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Everything posted by tooshypanda

  1. Hi All, I am a Bichon owner and lover They are not yappy at all - they will bark if they feel its needed but its a lower bark - a lot like a bigger dog than a toy breed. In answer to Troy's questions.. 1. What is my relationship with the breed? I am the Owner of two Bichons, Atilla and Genghis who are both pedigree. Both were bought from breeders listed on CAWA and Dogzonline 2. Where and why was the breed first developed? The Bichon Frisé descended from the Barbet or Water Spaniel, from which came the name Barbichon, later shortened to "Bichon". The Bichons were divided into four categories: the Bichon Malteise, the Bichon Bolognaise, the Bichon Havanese and the Bichon Tenerife. All originated in the Mediterranean area. Because of their merry disposition, they traveled much and were often used as barter by sailors as they moved from continent to continent. The dogs found early success in Spain and it is generally believed that Spanish seamen introduced the breed to the Canary Island of Tenerife. In the 1300s, Italian sailors rediscovered the little dogs on their voyages and are credited with returning them to the continent, where they became great favorites of Italian nobility. Often, as was the style of the day with dogs in the courts, they were cut "lion style," like a modern-day Portuguese Water Dog. Though not considered a retriever or water dog, the Bichon, due to its ancestry as a sailor's dog, has an affinity for and enjoys water and retrieving. On the boats however, the dog's job was that of a companion dog. The "Tenerife", or "Bichon", had success in France during the Renaissance under Francis I (1515-47), but its popularity skyrocketed in the court of Henry III (1574-89). The breed also enjoyed considerable success in Spain as a favorite of the Infantas, and painters of the Spanish school often included them in their works. For example, the famous artist, Francisco de Goya, included a Bichon in several of his works. Interest in the breed was renewed during the rule of Napoleon III, but then waned until the late 1800s when it became the "common dog", running the streets, accompanying the organ grinders of Barbary, leading the blind and doing tricks in circuses and fairs. On March 5, 1933, the official standard of the breed was adopted by the Société Centrale Canine, the national kennel club for France.[14] (This was largely due to the success of the French-speaking Belgian author Herge's "Tintin" books, which featured a small, fluffy, white dog named Snowy.) As the breed was known by two names at that time, "Tenerife" and "Bichon", the president of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale proposed a name based on the characteristics that the dogs presented - the Bichon Frisé. ("Frisé" means "curly", referring to the breed's coat.) On October 18, 1934, the Bichon Frisé was admitted to the stud book of the Société Centrale Canine. The Bichon was popularised in Australia in the mid 1960s, largely thanks to the Channel Nine mini-series Meweth, starring Bruce Gyngell alongside his pet Bichon, Molly. The show ran for one season only, however it gained a cult following. In subsequent years Bichon ownership, especially in the Eastern states, climbed dramatically. The Bichon was brought to the United States in 1955, and was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1973. The first US-born Bichon litter was whelped in 1956. In 1959 and 1960, two breeders in different parts of the USA acquired Bichons, which provided the origins for the breed's development in the USA. The Bichon Frisé became eligible to enter the AKC's Miscellaneous Class on September 1, 1971. In October, 1972, the breed was admitted to registration in the American Kennel Club Stud Book. On April 4, 1973, the breed became eligible to show in the Non-Sporting Group at AKC dog shows. 3. How common is it in Australia? In the Eastern States they are more common than in Western Australia where I live. There are between 4-6 registered breeders of them here. 4. What is the average lifespan? Depending on source the average lifespan is between 12-15 years. 5. What is the general temperament/personality? The qualities that made the Bichon family of dogs popular at court also make them suitable as house pets. Bichons are bred to be small, charming companion dogs with even temperaments and playful attitudes. They are good with children while maintaining alert watchdog abilities. A playful temperament is judged to be particularly important to the Bichon Frisé. Properly bred Bichons should not be yappy, stand-offish, nervous or aggressive. My two are different from each other while still holding the Bichon characteristics. Genghis is more active but it may be because he is a puppy still. Atilla is laid back and quite chilled out. 6. How much daily exercise is needed for the average adult? Depending on the dogs personality and drive it can vary. My adult Bichon goes to the park daily for about 30 minutes and free plays with other dogs off lead. An hour walk on lead walk tires him out. To keep them happy and alert I would say at least 15 minutes a day. 7. Is it a breed that a first time dog owner could easily cope with? I was a first time owner and I got a second one!. They are low maintenance in that they love being with you. No matter what you do they are always happy to be there. They do need brushing at least twice a week as their coats can get matted. They don't suffer from any illnesses except they have a tendency towards sensitive skin. 8. Can solo dogs of this breed easily occupy themselves for long periods? I work full time as does my husband so when we got Atilla he was home alone from 8.30 to 5pm with an 30 minute gap where I came home for lunch. I stopped this when he was about 9 months old. As long as they have stimulation and attention when you get home they are fine. I think its more about quality than quantity. Attila loves treat toys and chews to his hearts content. 