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Everything posted by Bjelkier

  1. Usually we do. But on the odd occasion we go somewhere like Sydney or Melbourne for a gig and a few days off we don't. They would be stuck in crates from most of the time, I would much rather send them to a friends place so they can have a bit of fun too.
  2. My boy Simba (Samoyed) has red stains on both sides of his muzzle that I think may be caused by him licking the area. However I don't see him do this very often so I'm unsure as to what is causing it. washing the area in whitening shampoo and combing the area have helped reduce the severity of it but I would like to get rid of it completely. Any ideas would be appreciated XXToughgirlXX My boy got staining around the mouth when he had the tear stains. Whats Simba eating? It was the high wheat content that set my boy off.
  3. 24.1.11 - The Hunter (Nightwish, one of our four cats)
  4. 20.1.11 - Bush Sunset 21.1.11 - Storm Chaser 22.1.11 - Forgotten
  5. DA, the cat and bird is very cool! 20.1.11 - Bush Sunset 21.1.11 - Storm Chaser 22.1.11 - Forgotten
  6. Huga, great self portrait I'll be trying one of those out soonish, I'm a little scared 20.1.11 - Purple Sunshine
  7. So many good photos! CC - Love your spider and her babies Fattima - brilliant action shot LL - I really like the colours in yours 20.1.11 - Purple Sunshine
  8. Well done Parrotpea and Ruby Well the bitch I was waiting on had her litter. 8 boys :thumbsup: What are the odds of that! After a quick breeding plan rethink we will be getting a little man instead. I have to think up a whole new show and pet name now, and the one I had for a girl was so good Ah well, it will give me something to think about. 8 boys though! I just cant get over it, I really cant
  9. Huga - your little boy is just the cutest little man! 19.1.11 - Lil Miss Sunshine
  10. Kirislin - I really like it. Dark and a little gothic, very cool 19.1.11 - Lil Miss Sunshine ( swear Alchemy is made of sunshine, lolliepops and rainbow )
  11. One of my Samoyeds gets terrible tear stains when eating certain foods. We switched foods and he's much better now. I agree with the others, look at the dogs diet.
  12. 17.1.11 - The Morning Feed 18.1.11 - The Mystery Flower
  13. There are so many fantastic photos, I would comment on them but I really need to go to bed But everyone is doign an amazing job! 17.1.11 - The Morning Feed 18.1.11 - The Mystery Flower
  14. The only thing I have ever noticed was with Alchemy and her best doggie friend Grunt the Bullmastiff. The girls are the same age (only a few days between birthdays) and have grown up together. Whenever they meet they copy what the other is doing, both almost grind themselves into the dirt trying to get lower and lower (it ends up much like that photo) but when both girls meet other dogs they act differently.
  15. It's hard enough renting in my area with one dog and I have three and four cats. We have always struggled with rentals and we have great references
  16. Thanks guys, he's such a beautiful little subject but not an easy one to photograph, he either hides from the camera or turns around and gives me his butt
  17. Very nice Luvlottie and the snake is just beautiful.
  18. Helen, that is a really nice photo, I love it. 15.1.11 - Summer Sweetness
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