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Everything posted by Bjelkier

  1. Runner up In Show was Samoyed: Grand Ch. Kalaska Aussie Boy
  2. I handle an elkhound for some friends and lately we have been clashing really badly. Im glad I dont actually have the dog living with me because it would be impossible for me to show both breeds. It can be really stressful to rush between both groups.
  3. Sorry, looks like a cross to me.
  4. I am curious as to why you think that GDs should be working dogs? The working group really should be renamed the herding group as that is what all breeds in it were originally bred for. There are a couple of other Spitz breeds who should really be included in the Working group though such as the Samoyed I'm a little curious about that too. And I couldn't agree with you more, I am constantly baffled as to why a Finnish or Swedish Lapphund is in working and a Samoyed isn't EDT re-thought something
  5. See I think seeing a Pom against a Sibe is more normal then a German Spitz against a Great Dane But thats just my opinion.
  6. SBT Amstaff Cane Corso Bull Terrier the list is ongoing and when they finish wiping those breeds out the idiot owners will go for another "tough" dog. It is a never ending cycle of infection that will not stop unless we start treating the cause - bad owners. Add Bull Mastiff's and Mastiff's to that group too. Those were the breeds that went through my head just after I hit post on my last reply. Basically if they succeed in destroying one breed of dog it won't be long before every medium/large breed dog will be on the chopping block and then gone as well. I for one am not going to sit around and let them exterminate a fantastic breed of dog so that they can learn that breed bans don't work. I agree. I like ABPT's, I owned one years ago and he was a lovely dog and even though he had been badly abused he never so much a gave someone a second look. However the GR we had as a child bit my brother and my Lab can't be trusted wth children or certain adults. Blame the deed, not the breed.
  7. SBT Amstaff Cane Corso Bull Terrier the list is ongoing and when they finish wiping those breeds out the idiot owners will go for another "tough" dog. It is a never ending cycle of infection that will not stop unless we start treating the cause - bad owners. Add Bull Mastiff's and Mastiff's to that group too.
  8. Some posts about why or why not would be nice guys ;) Personally I would be happy to see one but at the same time I would be just as happy to see a reshuffle of all the groups on a whole as I believe there are a number of breeds in the wrong areas.
  9. The OP didn't actually say anything - just copied a piece from a USA website and added the link if anyone wanted to look at it. There was no comment. Poodle, I take your point - I was a bit annoyed at being shouted at whilst absorbing a lesson in what a word should mean via another country (albeit English-speaking). My three dogs are from the RSPCA, but I don't consider them any more "rescued" than some poor little bugger out of a glass case at EastWestSouthLands. (So I did not take the "You" personally). I do understand the implications: maybe we need another word - I don't like hijacking the language for special circumstances, but then gay still means bright and happy to me. Lavendergirl said "Tourists from other (developed) countries are often appalled when they visit our shopping centres to see pups for sale in glass cages" - what countries are these?? (thinks of immigrating). I am aware of that. Dosn't change the fact that it was well said by whoever wrote it ;)
  10. I have seen this question posted on FB and I was wondering what DOLers think.
  11. I agree 100% with the OP, well said I don't call my Lab a rescue. He came from a pet store and I regret getting him from there but lesson learnt. My cats however are from rescue, one from the RSPCA the other was raised by myself from 2 weeks old (along with the rest of his litter).
  12. Lestat - children, fishing rods, disabled people, cats and certin asian men Mistral - motorbikes Alchemy - car rides and fireworks Yngvie - nothing Dante - nothing
  13. A little brag for my rising star Dante, Apolar Gun Slinger To date he has 11 placings in Sweeps, 9 classes in group and as of today a Minor in Show
  14. That should mean giving birth. Thanks i was a little confused after looking the term up, i guess i will sit tight until i hear Well, I thought so since it's called a whelping box etc. But I see people use the term all the time for both pregnant and giving birth so I'm not sure Now that I think more, from what your breeder has said they probably mean pregnant so then you can go on a waiting list etc. Maybe? Being in Whelp means pregnant, whelping is having the litter.
  15. Akita: Kyojin Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Bree, Ingrid, Jersey, Lacey Finnish Lapphund: Halo, Vienna German Coolie: FlashBazil, Latte Golden Retriever: Onslow, Matilda-Rose Griffon Bruxellois: Mocha Labrador Retriever: Lestat Samoyed: Mistral, Alchemy, Yngvie, Dante Siberian Husky: Akira
  16. My Lab stressed very badly when our ABPT passed away. I now will always make sure we have another dog to be around when an older one passes but then at this point in time with the number of dogs we have I don't see it being an issue.
  17. Looks like a shaggy Lagotto but it could easily be a cross too, it's a hard photo to go by.
  18. Personally if I was unable to get the breed I wanted quickly I would either wait a very long time or I just wouldn't get a dog. I don't like cross breeds (sorry if that offends anyone, just my opinion) and I wouldn't want to own one. But then thats just me, maybe I'm weird, I don't know. EDT because I keep forgetting words.
  19. Can't say it's going to give us much when smartasses put 15+ litters against breeders who don't health test... Well at least we know that since there are 7 votes in each of the 15+ category, they are most likely all trolling so we can ignore that option altogether :p I think large-scale breeding is rarely justified. We already have so many puppies and dogs in the pounds that lose their chance of getting adopted every time someone decides to bring a litter into the world, breeders can't be doing that much good to the breed that they feel the need (for speed!) to breed every few months. That's just my opinion; I also think it's sad when breeders have 10+ (or some other high number) of dogs on their property--I mean even if they are getting fed well and looked after etc, how on earth can you provide so many dogs with..like.. love. I sound like a tree-hugging hippie, but whatever! I think dogs have a right to be in a place where they get an adequate amount of attention and affection bestowed on them, and it seems almost impossible to do that when you have a dozen or so dogs on the property. I could never do that, I'd need to hire staff to cuddle and pat so many dogs a day. :p I don't think that's a very fair comment. Breeders do not stop someone getting a pound puppy just because they have pedigree litters. People go to breeders because they want a particular breed and there is no garuntee that the pound will have that breed nor can they be sure the dog wont have baggage or have any genetic health problems. Pounds are full because jack asses don't think before they act. Anyway I don't think the original question can be summed up easily, there are so many variables. 15+ does seem excessive and I simply fail to believe that there are that many puppy buyers out there (I could offcause be wrong). I simply don't know how many litters I could place on one person, it's such an individual thing. EDT to add more
  20. Yep my Lab has had this happen to him too, he was stung by a scorpian.
  21. Why would they be more expensive? I've seen people who breed 'for the pet market' only who charge an arm and a leg for bad quality pups when the ethical breeders are charging much less. Fair enough, if we eleminated the pet only breeders maybe the pups from an ethical breeder would be in shorter supply and maybe the pet buyer would have to wait a little bit longer but is that really such a bad thing?
  22. Between $1200 - $2000. Although I do know of one dog who will cost $3000 to use at stud or to buy a puppy from.
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