9. How much grooming is required? As pets they need a medium amount of grooming. I brush both of them every second day for 15 minutes with a slicker brush. Their nails are cut every month and I trim the hair around their face, bum and feet every few weeks. They go to the groomers once every 12 weeks approximately. Baths are monthly unless they get really dirty or go swimming in the river. 10. Is it too boisterous for very small children or for infirm people (unless the dog is well trained)? Really it depends on their individual temperaments. I would highly recommend Bichons for kids as long as they have supervision. They are wonderfully gentle with kids in my experience. Today a strange 15 month old girl came running up to my dogs who sat quietly and licked her. She tried to hug them and pick them up and they were very well behaved. They can jump a bit unless trained and I have no experience with elderly people. I know the breed is used as companion dogs in retirement homes. 11. Are there any common hereditary problems a puppy buyer should be aware of? The Bichons have no serious hereditary problems in Australia that I have heard of. They are susceptible to hot spots (skin irritations) and some sensitive skin. Wikipedia does mention that Bichons are more likely to develop autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) and immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (ITP). 12. When buying a puppy, what are the things you should ask of the breeder? (eg what health tests have been done (if applicable) and what is an acceptable result to those tests so the buyer has an idea of what the result should be) Not sure about this one - over to a breeder .
  2. Well it seems everything has settled down - no more birthday parties for them I swear whomever told me two dogs was as easy as one is going to be beaten! Its such hard work sometimes - especially when they get sick!
  3. Thanks for the help!! Yes he is an adult dog - 12 months old. He perked up a bit this morning - I gave him some broth and he seemed to like it quite a bit.I will give him rice and chicken tomorrow He was at a doggy birthday party on Sunday and there was a doggy cake made of treats - and he ate too much. The birthday doggy had explosive diarrhea so at least I didnt have that to work with that He was playing with his little brother today so he seems a lot better.. and its good to know what to do in future A wealth of information at DOL! EDIT: Little brother just got the runs... smells like death. I am going to watch him overnight and if it gets worse off to the vets - he is only a puppy (13 weeks)
  4. Just a quick question about doggy diarrhea. My dog ate something that didnt agree with him on Sunday afternoon. This morning he had runny poop and tonight its gone to full blown liquid faeces. Do I just look after him like a human? Such as giving him water for the next 24 hours and feed him bland foods? Or does it call for a vet visit? He hasnt ever had diarrhea before so I am unsure.
  5. I feed my older dog twice a day but we got a new puppy a month ago and now I am feeding them 3 times a day. I fins spilting their meals prevents re-feeding & bloat.
  6. Hi, I have two pups - one 8 weeks and one 11 months.. Q1-What dry food do you use... Hill Science Diet - Puppy Bites (baby) Q2-What other food do you use as well... chicken necks, mince, eggs Q3-What flea and tick treatments do you like...I am using Advocate for all fleas/worms etc. Q4-What toys are favourites in your house... Kong and ball with a bell in it. Q5-What games does your dog/puppy love...biting peoples pant legs, hiding in the island bench & Bichon Blitz Q6-if you had to give one peice of advice to dog owners, what would be... patience and persistance
  7. Hi, I have two pups - one 8 weeks and one 11 months.. Q1-What dry food do you use... Hill Science Diet - Puppy Bites (baby) Q2-What other food do you use as well... chicken necks, mince, eggs Q3-What flea and tick treatments do you like...I am using Advocate for all fleas/worms etc. Q4-What toys are favourites in your house... Kong and ball with a bell in it. Q5-What games does your dog/puppy love...biting peoples pant legs, hiding in the island bench & Bichon Blitz Q6-if you had to give one peice of advice to dog owners, what would be... patience and persistance
  8. I have two purebred Bichons and they are like chalk and cheese! Atilla doesnt really like touching - he will come to us and lie next to us on the couch but doesnt appreciate hugs or anything too touchy feely. Genghis on the otherhand (although 8 weeks old) has the unfailing ability to snuggle up and try to get into the warm parts of the humans. S
  9. I have two purebred Bichons and they are like chalk and cheese! Atilla doesnt really like touching - he will come to us and lie next to us on the couch but doesnt appreciate hugs or anything too touchy feely. Genghis on the otherhand (although 8 weeks old) has the unfailing ability to snuggle up and try to get into the warm parts of the humans. S
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