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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. How is Teddy now @crazydoglady99? Been thinking about him and how he's healing... T.
  2. January's rain events in Sydney have had the grass at the farm go a bit nuts @persephone... I got so jack of how long it was between the paddocks and at the back of the shed that I took my whipper snipper to work and made it short enough to walk through comfortably. Luckily for us, we don't get many snakes where we are, or it would be a real worry... Fingers crossed you guys get some rain soon... enough to regenerate the grass for your sheepies... it must be so hard for them fighting for what little there may be with the native animals (read roos)... I do love my job... working with young animals and raising them to be big and strong and happy is so rewarding... Even more rewarding is seeing them clamouring to go out visiting people and bringing joy to others... huge bonus! Here are a few more photos of my little charges... T.
  3. As he should be perse... it must be really awesome to see such positive results, yes? T.
  4. I get to work with some amazing personalities and characters... and they are purty too! ... more coming... T.
  5. It's simply amazing when you get the first glimpses of the pups' instinct to do what they do best though, isn't it? They have certainly inherited that from their mum... and their good looks from their dad... *grin* Our babies at work come from the same sort of goats... the adults in the same situation as yours. It can seem horrible to some city folks, but farmers have to survive somehow, and those feral goats can be so destructive if their populations are allowed to grow too large. Smaller populations are great for weed control though, yes? T.
  6. They are so going to be AWESOME workers! On a side note... how divine are those goats? Big healthy looking things... and so many pretty colours! Pity they are feral and a massive pest to farms... *sigh* T.
  7. My eyes are leaking... no words can express... T.
  8. Fingers crossed Hannah has her baby on my birthday... *grin* T.
  9. We so need a Love button @Troy... T.
  10. Looking good Teddy!! You keep healing nicely for mummy, OK? Such a precious photo of him with his ball... so nice to have him getting back to his normal little self, yes? T.
  11. How is Teddy getting along now @crazydoglady99? Pickles and Harper have been sending their best get well woo-woos non-stop... T.
  12. Simply gorgeous! Lovely healthy looking little bundles of special... T.
  13. Go Arkey!! Can't wait to see the latest bubbas... T.
  14. Well done boys!!! Impressing the Boss enough to score a sandwich... your humum has taught you well! T.
  15. The penalties are fiscal... and they are awarded to the RSPCA. So it could be followed that if the RSPCA don't think they can make that money, then prosecution isn't likely to happen... That said, I'm 100% positive that those dogs, if seized by the RSPCA, would certainly not have been with us now... the worst one would have been destroyed virtually immediately... T.
  16. Go Teddy!!! Trubs sent you her most powerful get well woo-woos all the way until she grew wings... and Pickles and Harper have taken up the woo-woo duties in earnest now... Give the little superstar hugs and kisses from his Aunty T and tell him how awesome she says he is for doing so well... T.
  17. Surely if they saw any of the dogs, it would have been relatively evident that something was amiss? RSPCA technically can enter if they suspect/ decide that an animal is being mistreated in any way. The only place they can't enter without a warrant is the dwelling itself. So I'm calling bullsh!t on their excuse... grrr! More likely they've figured that the owner is low income and they wouldn't make any money out of them... T.
  18. How about giving her some raw chicken wings to chew on? Raw chicken bones are not brittle, and clean teeth beautifully... T.
  19. Trubs went gently into the big sleep... a most dignified passing with those she loved the most around her giving her cuddles... Truth be told, it is actually a bit of a relief knowing that she's not struggling and I have to be at work. She had an awesome day today (bar a couple of hours I had to go out), eating more treats than she's ever been allowed... and they were the BEST treats ever! Thanks to everyone who have been supporting Trubs and I through this journey - it has meant so much more than you probably have realised. Massive love and hugs to all of you... T.
  20. Dags may be a bit more like his daddy than first thought... lol! Clive definitely sounds like he's really wanting to please the Boss and you... he's gonna be an awesome worker I'm sure... T.
  21. Trubs received a care package from a very special and wonderful lady... thank you so much @crazydoglady99!!! This afternoon at 5:30, Trubs will be going to join Zeddy, Connor, and Woosie at the Bridge... it's time... ... but until then, it's TREAT TIME!!! Woohoo! T.
  22. Was his growling behaviour towards the same person both times, or different people? T.
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