brigie bear
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Everything posted by brigie bear
When we bought Lilie home from the pound she slept in her bed on the floor next to us for say a month before we invited her to sleep on the bed... When we bought Frankie home the rule was that he couldnt sleep on the bed until he could GET on the bed so he didnt come up for say 6 months but now he sleeps up there too. Same rule with Ruby, though she had her crate for the first month but unlike most of your dogs she was SO happy to get rid of it! She wouldnt even walk NEAR it lol. Now she sleeps on the bed too if she wishes. All of the dogs have a bed in every room including our bedroom so they often choose to sleep on them or on the floor when it's warmer rather than on the bed. They have a huge bed in the kitchen which they share and love but often prefer to sleep on the wooden floors when its warm. In our old house there was a balcony off our bedroom which was always open and often Lilie and Frankie would choose to sleep out there. Perhaps I do the wrong thing by giving them so many options and so many beds but it works for us... They love their various beds and options and dont have accidents. It's also nice because they like to follow me around the house so in my office during the day they have their beds, when I cook they have their kitchen beds, watching movies in the living room either their beds or the couch and so on...
I have requested more info on the course from the site... it sounds great!
Oh I'm in tears! RIP Patch...
I'd be verrrrry interested to know this too as I am considering the course myself...
Schnauzer Has Problems With Visitors.
brigie bear replied to slk's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
IMO comforting like that is a human behavior and with the dog she sees it as you almost praising her to behave that way. Many little dogs feel intimidated when someone new walks through the door (from what i know, littlies especially) and I have had some friends who have had great success putting a chair near the door and teaching the dog to greet on the chair so they arent so low to the ground and intimidated. I cant say I've tried it personally but have had feedback about it. If she runs away, you must let her - ignore the behavior for now rather than comfort her. -
All of mine respond pretty well to hand signals... Ruby especially. If I flick my hand at something she'll tap it with her nose, point to the floor she'll sit, point and click at the same time she'll drop, wave at her she'll wave at me, open palm facing the roof she'll put her paw right out, arm out she'll jump over it etc and anything with a post it she'll hit her face on Lilie and Frankie also both respond to pointing at the floor to sit and pointing and clicking to drop and palm out for their paw... and lilie will do 2 paws if i do 2 hands... Frankie is the least responsive to training etc, if I ask him to sit he has to think about it for a while having a silent battle with me ("I dont wannnnaaa) before he'll do it and the other 2 are like lightning lol. I think because I only use hand sigs and cos my pups are so small that I usually sit when training they don accidentally think something is something else... but i'm not ruling it out lol!
gorrrrgeous photos!
Tail Above Spine Or Below?
brigie bear replied to corvus's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
lilie and ruby always hold their tails up high... ruby lets hers out when relaxing lol but when training they both have it up... frankie usually has his in a relaxed position and it remains the same when training also... -
gorgeous pics Ripley! and lol @ CC!
Shes absolutely gorgeous!!!!
Does Anyone Separate Their Dogs When They Go Out?
brigie bear replied to geo's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Sorry, I only have 3 small ones but I never separate them at all. They have tiffs every now and again but never fight and really they arent left unsupervised too much anyway. I do think if I had a bigger dog in addition to them I would separate them only because of rough play. I second Lilysmum - if you're asking the question you must have a concern? -
Ohhh I love them! Demi looks like she's having a good old chuckle lol! And every photo of Ahsoka is beautiful lol! STUNNING!
she's very pretty
I am going to call the vet today for sure... I never really thought it could effect her whole mouth
Thanks for that - will give him a call in the morning... I'm sure he'll be happy to hear from us (again lol) - we spent SO much time there with our rainbow bridge boy! I was wondering if anyone could tell me how common this is? Why it happens etc? Raised 6 dogs and never even heard of it before! Frankie had a partially rotten milk tooth but the vet just told me to flick it every day and it would come out (which it did in 2 days...)
ohh bec that 1st one is divine!!
Here's a pic. Sorry about my grubby nails - was just mixing dog food.. Eew lol!
Canine... We don;t show but havent ruled it out and also havent ruled out agility... (hence not having had her spayed yet - just unsure yet) She's 6 months Uploading a pic now...
Ah ok.. her adult teeth are already all out.. Oops! I hope me not having them removed isnt going to do any damage to her in the future. Will give the vet a call tomorrow and have a chat with him about it... Should book her in to get spayed at the same time actually.. Just havent decided on showing yet... Good idea thanks for that!
Ruby has a retained milk tooth and I have never experienced this before... She seems totally fine, her gums are fine, the rest of her teeth are in and it's not changed her bite... Do I need to have it removed if it's not doing anything? I have no issues having it removed if it's better to, just don't feel the need if its not necessary... I can post a pic if you need...
Fur kids?! OH, you mean my REAL kids!! Thank you Its so funny how photography shows their personality so much! Frankie is always looking like that - thats just his look! So like... nervous looking even though he's not.. Like the geeky kid in school talking to the hot cheerleader "umm... hi?" Lilie is SO scruffy and always has her teeth showing haha! They get stuck and she just leaves it! And Roo is well... a mix of everything haha! Arrghhhh i love mutts!
And some more... Lills... SMILE! Ruby: Roo & Frankie: I like the one above of my little buddy man though... It's just so him!
I cant reply in the other section but just stumbled upon this (relating ti this thread: http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...1266&st=45) and I seriously hope somethings been done about this pup... I'm no breeder but that pup looks like its swallowed a tennis ball! That CANT be right... How can some people let this happen??!
My lil man...