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Everything posted by RubyBlue

  1. I was trying to get the nobivac vaccine for my pup but encountered many vets who seem to prefer using the older one which finishes at 16 weeks. I think the RSPCA nurse I spoke to hit the nail on the head when she told me that they'd rather see the puppy an extra time.
  2. Hehe its harder than it looks. I had to do it for my girl recently. Basically treats and a good stay command. I had a friend in front with treats to keep her focus whilst I took pics from the side, had a harder time when I was in front cause she kept wanting to come towards me. Made me realise I should start practicing with my pup as I intend to show him :p ETA Have a look at the dogs in stack on the DOL profiles and try and emulate that.
  3. Maybe jump on the lab thread too. There are quite a few breeders who frequent there and they may be able to offer you some lab specific advice. ETA I second the stack, front and side. Makes it easier to see what you are looking at conformation wise.
  4. Im lucky as my local vet has a hydrobath. They charge $10 per wash and I have always been able to cram two dogs in at the same time. I use my own shampoo and bring towels. My last rental had a shower head on a hose which was fantastic so I used to wash them in the shower but this one unfortunately doesn't.
  5. Milly T.CH title Start competing in Novice RAT ET title Dyson Start tracking (aiming for test 1 at Knox's trial) Start training for Novice RAT Start showing
  6. I use a light rope from bunnings. My dog does a lot of casting so I am constantly reeling it in and out to try and keep it tight. When it gets wet it gets really heavy and cuts into my hands (so leather gloves are good too). I have tried a few other leads but all get heavy when wet. I have thought about yacht rope as that should be soft(ish) on the hands when wet. I taught articles by hiding food in them. They snuffle round to get the food and so practice indicating the article at the same time.
  7. Some times you gotta get in with the right group of people at obedience clubs - try to have a chat with the people who are trialing. As for training at the local park - most people go somewhere quiet to train so they don't get disturbed by a bunch of free running dogs and their casual owners.
  8. Don't mind the occasional lick but certainly won't allow it to become a habit - I see where else that tongue goes
  9. This is very well said. I will add that my personal experience with retrievers is that they are very people oriented, very keen to please and emotionally robust (by that I'm trying to say that they wouldn't be described as sensitive, aloof or standoffish.) Life is fun if you're a gundog - the tail is nearly always wagging with enough force that their whole body wags. My experience with the herding breeds is limited but all the ones Ive met seem to get offended very easily and quite a few of those have rather intense personalities. Personally (from my limited exposure - and am happy to be corrected if Ive got it wrong) the way I see the general personality types it is that herding dogs are quite serious, they like their work and are always 'on', they work for the boss but don't need or want to be micro-managed by the boss. Gundogs are like professional athletes, they play hard, train hard and party hard. You are more like the coach and team mate, they'd rather work with you than just do it all for you.
  10. LOL so true Personally I recon my cat thinks I'm her slave....
  11. Ahhh - so cute and fluffy.....and he smiles Congrats Talien hes absolutely gorgeous Can't wait to meet him.
  12. Oooh - count me in too. I'm trying to get fit. I used to run then stopped when my knee started playing up. Then I started again only to get a puppy... Now when I get up he's most active so I feed us all then have to wait for an hour then I end up just not going. Basically im lazy and any excuse will do :p I want to get back to running 5ks so far my best effort is 1 :| so much work to do...
  13. Im single and live with two housemates. They provide company for my pets and will occasionally feed if I am getting back late but all walking, grooming, training, financial, etc is taken care of by me. I have two dogs (again ) and would not consider a third. Mainly because everytime I have looked after friends dogs and had three or more at any given time I have felt a bit overwhelmed by it all. Admittedly that could be because the third dog is not mine and therefore not used to the routine but also because of a physical management thing. I have labs and two normal sized adult labs weigh more than me! When I had Jackson, although he and Milly were both were normally well behaved on lead, even when Jackson was much older he and Milly would occasionally rev each other up to get to the barking dog behind the fence or left over maccas bag, over the years I have had to perfect the art of 'tree wrapping' to stop them. If I did get another one it would probably be another lab then I would have to walk around 100kg worth of dog . I also find I am not so good at keeping an eye on three dogs at the dog park. Though that could just be a practice thing.
  14. A concrete run might not help either... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sJjE5qelXQ
  15. There is only one way you are going to find out!!! I have not yet met a dog that does not like tracking. You can start with short tracks (which you can do down your local park - perhaps as part of his/her walk) until your dog gets the concept. Then fortnightly should be ok? My dog has certainly not had any problems coming back after 3 month break between the seasons.
  16. I second cavs - absolutely love them. My neighbour over the road has two and they are definitely alarm barkers.
  17. Hehe! I nearly was - I decided to wait until after peak hour traffic
  18. Ditto - I came to this realisation in my old car which was not very good with the a/c. It was a long drive on a day where the temp was in the high 30s and I had a very old dog in the back of the wagon. The car wasn't coping with the drive but with the a/c off and windows down it was way too hot for the dogs. It made me glad that they were in the car and not on the back of a ute or in a trailer where I wouldn't have even been able to make a dent in the temperature.
  19. oooh I didnt know that airedales were born black. I saw a lovely one at training today. They have such beautiful faces.
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