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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. BBQ chicken, boiled rice, all mixed in chicken broth... serve warm for best results...he should be very interested because it smells bloody amazing, and tastes good too! Give in small helpings numerous times throughout the day so he is getting enough into him. T.
  2. Hitting all the milestones and more... go Enzi!!! Anyone taking bets on when he'll try the termite mound on his own? Surely he can beat Fumo's 15 months of age... *grin* T.
  3. The dingoes are smarter than their hunters... funny that! Stupid idea... T.
  4. My brother's Lab went off his food when he had a UTI... and yes, I'd also do a fecal float to rule out coccidia, giardia,and other internal parasites up to no good... T.
  5. They are the best time wasters ever... I should have been doing all of my TAFE assignments today, but only got one done, as I got bored and went to play with puppies a few times... errr! I only have 4 assignments and one lot of competencies to get done... by tomorrow... one down... lol! T.
  6. Hahaha! He's not as fast as a whippet... and certainly not as slim... lol! T.
  7. I think my neighbours might get upset if I had 12 dogs and 2 foxes... lol! The plant is some sort of wild choko type from a vine... the kids have worked out how to pull them off and run about with them... *sigh* They got 2 more old boxes yesterday... much fun and much mess ensued... hahaha! They are from Tennant Creek... apparently the female cattle dog decided to run off and find herself some rough trade while in heat... *sigh* T.
  8. Well... I KNOW that my current 2 dogs' details are correct, as I had to register Harper and Pickles with council the other week... and checked on Trouble's details at the same time... so I won't be faffing about with the clunky front end that's currently on offer online thanks... T.
  9. There are at least 2 awesome Rotti breeders right here on these forums... can't go wrong applying for a pup from either's next litter IMHO... Obviously Starkehre... check out this thread about the last litter... http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/266081-puppies-have-arrived-photos-galore/page__p__6795297#entry6795297 ... and Allerzeit... who I've decided to get my next Rotti from... *grin* Either's pups would be well worth the wait for their next litters... T.
  10. This one would be a good inclusion to the group of photos of the pup above... as it shows him playing... T.
  11. You can never have too many nice photos... and photos with them doing stuff works well... The head tilt shot is the "ka-ching" shot... that tends to get a dog more enquiries than any other type... even better if you've affixed a bow to their head and they look completely adorable... *grin* Dress-ups, a bit of bling, good lighting and no nasty things in the background of the photos (crop the photo if necessary)... and get those gorgeous eyes looking dead down the barrel of the lens. For example... This photo will get more enquiries... ... than this one... ... even though both are adorable shots of the same pup... *grin* T.
  12. Have a read through this thread for the myriad issues that can occur in blue staffies... http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/213755-blue-staffies/page__p__5101254__hl__%2Bblue+%2Bstaffy__fromsearch__1#entry5101254 Not wanting to scare you, but it might be a good start to things your vet can check/test for... T.
  13. I don't know who my foster babies flew with, but they had to have a vaccination cert AND a cert of health signed by a vet before they were allowed to fly... T.
  14. Nawww... ain't she purty? Good girl Saffy... make Mummy Boronia smile sweet thing... T.
  15. What are his poos like? If soft/runny, I'd be looking at a prophylactic dose of Baycox... it's for pigs, but is used off-label in puppies to treat coccidia in a single dose, rather than a 10 day course of very bitter Trizene tablets that pups REALLY hate! Is he growing at all? I've had pups who would go off their food every other week as they had growth spurts - one week you couldn't feed them enough, and the next they would turn their nose up at almost everything. Have you tried Pedigree Puppy tinned? It's not the greatest, but pups do seem to love it... and at this point, you want him to be eating something regularly, even if it's not a premium brand. I have a foster litter here at the moment, and they are eating mainly Bonnie Puppy kibble... although they love chicken mince and Pedigree tinned mixed in with it more... *grin* T.
  16. Might have to keep you all in suspense until tomorrow morning... gotta go feed the hordes and myself, then I think it's time to vegetate on the couch... been on the computer way too long today... T.
  17. I have just been through the past 2 days' photos, and will upload as soon as they have finished transferring to my other hard drive... the main one was getting a bit full... lol! This afternoon I gave them a large cardboard tray box that the chicken necks came in... and sat there snapping away while they destroyed it... hehe! T.
  18. I think she's a cross between a Cute and a Poochie... *grin* She's certainly rather pretty, isn't she? T.
  19. Stupid me put Ms as title on the profile, but my dogs are chipped to me as Miss, so nothing comes up without having to search each individual dog... AND the stupid thing won't let me change my title to Miss... grrr! Time to give up on the flawed system and not go any further... You'd think it could automagically come up with all pets under the bloody address, rather than some stupid and pedantic exact match to title/name combos... what moron wrote this thing? T.
  20. Oh My God! He's grown up to be a stunning looking lad, hasn't he? T.
  21. Oh jeebus Boronia... my heart weeps with yours... *sob* 3 new beautiful stars in the heavens shining down a special kind of love and light on us all... Massive hugs, T.
  22. I really suppose I should start taking one inside with me overnight... so they can learn to sleep quietly in a crate and interact more with my own 3 dogs... new owners would like a puppy that doesn't scream the place down once alone, yes? T.
  23. Rocky has a family wanting him... and Yoko might be getting adopted by another SFR volunteer... woohoo!!! T.
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