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Everything posted by Bjelkier

  1. Mistral has allergies too and did fantastically on the Nutro Lamb.
  2. Agree. You would not want the temperment of my Samoyeds in something like a guarding breed. That would totally ruin the purpose of the breed. I think that really comes down to the person who is buying the dog. What makes a wonderful pet to some dosnt for others
  3. I agree with getting an agent. We had enough issues importinf our boy even with an agent, I would hate to think what would have happened without one!
  4. I have gotten to the point that about 99% of my friends are dog people. I found it too hard to have people over at my house bitching at me about the dog hair, telling me I was being stupid to want to go home early instead of staying out all night after all 'they are only dogs', getting annoyed with me when I said I had a show on that weekend, having a go at me because I have 4 dogs and apparently that's weird and yet they have the same amount of children and I can't complain about that??? ect I understand that not everyone loves dogs but I will not hang around someone who constantly gives me grief about my dogs and dog activites. Love me, love my dog.
  5. If you are willing to train and groom at least once a week a Samoyed could be lovely for your situation. Otherwise an Aussie, Lab or Golden Retriever could also suit
  6. My first guess is a bitch is season. I have a friend who's Bullmastiffs sing the entire time her girls are in season. It's a good thing she lives so far from other people! :D
  7. Whitening Shampoo's I've used have been Ruddocks Snow White Plumb White Plush Puppy Whitening Fido's White and Bright The best has been Plush Puppy but I find it dried the Sammies coats out very badly. I've been looking at the Isle of Dog Whitening one next, a lot of Sammie people I know use it and swear by it.
  8. I only just noticed this thread! Dante has been with us for a few weeks now, he's 11 weeks tomorrow. So far he has been the worlds easiest puppy, I'm starting to wonder if he's trying to lull me into a false sense of security and will hit us with months of pent up puppy evil when he is big enough to do some real damage :p He slept the entire 3 hour drive from the breeders house to ours, slept threw the first night and has done since, picked up toilet training in a few days. Show training is coming along wonderfully and he is just the sweetest most loving little pup I have ever owned! Have to say we are all very much in love with him here Anyway here are some photos Show/lead training at 10 weeks More show training last weekend And just being very cute
  9. I have found I have bonded with each of my dogs at different times. Mistral - right away Alchemy - took about 5 months Dante - instantly Lestat - honnestly, never. He's 7 now and I'm still trying to connect with him. Funny really as he is the favourite amoung our friends and family.
  10. I tapped my boys at 4 months and had to contiue for about a month before they stayed up and even now they flop a little when he runs. I think I caught his just in time too, any later and they would be down for life. What breed of dog is it?
  11. We were looking for a companion for our Lab when our APBT died. My OH didn't want another APBT or Amstaff and I didn't want more Gundogs or anything really big (he wanted a Great Dane or an Irish Wolfhound) so we narrowed it down to a Keeshond or a Samoyed. We met a Samoyed at a dog show and we both fell crazy in love. They are very smart, playful, loving, independant, can be trained in almost any dog sport, the best cuddlers ever, you are never alone if you have a Samoyed, they stick to you like glue I also enjoy grooming the dogs, I find it relaxing (this is a good thing becuase I groom a lot ) Now we have four and would never not have Samoyeds, as far as we are concerned you don't get a better breed. I use to have a list a mile long with dogs I would one day like to own but as I spend heaps of time at shows I'm slowly knocking off breeds that I have come to realise don't suit our lifestyle or we have decided we just didn't like as much as we thought we did. Our next non Samoyed will be a Bullmastiff. The BM is my OH's choice, he grew up with one and wants another. I wasn't too sure about it in the begining because I always wanted a Dogue De Bordeaux but now having spent a huge amount of time with the BM's I would not even think about owning another Mastiff breed, they a wonderful dogs. As for any other breed, well, it's now down to a Borzoi, Afghan Hound, Greyhound or a Keeshond but who knows how long that list will last.
  12. Like any dog provided they are raised with them correctly they should be fine. People have said the same thing about Samoyeds and yet my dogs adore our cats and have never even tried to harm them.
  13. Decent judges (I don't care how crappy the grounds are, if the judge is decent I will go) Cluster weekends Good camping facilities (ie good hot showers!) Nice grounds with minimal mud/dirt Some kind of food venue
  14. Yes they are provided the owner cares for the coat correctly. My Samoyeds can go months without baths and they never smell. Not drying the dog correctly would be the biggest mistake most owners make with a Spitz coat.
  15. Lucky! They gave me a 200g sample of Supercoat and a lead. We feed ProPlan, so that would have been much more useful! I got a smaple pack of Supercoat (well at least it has a Samoyed on the front ) and a toy. I don't feed Supercoat so it wasn't very usefull. Good luck to everyone getting their puppies today, can't wait for photos
  16. I've never used him but the breeder of one of my dogs swears by this guy Gary and Neil Barnsley 02 47748491 150 Wolstenholme Ave, Greendale
  17. I wouldn't be surprised if Puppy Farmers get a hold of the idea and just start breeding tiny sibes, cross a Sibe with a JS and hey presto, instant Klee Kai Honnestly I really don't like them at all, whats wrong with a normal sized Sibe? Oh well, whatever makes you happy I guess.
  18. It says the bitch is a Grand Ch. can they actually be shown?
  19. I think so too. I live in the country so my entire property is fenced and the way its set up the dogs have free roam around the whole house (this is not something I would usually do but its a rental). For the first few weeks I had many trades men ect coming in and leaving the gates open even though I had a dogs roaming free sign up. I have since added a beware of dog sign and not one person has entered the property without beeping the horn first or calling out nor have they left gates open. If it means people actually think for a moment before entering the property I will be keeping the sign up.
  20. I'm after a bitch next for breeding/showing. If I wasn't interested in breeding I would only have dogs, I just tend to like then a little more. So far on the waiting list for our litter everyone wants dogs, not one person has asked for a bitch yet.
  21. There are some very very cute little pups on here
  22. I think you'll find the Onion is a joke news site
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