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Everything posted by Bjelkier

  1. I would love to give brace a go, looks awesome! Aquaticmalamute had photos ages ago on here of her Mal's doing it, very cool
  2. Oooh yeah bit of a dates fail there... :D Hope you have fun in QLD BMP
  3. Who else will be coming along? I'll be getting my boy out for his first show in months! I'm not looking forward to this :D
  4. My thoughts exactly. Experience doesn't aquaint with knowledge either. I think provided a novice dog owner researches a breed, takes time to learn about what is required to keep it and is prepared to put effort in, then any breed might be suitable. I can think of people who've owned several dogs that I wouldn't recommend as dog owners for any breed. My thoughts exactly
  5. Your JS will only be young still when you go away right? (sorry correct me if I'm worng, I have an aweful memory) If we are talking about a young puppy then back to the breeders, there is no way I would be leaving it at the vets for that amount of time.
  6. Are you a convert to the Hound Group, Bjelkier? Very good taste Not really a convert so much as a long time admirer, three of my favourite breeds are in there, Afghan, Borzoi and Elkie by the way I have some photos for you. I'll send you a PM about it Oh yes, I think Bond and Pandora will make the finest of elkiebubs ;) by then you will be a profesional elkie hander Yeah I should certainly have picked up some knowledge of the breed by then.
  7. All the time, can't get rid of him I joke, we are friends and show together sometimes so we keep in contact pretty often. I think it's nice and really hope I can have a similar relationship with some of my own puppy buyers one day
  8. I'm so happy she's finally here! She's going to grow up beautifully and give me a stunning pup isn't she
  9. RIP little one. You made me think of my two little canary's who passed away years ago. Wonderful creatures
  10. Ah no my dogs arn't practise babies they are my beloved dogs. I never want to have kids so I'm not practisng for anything.
  11. My SPitz live with a Lab and no hassles at all. Mistral is actually madly in love with Bulldogs, no idea why, he just can't stay away from them
  12. Essentially I put the non-working dog in a drop or sit. Every time the working dog gets rewarded, the dog lying down gets a reward one-for-one. Soon enough they realise that lying down watching is pretty rewarding. Then I move to treating the non-working dog every 2nd treat, every 3rd, etc. Ahsoka has been doing this for almost 2 years and she just chills out (she doesn't get rewarded anymore - except for her crumb collecting haha). I do this too, works a treat once they understand what we are doing. But as Nik also mentioned if its formal training I remove the other dogs from the room or go outside with the dog I'm working with.
  13. My Samoyeds and Lab all get along just fine, never had an issue. I'm a little wary about adding the Bullmastiff into the mix when we get one but we will just have to make it work the best we can.
  14. If it was just myself that say dropped dead my OH would keep them without any issues. If we both went the Samoyeds go back to their breeder and my Lab goes to my brother
  15. Take him to the vet and get him checked out, this isn't normal. It could be an allergy, stress or bordem or maybe some kind of pain (I say pain becuase I knew two Samoyeds who would chew their front legs if something hurt)
  16. I'm sorry kelpiegirl10, I mean no disrespect but I do not agree with that statement. There are many situations where I do not believe that animals deserve a second chance, it may or not be the dogs fault that their first chance at life was bad but there are certainly situations that do not warrant second chances. No matter how much we want to help animals, or how much we love them rehabilitation for some issues just doesn't work unless you are highly experienced or knowledgable. While I believe that condemning a dog to be PTS with what has been written seems harsh (and may be premature) we are talking about a fear reactive, young working dog that the breeder of the dog has even wiped their own hands of. Is it the dogs fault - no, can the dog be rehabilitated - possibly in the right home/situation. The horrid reality is that the right home for this dog would be very difficult to find and the one that suffers in the meantime is the animal. living a life based in a fearful state is not something that I would be comfortable with, there comes a time where quality of life is more important than life itself. I love my animals, they are my world and most of them are rescues but I have to consider what is best for them, not for me when I make important decisions and if I have to make a difficult one then I have to live with it. +1
  17. Seperate kennel runs while I am out and a divided house when we are home. Im very lucky in that my dogs arnt sex maniacs and dont go crazy to get to each other.
  18. I use them on my dogs without issue
  19. I will be there with the fluffy ones
  20. I fail to see the issue here. He is basically saying it could have been anything and to stop pointing the finger at APBT, what's the problem?
  21. Mine love camping. Crates, tethers and lots of towels! All very important
  22. OMG BMP they are so cute I was taking Allie to shows before she was old enough for the ring, I figured it would be good for her to get use to the sounds and smells. Cant remember exactly how old she was but she had had all her shots.... Plenty of people bring their puppies out with them ;)
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