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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I'm of the belief that if a rescue can actually make a little money back on a desirable pup/dog, then why not? Or is the general "rule" that all rescues must run in the red and not make anything above and beyond their costs per animal in their care? Seems a ridiculous business model, and one that is not exactly feasible, wouldn't you say? T.
  2. I would start with feeding them all in separate rooms if you can... as feed time seems to be part of a trigger that is causing this behaviour. They could also be picking up on your feelings of loss/grief and the change in their routine. This you can't deal with overnight, but it will get easier with time, OK? It's not your "fault" any of this happens under the circumstances. I have 3 female dogs here myself - and one of them doesn't get on with the other two at all - and, like yours, she's a bigger and younger girl than the others. I keep her separated from them at all times... as if there were a fight, I could not break it up on my own safely. All 3 get plenty of "mummy time", so the arrangement works for our little pack/family. If you feel you may not be able to cope if these issues escalate, do not feel bad if you need to make a decision to rehome Milly... sometimes it can be the best solution for all involved, and is not "palming off a problem", but a selfless act to ensure all 3 dogs' welfare. T.
  3. When I used to foster puppies for rescue, we learned really quickly that Drontal can be really hard on their tummies... so we switched to Canex or Fenpral, as they were much kinder to the system. I've never had one go manic on it though... T.
  4. Nawwww... a "speshul" moment... lol! T.
  5. Definitely an amazing and caring person... T.
  6. Trouble received a parcel in the mail today from an amazing fellow DOLer.... and she's beside herself with happiness right now! She sends her biggest woo-woos and sloppy labrador kisses to her kind benefactor... *slurp* Thank you so much!!! T.
  7. tdierikx


    OH Teebs! My heart hurts with you... *sob* Fly free with the angels Kaos... my beloved Woosie will share her fave spots with you, OK? T.
  8. They are so pretty... and so healthy looking... sad that they are feral and cause issues... "Little" looks like there may be some Beagle in the mix somewhere... Midge is gorgeous! T.
  9. You know your boy best... and whatever you decide, I am right behind you with all my support @DesertDobes... I've had to make the decision more often than most... during my years in dog rescue where we took on a lot of special needs dogs, some just couldn't be fixed... It's hard to do, but when you know it's the right thing, that certainly takes a bit of the sting away. T.
  10. He's actually really sweet... he hates what's happening almost as much as I do... especially as he can't fix it regardless of all his experience and skills. And she does need to slim down a few kilos... an extra fat layer around the neck could increase the effect of the lump on the throat... and we want to keep her with us as long as she's comfortable. T.
  11. We had a checkup this week, and took bloods to see how the rest of her was looking. She's actually gained some weight lately, so thyroid function was top of the list, as the throat lump is in that general area. Bloods came back as darned near perfect ... she's a really healthy specimen apparently... but needs to go on a bit of a diet... *sigh* She doesn't get treats or extras... and I'm usually pretty strict about what and how much she's eating... but I may have "compensated" a bit of late due to the shock of what's happening to her... She's still happy and active... and still totally oblivious to what's happening... so that's good. The throat lump is now about 1.5 times the size of a golf ball, and the tongue lump is about the size of a 50 cent piece. We are especially watching the tongue one, as if she bites it, it could get infected and/or bleed profusely... neither of which is desirable. T.
  12. I'm with perse... surely there must be a vet surgeon who can do something? I'm in a similar position with my girl... her lumps are inoperable, but she's perfectly fine and healthy in every other respect, and would have gone on to live a long life if it weren't for the damned lumps... grrr! The reality is that I'm going to have to say goodbye to her when the lumps compromise her ability to swallow... and it won't be years from now. T.
  13. Gee... I wonder which large "rescue" organisation they model that on... T.
  14. Just think if even 1/3 of all that moolah went to support the rescue groups who are getting it done well? T.
  15. It's so hard Teebs... got one here on a watch and wait myself... Massive hugs... T.
  16. She's a Labrador... lol! It's gotta be REALLY bad before they won't swallow anything... She's pretty much oblivious to the seriousness of what's happening... thank dog! T.
  17. Update: Trubs is still eating like a Labrador, but has started to cough/gag more of late... and she occasionally gets dribbly... otherwise she's her normal self, albeit just a bit more clingy. T.
  18. So @shel... do they also get the nice income tax benefits that NFP employees get? ie: a portion of their salaries are untaxed... T.
  19. Massive hugs to you and yours Teebs... it's not fair! T.
  20. Hey @shel... in all that time, how many payrises have they given themselves? T.
  21. Maybe the decline in Terrier breeds is due to housing and lifestyles? They do require a fair bit of exercise and stimulation, don't they? T.
  22. Oh @westiemum... massive hugs to you and Andy... Fly free with the angels sweet Sarah... T.
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