy. So I think professional help is in order. Sorry this made me laugh a little bit. You have a Samoyed, barking and talking to you is what they do! Having said that I see a difference between barking/talking and being a pain in the backside, ie: barking constantly, all day every day. It is very possible to train out the nusiance barking but I'm not sure about the chatting As for training, everyone has their oppinion of what works. I found that totally positive training didn't work with my Sammies at all. The idea of getting a good trainer in is a good one, they will be able to watch you and really be able to set you on the right path. On and I have replied to your PM
  12. LostyJai and Keroppiyo you both have Spitz breeds which means intelligence but a will of their own. Which methods have either of you used to train your dogs to walk correctly so far? What other basic training have you do with your dogs? I also reccomend seeing a professional too.
  13. Lestat - anything he can brutally murder, ie rip the stuff out of. Rabies the Raccoon and Elka Moose survived the longest... Mistral - tugg toys, he's nutty for the game Alchemy - balls, dosn't matter what kind, she just loves balls!
  14. Lestat the Lab hates the ocean but loves dams and rivers (he seems to hate the salt water ), he was never taught to swim so much as just jumped in one day. The Samoyeds both love water, they don't really swim, I think their coats get too heavy but they love splashing around
  15. I like your earth photo Pointees Todays word High. The grass has gotten so long I actually need to mow! Havnt had to do that for months!
  16. It's the Maremmes their selling that scares me the most, that is a whole lot of dog and not something a novice pet owner can just throw in the backyard and expect to be ok. I have been on the sharp end of that breed way too many times because silly owners see a cute fluffy white puppy in a store and don't expect such a big, strong dog in the end EDT spelling
  17. I have had people do that when we had out APBT and Lab and it really peeved me off. I stormed off (no hugs for that person from either dog!) once with the boys after a nasty comment about Armand. Armand was beautiful, very very friendly and willing to give anyone a cuddle, not to mention he was always well behaved. Lestat the Lab is the one to watch, he guards (totally not a normal Lab) and can be a bit toey around certain people.
  18. Lovely photos everyone. Shell I said it before but I love that photo of you and Zero, its really beautiful. Yesterdays Crush, this is my OH and Bella (she is my girl Allies, sister whom we are looking after at the moment). Ever since Bella has been here she has had a mad crush on my OH, she follows him everywhere, gives him all her attention, she is even allowed to sleep in the bed with him :rolleyes: Its just so cute. And todays... Taste, the last bit of wild berry cheesecake
  19. I rarely use the dogs name unless I require attention, usually at the begining of a session and maybe at the end with lots of praise. Saying the name all the time like that would annoy the life out of me
  20. I don't even have an AC so no they don't get one, ever. I have left the fan of a few times but that was for us too.
  21. Ours have been ok, the Octopus had a bit of a tear but since I gave him brain surgery he has been ok. The ring and bone (? I don't know what it actually is, its long and bone shaped) have lasted ages and not a tear to be seen
  22. I did one of my own words today, Wild. This is from the flood waters we have since the huge amount of rain we got in the last few days.
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