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Everything posted by Bjelkier

  1. I agree with Pav, go and see the Chiro. Barnsley see's a lot of Samoyeds (a number of breeders I know in Sydney uses him for their Sammys) and he's good at what he does. It's always a good idea to get a second opinion. Hope Loki feels better soon.
  2. I've picked all my dogs pedigree names. The puppies I recently bred were bred in partnership with another breeder so we had both our Prefixes in there which wasn't very easy. So the show pups ended up with MagicNMayhm OSkyforger, Nightwish OvSkyforger and Nordic King OSkyforger. The pets were Lady OvSkyforger and Wizard OvSkyforger From here on in I will be naming all the puppies I breed to fit a theme. It's just easier for me that way.
  3. Oh dear..... The person I know who has them also has Saints and they are nothing alike except in size.
  4. But seriously all dogs are individuals but I bet if your dog would not stay in crate all day if she had you home or someone to stimulate her. I live on a property, work from home and my dogs sleep all day and yes often times willingly in their crates. They only go outside if I'm out there or if I make them and even then they spend a lot of their time out there sleeping in the grass and they're not a sedate breed. I have crates and runs and I use both when needed.
  5. Very true. I wanted one myself until I spent a good amount of time with them. They are very serious dogs and need a very dog savvy owner IMO
  6. Mine all have me pretty well trained :laugh: Beowulf, my youngest boy, will not go sleep at night unless I give him a cuddle before putting him in his crate. This has been tested a few times. I really need to work on that
  7. They ain't that fussy SM but they are master manipulators :laugh: Other then picking up the food maybe give him his food in a bob-a-lot toy or something. It would entertain him and keep the food away from the birds.
  8. None of mine do by my friends Bullmastiffs certainly do. And the Newfie's I use to show did too
  9. Ch.Icemist Fatal Attraction - Mistral Passed away earlier this year at the age of 4
  10. Very gentle bitey face with Dante and the 5 week old pups
  11. My Samoyeds are all huge bitey face fans, doesn't matter how old they get.
  12. I'd either move overseas or move to a nice 20 acre property around Moss Vale with a fantastic grooming room. I wouldn't say there is a breed I can't afford but I'd like to bring in a few Samoyeds from the worlds top kennels. Maybe import a Eurasier if I could find a breeder I really liked.
  13. I love watching the OES too. I also get rather excited when I see one down our way, it's pretty rare.
  14. Looks like a mix to me. Beagle x Pug would be my first guess
  15. Don't you kid yourself..not all puppies are submissive...our youngest beats the hell out of her sister who is six months older than her..she bites her ears, legs and beats up on her mercilessly. It really depends on who is more outgoing. At 9 months Emmalee was still quite submissive but Saffy at 3 months is pushy and doesn't back down! Now at 10 months and 5 respective she is starting to settle in her play. This is so true of my youngest two. I wouldn't say either are submissive, most of all Beowulf. He was the top dog in the puppy pen and he's already ruling the adults and he's only 5 months old.
  16. I'm with the others, I would say number 2
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