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Everything posted by Bjelkier

  1. I'd say both as neither had correct control of their dog.
  2. Contact Gail at Karyme. She has puppies and is lovely.
  3. There are no Cotons breeders in Australia at the moment that I know off. There was talk of bringing some out but I don't believe it happened. If she likes the style of dog she should have a look at Havanese.
  4. What about a Havanese in puppy clip? They're wonderful little dogs. They love people, they're joyful, friendly, adaptable little dogs. I have two who are happy to go walking or snooze on the lounge with me, not at all yappy (it was one of the things that drew me to the breed). I couldn't recommend them more.
  5. Gosh this is an old thread! My first samoyed needed his ears taped for weeks before they would stand up on their own. Plenty of prick eared dogs ear do weird things when they teeth. Doesn't mean the breeding is bad ;)
  6. My dogs would be in and out constantly if I left the door open, especially at night because they're torn between sleeping on the lounge and hunting possums :laugh:
  7. I have to agree. It can be a brutal place at times. Perhaps something like rally O or agility would be a better place to start?
  8. Not a Samoyed, they shed like demons and wouldn't cope at all being away from the family for long. The yard would be a moon crater and they bark and escape a lot when bored.
  9. I'll be there with the Havs on the 11th and the Samoyeds on the 19th
  10. My dogs have never reacted to the loss of a pack mate. I think they feed of my grief rather than feeling the loss themselves. I do believe however when one of "the twins" (litter bro and sister) goes the other will be very distressed, those two are joined at the hip. So for them I would take the other along if possible.
  11. I don't know about either brand but I can say your Sammy would be fine going on to adult food now, in fact my puppies only get adult from the time they're 8 weeks, doesn't do them any harm and grows them slower :)
  12. Honestly it doesn't sound like a terrible life to me. A little over the top granted but people might think that og my dogs when out and about. I don't let them play with other dogs as I don't believe they need it. I also don't let them trudged through muddy or large puddles, they take a long time to groom and I don't want to take filthy wet dogs home in the car. ( They do get feral at home however lol) As for the food I'm a firm believer in whatever the dog does well on. I jad one dog that did best on Pal of all thing.
  13. Thankfully the judge was smart about this. Poor dog
  14. As Showdog explained so well there is a big difference in stacked well and just standing. I'll use one of my dogs as an example. The first photo is my boy just standing around, 'stacked' by an inexperienced handler, the second is a correct stacked shot. There really is a big difference in how he presents himself in both photos. So many new exhibitors have said to me 'it's not that hard to get a dog to show' and they're right, it's not that hard with basic training but they have all come back later saying how difficult it is to make the dog show well. To the OP I train by freeshaping and encourage my dogs to free stack (it's generally expected with Samoyeds) but they're all trained to accept my touching them all over if they do need to be placed. Do you have any show training classes near by or someone with the same breed who can practise with you? It really does help to get an outside opinion on what you're doing.
  15. That never fails to crack me up.
  16. My first dog as an adult was a Maltese called Marie Claudette or Claudie for short. She came from a shitty breeder and died tragically at 10 weeks old. It was devastating. My next dog was Lestat our Lab who is now 11.
  17. I currently have 7 here (1 Lab, 4 Samoyeds and 2 Havanese) and we cope just fine although I would like to bring the numbers down simply because it is a lot of work grooming that number of coated dogs.
  18. He is a gorgeous dog. My friend and I him picked as our winner of the day. Amazing movement
  19. I take mine out to cafés all the time, naturally not all of them at once though, that would be crazy. All mine sit politely under the table and never make a sound. No one has ever complained and more often than not I get a number of people asking to pat them and chat abput the breeds. Neither samoyeds or havanese aee well know so it's a good chance for people to see well groomed, well bred dogs and hopefully steer them towards good breeders.
  20. I don't call the dogs furbabies but I do call them 'the kids' on occasion. This does not mean I treat them or think of them as children. I also call them the pack, the legion of mad fellows, the hoard, etc. I couldn't care less what anyone calls their dogs provided they care for them properly.
  21. You definitely see sportswear at the GSD specialties - those exhibitors are doing a lot of running. I guess its because suits are dressier. At some O/S shows, you see exhibitors in evening wear! I saw photos from some big show in Finland recently and the girl in the full ball gown with the Pyr looked amazing but even I wondered how she ran. That is their champion of champions gala. I think there is pre judging. They are more or less just presented on stage though the do run a bit :). There is a video of the pyr (Fago - my puppies sire) at the gala a few years ago if you wNt to see it (and yes they look stunning in those ball gowns! Ah I wondered if it was something like that. I enjoy the amount of preparation they put into themselves and the dogs. I'd love an excuse to get that dressed up for a show one day.
  22. You definitely see sportswear at the GSD specialties - those exhibitors are doing a lot of running. I guess its because suits are dressier. At some O/S shows, you see exhibitors in evening wear! I saw photos from some big show in Finland recently and the girl in the full ball gown with the Pyr looked amazing but even I wondered how she ran.
  23. It's totally up to the individual, you could wear sports wear if you wanted but you wouldn't catch me dead in the ring in track pants. Suits look tidy, professional, I like that. I don't know about others but my suits are very comfortable and easy to show in and I really run around that ring (and I don't wear runners with my suits :laugh: )
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