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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. The rescue that passed Narelle's details on to the man giving away his dog isn't necessarily the one that has to clean up the mess either. Is the dog in question desexed, vaccinated, and microchipped? If so - track down the original owner by the chip info... and pass that info to Narelle and let her sort it out. She was the idiot who said she'd take the dog when it arrived on her doorstep... T.
  2. Hahaha! I think Narelle needs to contact the guy who gave her his FTGH dog... T.
  3. So this person is actually looking to get a dog, or is she just intent on trying to get people in rescue going on long trips for meet ups that will never happen? I'm just a little confused (must be the full moon coming)... T.
  4. I've become a strong convert to the use of crates for pups at night... all of my fosters are crated in my bedroom at night... if they can see me and/or my other dogs, they settle much better too... T.
  5. Have you thought about starting obedience training with Jazzie? Just you and her go down to your local dog training club and have some fun learning things together? Sounds like Jazzie needs to have her boundaries reinforced... and I'm sure one of our wonderful DOL trainers will give you plenty of tips on how that could be done... T.
  6. Scourban is good stuff - just be careful to follow the vet's instructions and don't give more than prescribed, OK? Don't want the poor little thing to get clogged up... *grin* T.
  7. My Labrador is the noisiest traveller too... it's like she's saying "are we there yet? are we there yet?"... hahaha! T.
  8. My two foster puppies think it's great fun to take my Ugg boots or my work boots for a run around the back yard... and what I tend to do is to grab a teddy bear or other suitable dog toy, and swap the boot for the toy - so far the incidences of the boot stealing have decreased somewhat... time and patience will definitely be the key to any training in this regard. I refuse to put everything out of pup's way to stop them stealing them. These are foster pups that will be going to new families at some point - so they need to learn some basic boundaries. My adult permanent furkids were taught the same way, and they never steal anything of mine that is on the floor... ... and for good measure - my dogs sleep on my bed, and eat before I do... and they still know who is the pack leader around our house... *grin* I'd be definitely finding a different trainer too - the one you have been getting "advice" from sounds like they've gotten all of their "experience" from a very outdated textbook... T.
  9. Can your baby see you from her crate? Can she see forward through to where you are? I've found that when they can see you, they can settle better... If she is carsick, a couple of drops of peppermint oil on her collar can settle that down... T.
  10. My girls' poops will get harder after no water for 7-8 hours... does he make a big mess when he drinks? If not, then maybe try putting a water bowl closer to where he sleeps so he may be encouraged to drink a little overnight... If his poops are dry all day - then you may have a different problem... T.
  11. Does he have access to water overnight? T.
  12. tdierikx

    What Breed

    I have a Lab - and mate, they shed like there's no tomorrow! Even in Winter! and they can be crazy lunatics for a good while as they are growing up... *grin* My girl is called Trouble - and she truly lived up to that name as a pup! She is now 3.5 years old and has definitely settled down some, but still loves nothing better than to play crazy zoomie games with any other dog she meets. She has high energy levels and loves stimulating games. I've never owned a GSD. Whichever breed you decide on, my advice would be to obedience train and socialise it well - and you should be rewarded with a lovely companion. T.
  13. My foster pups have a crate in my bedroom for night time (and when I'm not home)... they settle into them very quickly - especially if they can see you from the crate at night. Not had one pup yet who didn't get the idea within minutes once the lights were turned off... *grin* T.
  14. I don't use vet clinic puppy preschool as a training ground - more as a controlled and supervised socialisation tool for pups not vaccinated enough to go out to "proper" training grounds where lots of strange dogs congregate... it's also good for a lot of vet advice on a lot of different topics pertinent to the healthy upbringing of your beloved baby... *grin* T.
  15. Agree pretty much with what everyone else has offered here... With the feeding thing though - I have had a few foster pups who have done the exact same thing, will eat voraciously for a few days, then appear to have no appetite at all for a few days - this seems to coincide with the growth spurts they are going through - eat like a little piggy when they are in a "filling out" stage, and picky when they are in an "upward growth" stage. Unless you see you baby getting underweight for his age/breed standard, then I wouldn't worry overly much about it, OK? You baby sounds like he's going to a perfectly fine canine citizen - keep up the good work! T.
  16. Many vet clinics have puppy kindergarten classes held at their clinics - you might try looking one of those up rather than starting your little one at a dog training club. Most training clubs I've attended won't start pups until they are around 16 weeks of age, and had all 3 puppy vaccs... T.
  17. You wouldn't guess it - but Bentley (my foster pup in the referenced thread above) actually had the sniffles when the first set of photos was taken - but at around 8 weeks of age, he weighed in at 3.87 kgs! Not a skinny or sickly puppy by any stretch of the imagination! I'd definitely be very leery of anyone calling themselves a breeder that will want to meet prospective buyers in a park (or carpark) - the least they could have done was bring the dam or sire along for you to have a vague idea what that pup should grow up to look like. The pup in your photos doesn't look like any well bred Staffy that I've ever seen - or even like the crossbred pup I am fostering (and I've also seen HIS dam - a crossbred AmStaff by the looks of her). Good decision to walk away from this one lindadiosa... I'm sure you will find the puppy of your dreams soon enough - good things come to those who wait as they say... *grin* T.
  18. I found that when taking Tramal myself, I would take a Maxolon tab about 15 mins before taking the Tramal, and then I wouldn't vomit. Nasty drug, but it certainly kills the pain of an abscessed wisdom tooth... *grin* That said, after taking it myself, I'd never give it to any of my dogs... it definitely sends you a bit loopy... T.
  19. OMG!!! You guys are all doing Mumma Pei proud... Marnie is absolutely divine! Can I be the president of the Marnie fan club? *grin* T.
  20. Awww... Marnie and LT are the perfect pair, aren't they? Marnie is quickly becoming one of the nicest looking SharPei's I've ever seen (sorry Sue&Crew - Jake is gorgeous too!) - good on you for helping her to become a well trained and well mannered canine citizen too LT... T.
  21. Merna, May got the best last days because of your care and compassion... remember her well in your heart, and she will never be far away... Hugs at ya chicky! T.
  22. Boss is a mega spunk... I'd just love to give him a big cuddle... and he's definitely built for it I'd say! Give them both cuddles from me Merna... T.
  23. Aww... she is too pretty for words Merna! Give her a cuddle from me please... T.
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