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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I've had people get in my face for walking my Labrador on a loose lead and check chain... she didn't pull or do anything that required it to tighten, but obviously I was terrible for even putting it on her... *sigh* To each their own I suppose... T.
  2. It is definitely still here @asal... it's one of the diseases that kills wild foxes in decent numbers... we just don't see it as much in domestic dogs now is all. But there are still a number of cases reported in dogs every year... T.
  3. I get filthy looks from people when I walk my dogs on a check chain... can't imagine the looks if the dog needs a prong collar... *shakes head* All tools for training, if used correctly, have their place I say... not every dog is going to respond exactly the same to only one sort of training method... T.
  4. No words... after reading the article... T.
  5. I wish we were closer to you @persephone... lambies and kidlets would have more options then... hugs to you doing it tough my friend... 9 new kidlets arrived today too... when I have time, I'll get some photos of them too... T.
  6. We were happy to take on this lot @persephone... their lives had they stayed where they were born might not have been so rosy, yes? Hopefully we had some new feral goat babies delivered overnight too... I look at it as a priviledge to be able to raise babies who might otherwise have had much less of a chance. T.
  7. It wasn't easy getting those photos either... I had 4 others jumping all over me and trying to eat my ears, hair, fingers, and the camera! I have the toughest job on earth sometimes... NOT!! T.
  8. Lilah and Neddy decided to get their bounce on... and I kept in focus... lol! Nothing more joyous than a couple of lambs doing their thing, right? T.
  9. Richard Naylor at Castle Hill Vet Hospital... https://castlehillvets.com.au/team/ T.
  10. I wouldn't encourage running about madly straight after a meal... maybe if you can try doing some training with her, sit, drop, stay, etc? Exercise her mind with learning rather than running around... mind exercise can wear them out just as quickly... *grin* T.
  11. Such a special boy... lol! Love ya Pudden... ya handsome doofus... T.
  12. Have a look at Austral Boarding... I have boarded my dogs there... and even worked there for a while. They are happy to let you come visit and inspect their facilities before booking too... T.
  13. You've raised them smart, strong, and brave... they'll be experts in no time... *grin* T.
  14. The Boss must be somewhat impressed with the boys so far, yes? Sounds like they are going to be awesome help to him over the years... T.
  15. Whoever says RSPCA can't come onto your property unless they can see neglect or cruelty is sadly mistaken... all they need is a single complaint from an anonymous source. The only structure they cannot enter without a warrant or permission is your house. Have a good read of POCTAA... it's there in black and white. The dogs in the video were reacting exactly how I'd expect when a GROUP of people with strange equipment are standing talking and pointing at them... especially as there is actually little encouragement coming from said people to make the dogs feel less wary. The body language displayed from the so-called assessors is so so wrong in this regard... the dogs in this video have definitely been set up to fail whatever "temperament" test is being used here. I have worked in boarding kennels where we had security trained dogs, fearful and upset pets, and animals with various degrees of social incompetence... NEVER did I have any issues interacting positively with said animals. I've also been involved in rescue situations where I had to select which animals from the pounds we could take in... again, I had little difficulty approaching animals showing fear or wariness of strangers in an adverse environment... and I'm not formally "qualified" in any form of animal behaviour assessment. The first thing I would expect of anyone conducting such a test to deem whether an animal is so badly damaged that it requires euthanaisia, is to do the testing on single dogs... the dogs in this video were feeding of each other's fear/wariness... compounding issues that possibly would not have been evident if assessed singly. I would say that the one dog that initially did try approaching (but failed to receive any positive encouragement to interact), would possibly have been VERY different if he/she was alone and had received positive encouragement. T.
  16. Pudden!!! Love that doofy boy! T.
  17. Him iz guardin' da washin'... iz workin' dog! T.
  18. Doesn't look like a bullmastiff to me... AmStaff cross maybe? With regard to the name on his chip, is there a possibility he was adopted by the OP from some small rescue group (or BYB) who didn't put in the change of owner paperwork? Stranger things have happened... T.
  19. That photo deserves to be printed up large and framed... and hung in pride of place on a wall... WOW! T.
  20. Thanks @asal... so many "experts" out there advocating some pretty stupid methods of "training" and "socialising"... and plenty more gullible and clueless folks following blindly so they will be perceived to be the "perfect" owners. There is nothing wrong with corrective training methods... they can be achieved without physical or mental harm... but one needs to be taught to read what our dogs are telling us - they can't speak in words, but their body language can tell us so much... if we are prepared to "listen"... That pup of yours was such a great little tacker... so smart and wanting to please... all she needed was direction. Once she had that, she showed us how awesome she was, didn't she? T.
  21. Let's not forget that the body that would end up tasked with any formal inspection process via any legislation would be the RSPCA... which I'm sure even those doing the right thing should/would be leery of. Essentially they, as the largest "rescue" organisation would be calling the shots over their "competition"... scary thought... I don't have an alternate answer to the problem, but I do know that I wouldn't want the RSPCA in charge of an inspection process. I see that as a conflict of interest at the very least - with a very real possibility of an abuse of power. Plus the fact that they are not held accountable to any higher power... nuff said... T.
  22. Facebook is too easy to delete posts you don't like...which can skew things somewhat... *sigh* Plus it's full of crazy people who love a good sob story, and follow blindly anything they perceive as "helping the poor souls"... but reality may be a bit different, yes? T.
  23. You have the most stunning and healthy looking dogs perse... love them all! T.
  24. There is a special place in Hell for people who allow animals to suffer like that... What is holding me together after seeing the state of the worst ones like Barry, is that hopefully their paralysis meant that they couldn't actually feel what was going on... *sob* Caring for one mildly disabled dog can be hard work at times... how could one small family "rescue" possibly think they could care adequately for so many severely disabled animals? There is NO excuse for not removing faeces and urine, or providing sufficient food and bedding materials... which should have been manageable even with only one person to do it. T.
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