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Everything posted by Bjelkier

  1. This. I certainly wouldn't want to breed with a bitch that had had so many litters. I wouldn't either, long term, and if an suitable FTCH bitch became available with fewer litters, then obviously I would pursue that. however as per the ANKC code of ethics 14. A member shall not breed a bitch (except under extenuating circumstances) causing it to whelp more than six times without prior veterinary certification of fitness for further breeding, and without prior approval of the member’s Member Body So although not desirable it would appear that it is not seen as out of the question. That's their rule, mine is different. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. I'd also want veterinary documentation the bitch was still able to whelp a litter before she came out. Some girls don't cope well ad you could end up with an infertile girl.
  2. This. I certainly wouldn't want to breed with a bitch that had had so many litters.
  3. My neighbours had a CKCS they clipped and her coat was so weird and fuzzy when it grew back over winter, that and she looked really odd. I'm with Sandra, you need to get the under coat out anyway, just brush her really well. Cav coats aren't that big.
  4. I have 7 and none of them care. In fact all but one of them enjoy playing outside in the rain
  5. Sounds like it was the pain. Poor baby. Glad it's sorted now :)
  6. I think they certainly have dogs they like a lot more then others. Some breeders can tell you stories of bitches having a preferd male and refusing to mate with other dogs. My boy Dante is totally in love with two Sibe girls, Poppy and Scarlet. Every time he sees one of them he goes into flirt mode, kissing their ears, licking faces, prancing. He doesn't do this to any other girls, even when we've mated him.
  7. Not hormonal at all. That is something totally different and needs looking into asap. I wouldn't think this would trigger snapping at your husband and son. One of them might have hurt him though and he could be sore. Might be worth getting a vet to check him out? Hard to say but finding a really good behaviourist is a really good starting point. Something is clearly not working the way it should here.
  8. Sounds like a pretty typical 6 month old male samoyed to be honest :laugh: Got to love that teenage phase. Glad you're holding off on desexing, I recommend all my puppy people wait until the dogs are at least over 12 months. Marking, ignoring and behaviour on walks etc has nothing to do with having the dog desexed. All my entire males are total angels, they don't mark, they don't roam, they don't bark or ignore me at all, in fact they're better then my bitches. In fact the de sexed male I have is one of the worst ;) All of the problems you're having with him are training related. My first Sammy was a PITA when we went to training, he wouldn't stop barking until I'd taken him on a long walk before hand and done a few simple tricks to get him in the right frame of mind. He ended up placing first in our schools mock trial and if he hadn't died would when easily taken his CD title. Stick it out, be firm and you'll get there :)
  9. I kept two from my last litter and it was totally fine. Had no issues with the dogs bonding with me. We made sure they got a lot of training time apart and they slept in their own crates over night from 3 months of age. I showed them at the same time too as they're male and female. I'd happily do it again.
  10. I had a baby that was a horror to mouth so I took him around the shows and got everyone I knew to mouth him. Every time he was good he got a treat. Worked after a little while.
  11. This ^^ Or a chiro. Always my first port of call when my dogs have pain like that.
  12. I have a number of show friends with very big and very small dogs so to me anything smaller then a Pyr or a Wolfhound is small even my Sammys. The Havs are bait sized
  13. Falcore, Forte, Fenrir, Freyr, Fright, Funky, Festus, Flight, Fleet, Fable, Fire, Flame, Fitz, Fate
  14. Most of my dogs have passed away for various reasons before they reach real old age unfortunately. My Lab though has reached 10 and he started slowly down last year. He's going blind, deaf and has cancer but he's still happy.
  15. If that is Junior Kennel Club you will see me and my babies Oooh babies, I'm so finding you so I can get cuddles :D I shall look forward to it, as will they :laugh: This is what happens when I type and don't re read what I write :laugh: Just for the record I'm not running around hugging people from DOL, it's the dogs I want cuddles from, that is all
  16. If that is Junior Kennel Club you will see me and my babies Oooh babies, I'm so finding you so I can get cuddles :D
  17. Wow, that's a long list. Best thing you can do is talk to the breeder of your puppy. If they're a good breeder they will supply you with a feeding guide that will answer most of these questions and a small amount of food to start your puppy on. You don't want to be bringing the pup home and swapping it's feed right away. Feeding is a very personal thing and it's the source of many a heated discussion on DOL as we all do our own thing. What works for one dog won't always work for another. I personally won't feed Blackhawk, nor do I feed puppy food to my babies. I find it grows them way too fast and we end up with issues later on. All the best with your pup :)
  18. My desexed male Lab was 6 when I brought home my first entire male Samoyed. They were the absolute best of friends. Since then I've added four more entire males to the pack and I've ever had an issue with any of them. They live together, not separated in runs or kennels. I've also added other entire adult male dogs to the pack for various lengths of time and again, never had a problem. I think my pack works because I manage them carefully, pick the right temperaments and have three very mellow, pack focused breeds. There are certainly breeds I wouldn't do this with.
  19. If he hates it, rehome him. At least then you will know you tried to do everything possible for him to be happy. Samoyeds are highly adaptable dogs. He might surprise you.
  20. if it is I'll be reporting it. It would be in pretty poor taste as people rehoming their dogs is emotional enough without people pretending to rehome their dogs. It certainly is
  21. I know another Samoyed exhibitor who lives on the top floor of an inner city Sydney apartment. The dog is just fine. As for your other question. I think it's unfair on Loki. If you give him up, you give him up totally. Anything else will just confuse and upset him. NSW Samoyed rescue will help you find a wonderful home for him if you decide to go down that road, although personally it's not something I would do.
  22. he was a beautiful boy .. but without a pedigree , you have no proof his parentage was all Golden retriever Just in those pics .. to me he looks like a labxgoldie ....? I hope you find a companion with the same temperament as your gorgeous boy :) You make a good point. He looks very similar to my 'Lab' who we're sure is actually a goldie x lab but since he came from a puppy farmer we will never know.
  23. With the circumstance you're in I don't think there is any way of telling where he came from. I assume you have tried tracing his microchip when you first got him? Best chance you have of getting a similar looking dog is to start researching breeders, have a good look at their dogs and find someone who is breeding a similar style to your boy.
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