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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. She was always going to be a standout... even though she hid from the xray/ultrasound... lol! T.
  2. There was someone crossing corgis and kelpies a few years back in that area... we got a few of those in our rescue that looked very similar to this little lady... T.
  3. She's an old fashioned girl... lol! T.
  4. OMG... that is so adorable! She definitely has her mummy's eyes too... T.
  5. C7 does Lepto and Corona, yes? I'd say that at between 12-16 weeks, that wouldn't have been a bad thing if those diseases were prevalent in the area the vet was located... As for my vet friend - she used to be the head of the AVA, and is well published herself in disease control - so I'd say she'd possibly be a little more informed than a regular suburban vet, yes? She did recommend that my old girl should get the nasal Canine Cough vaccine though... as many rescue fosters came with that one pre-loaded... *grin* T.
  6. I will be looking for the new star in the heavens tonight... shining his love down on us all. Fly free with the angels sweet Ziggy... T.
  7. Does Schultz's study take into account the living conditions and exposure to the diseases vaccinated for over time? If his study was done using animals in a controlled and sterile environment, then maybe one could come to the conclusion that the vaccines will give "lifetime" immunity on their own - but the best way to keep up the immunity is by stimulation of the antibodies to propagate - and how is that done unless there is some small exposure to the diseases somehow - be it via regular vaccination or by the actual disease in the environment? Interestingly, parvovirus in dogs was first seen in 1978, and that is when the first reccommendation for regular vaccinations of dogs was enacted (according to Schultz)... Also - the rabies vaccine still only lasts a maximum of 3 years... not necessarily relevant here in Australia, but interesting, yes? My old girl was a voracious copraphagic - and I know she actually ate parvo infected poop more than 7 years after her last vaccination for same - to no effect. I asked a vet friend of mine why that would be so, and she indicated that the number of foster puppies I had had over those years may have been carrying small amounts of various diseases in, which helped my own dogs' antibodies stay up to scratch. T.
  8. Technically, the C3 vaccination should give a lot longer protection than 1-3 years for Parvo, Distemper, and Canine Infectious Hepatitis... ... however, they are most effective when combined with an almost constant exposure (if in small doses) to those diseases. This keeps the titres up, as the antibodies are constantly being stimulated to propagate. If your dogs are not taken anywhere, or not likely to come into contact with any of those diseases in any way, then checking the titres and/or re-vaccinating is advised. My dogs are only vaccinated if I need to board them, as boarding kennels require proof of current vaccination - and the Canine Cough vaccine has a short half-life... T.
  9. She's saved you the trouble of having to put in a doggy door... lol! T.
  10. What qualifications do Rangers and pound staff required to have nowadays? I remember that in my Cert 2 Animal Studies course we were taught specifically to be able to check for signs of death in the First Aid subject... and it's actually not that bloody hard to do. T.
  11. Annandale Vet is good also... not sure about specialty in specific breeds, but all the vets there are awesome... T.
  12. Benny from Benny and the Pets is an awesome vet... amazing with all breeds IMO... My friend who breeds and shows Weimeraners usues Rob Zammit at Vineyard Vet... but that's a pretty hefty drive from Alexandria... errr! T.
  13. Secret it is then. :D YAY!!! T.
  14. I'm lucky that my dogs are large breed mixes... 'cos the number of poisoned rats they have caught over the years is quite large... errr! They don't tend to eat them (that I know of), just usually bring them to me to show what efficient hunters they are... lol! T.
  15. Don't forget that I predicted the 3rd pup... don't I get naming rights? I like Secret! *grin* T.
  16. Love Molly's collar... and notice that she's happy to sleep on their couch, but not give them cuddles... norty Molly! Love my Pudden... *sigh* T.
  17. I always loved Secret... and such an amazing little secret she turned out to be... T.
  18. Ditch the partner... you and your dog are too good for him... Fingers crossed that she's over the biggest hurdle, and will now recover much faster from here on in... T.
  19. Wait until they are around 4 weeks old... you are going to have your hands full then... lol! T.
  20. My friend's male Rotti used to bury bones... and my female Rotti (his auntie) used to go straight to their backyard when we visited and dig them up... lol! T.
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