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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I had 2 Labrador pups get into a 30 pack of cans of Coke... not only drank the coke, but also a bit of the cans too! They were both fine, but had glittery poo for a day or two as the tiny pieces of can passed through.. *sigh* We did have x-rays of both pups to make sure no large pieces of can were in there... and the vet advised that they should be fine with the tiny bits that were. T.
  2. Really it's no-one else's business who you rehome your fosters to... it comes down to who YOU feel the dog will do best with, OK? T.
  3. The experienced home may also really appreciate an "easy" dog for a change too... *grin* T.
  4. This... hit the nail on the head... I normally take any new pup straight to my vet for a checkup and to meet each other even before I go home... but I'd not ask a vet for breed advice that wasn't of a health nature. T.
  5. Hi Ruffy... welcome to the madness that is DOL... lol! T.
  6. He is a very handsome boy in his own uniquenes... Is Don... is good boy! T.
  7. He's just such a doofus... lol! But he loves his human so much... T.
  8. Funny that my personal experience of dogs from those sorts of conditions aren't hard to socialise at all... and I've seen/rescued a few in my time... T.
  9. Had one of our staff members do some yoga poses with some baby goats today... craziest photo session to date... lol! ... and at one point I snuck off to get my fave alpaca/llama kisses, and got this cracker shot... T.
  10. Naw... true love goes beyond species differences, yes? Hahahaha! T.
  11. Resizing is easy as pie with this little program... http://www.fookes.com/easy-thumbnails T.
  12. Is Don... is good... Don has always been a Mummy's boy... and he knows that you need a good black dog in your life more than ever now... T.
  13. I second the alpacas... best fox deterrent around. T.
  14. Harper deals with that style of clipper much better than the older style ones... they make less of a click noise when the nail gets sliced. I can do 3 nails with them before she cottons on to exactly what I'm doing... lol! Pickles goes mental no matter what I try to shorten her nails... *sigh* T.
  15. The worst I've seen is hookworms eating their way out of a pup's stomach... and can never unsee something like that... As for Dr Who and phobias... for me, it was the Spiders of Mars episodes that made me arachnophobic... ohhhhmmmm... *shudder* T.
  16. Nawww.... check out that lovable melon... T.
  17. The best training for both you and your dog will be at K9 Pro... T.
  18. Will it help if I say I've seen worse? *grin* Puppies are renowned for the really revolting things they present us with... but as long as she's otherwise happy and healthy, I'd not get too concerned. Does she only get kibble for meals, or do you feed raw too? I find that raw fed can mean the need for more regular worming intervals. T.
  19. If you like piggies, you'll love this... lol! ... and here are some more guinea pig ones for your viewing pleasure @Zena's mum... T.
  20. He'll always be Puddenhead to me... just look at the head on it... lol! Please give him a scritch behind the ear for me Perse... T.
  21. Sorry @PossumCorner - didn't get donkey photos today.... but did get a few crackers of other animals... Will they do? T.
  22. Training and obedience are an ongoing thing... it has to do with you building a relationship with your dog, and the dog will want to please you and be around you. It's never going to be as simple as sending your dog off to a stranger to be trained and expecting the dog to be obedient forever more... no quick fixes unfortunately... no matter what the advertising says for the many places that spruik it. If you are in Sydney, you might want to look up Steve Courtney - K9 Pro http://k9pro.com.au/ T.
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