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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I do like the look of a nicely turned out bull breed... and would happily share my life with one. That said, I'd be looking for one as a pet to love and adore - not to guard or protect specifically. I have met quite a few people who look for a specific type of dog to "improve" their manhood (so to speak)... it's kinda sad really... *sigh* T.
  2. Thanks Steve - I wasn't going to say it myself... *grin* While "Oscar's Law" appears to be a noble effort towards a tangible goal - there is some concern as to the methods and actions of some of the people involved to get attention. Do your research on not only the proposal, but the people and groups behind it as well, OK? It's all public record... and Google is your friend... I'm just naturally leery of anything that draws attention to an issue, but doesn't actually put forward achievable (or real) proposals to try to "fix" the problem. Come up with a tangible solution to the problem and I'll follow just fine - jump up and down and demand someone else formulate and enact the solution, and you will lose your audience pretty darned quickly. T.
  3. There is always at least one person at a dog park that seems to think that everyone else is a complete novice at owning a dog... I tend to not let them near my dogs... and if anyone tried to pin one of my dogs CM style, then they'd probably end up sporting a very nasty HUMAN bite from me! True "dog whisperers" don't march up and start manhandling a dog. The usual method is to observe said dog for a good while and sum up it's actual body language before deciding to talk to the owner and ask if they want any tips. If they say "no thanks" (or anything vaguely resembling that phrase), then leave them the hell alone... duhhhh! One thing I've learned over the years is that understanding dog body language is not necessarily something that can be easily learned - especially not from a TV show that is highly edited to show a favourable outcome... you either have an innate "skill" for it, or you don't. T.
  4. Salt water gargles and lots of hot honeyed black tea can soothe an irritated throat... and if that doesn't work - a large glass of brandy will do the trick (and give you a good night's sleep) T.
  5. Damn Jules... that's not the best news... *sigh* Crossing fingers she gives you some good years before she's ready to go... T.
  6. I've noticed that females can be right grotty little buggers as pups... I've fostered quite a few pups for rescue, and it's always the girls that are the messiest in the toileting regard... *sigh* All good advice from the others above... but I thought I'd just let you know that I feel your pain, and you are not alone, OK? *grin* T.
  7. My entire Rotti male a few years back wouldn't touch a bitch in heat unless I told him he could... damn, I miss that boy! Just to be on the safe side though, I would board my bitch at the local vet clinic when she was in the receptive time of her season... better safe than sorry I reckon, and my girl loved our vet clinic staff... *grin* I have seen dogs tied through a paling fence... not a pretty sight! And they are very loud when stuck like that too! T.
  8. I didn't get to the Rotties... but I did snuggle with some very sweet Ridgies... The highlight was definitely the Xolo's though... I think I'm on love!!! Simply gorgeous looking dogs, and striking eyes... love the eyes! T.
  9. I met the stunning Xolo's today! They are amazing to look at and to stroke... the softest skin! I'm quite partial to Naca... he is gorgeous!! Thank you so much for bringing them to Spring Fair Wazzat! T.
  10. Interesting question... The ones I've noticed that have been bred will have larger and maybe unevenly shaped nipples - and the ones that have never had a litter will have smaller and more even nipples. Dogs carrying a bit of extra weight can have the appearance of having had an udder, but it may just be looser (or fattier) skin on their underbelly making it look that way. T.
  11. I foster pups for rescue... and I can understand your aversion to the toilet training, the chewing, etc... lol! For me though, the puppy breath kisses make up for it - and I'm a glutton for puppy cuddles. Fostering (un)fortunately caters to my puppy addiction, so I'm pretty set... *grin* Adopting an older dog comes with exactly the same considerations as adopting a puppy as far as I've experienced... each dog is as individual as you or I, and come with their own set of needs and/or habits... Changing a dog's name isn't a big deal to the dog (I have found through experience), and all dogs will learn at their own pace, regardless of age. The old dog/new tricks thing is actually a fallacy too - any dog can be taught new things... some may just need a different "focus" to do so - find that, and you are set... *grin* T.
  12. Apart from hearing that you have been sick... it's so good to know that top trainers can have their dogs become totally unruly at times too... lol! I probably would have started crying if that had happened to me and I was feeling crook... and that would have made my dogs stop what they were doing... they are a bit sensitive that way... *grin* I had a couple of wisdom teeth removed a week ago, and one of my dogs has been sitting and gently licking at my swollen cheek to try to make it better... then again, she might just be tasting me up in case I die and she has to pick which bit to eat first... hahaha! T.
  13. Of the ones I've met in rescue, I've found that the Shih Tzus can be a little more laid back and less flighty... but we aren't exactly talking the best bred "lines" of either breed found in rescue... *grin* That said - the ones I've met in rescue have all been delightful little dogs... both Maltese AND Shih Tzu. The craziest/nastiest of both both breeds I've met have had doting owners... err! If I wasn't averse to brushing and grooming, I'd happily share my life with either breed. T.
  14. Pure Pit Bulls? Scarce as hen's teeth I'd say... Anything that looks like a badly bred Stafford/AmStaff - or a cross of same? Lots... ... and unfortunately quite a few of those are owned by people who aren't concerned with giving their "breed" a good name... *sigh* T.
  15. *note to self - must find the "Xolo's" tomorrow... and learn how to pronounce it* Ummm... I'll be the crazy person who will be asking everyone if I can touch, pat, cuddle, or kiss their dogs... ... I've been wormed and de-flea'd and had all my shots... honest!! Me at a dog show/gathering is very much akin to a kid in a candy store... err! T.
  16. I'd probably do one on my "failed foster" dog Pickles... Born in a remote camp in the Northern Territory, suffered an injury to the brain (no knowing exactly how) which caused her to be unable to walk, enter the lovely community worker who spotted her and decided that she was too nice a dog to suffer and die due to her circumstances, plane ride to Sydney into the hands of rescue, foster carer who totally fell in love with her... pan to lovely healthy and happy nearly 1 year old girl (birthday 25 Sept) who walks a little funny but doesn't know any different, so that's OK... *grin* I'd probably have a few "props" of various other foster pups that Pickles helps along the way... basically a bit of a view of rescue and foster caring and giving dogs a second chance at the great life they should have had from the start. Oh - and there is a total misconception about dogs in pounds having something "wrong" with them... the sheer number of absolutely delightful dogs in pounds is heartbreaking. Ask any rescuer how many truly "broken" or "bad" dogs they have seen in a pound, and you may be surprised at how few there actually are... T.
  17. Now I'm really jealous that you aren't making Chopper and Bruno calendars this year ruthless... *goes off to sulk* T.
  18. Now THAT pic is funny Anne... lol! I love it! T.
  19. Ummm - if you check the chip detail on NSW CAR, and the dogs are still in only her name - can't she register them with her council here? That may double her "ownership" stakes if she is still really set on getting them back in the "settlement"... T.
  20. Sending all my best healing and nurturing vibes to you and your baby JulesP... ... and my furkids are sending all their slobbery kisses and good luck "woo-woos" at you both also... T.
  21. Awwww... some dogs to tend to just know when they have to be gentle with their playmates, don't they? T.
  22. I have one dog buried up in the back corner of my yard - quite a few years now. I won't dig her up if I move, and she's deep enough that any new owner won't disturb her if they want to make a garden over the top of her - although they may wonder why there is a large piece of fencing mesh buried about 12 inches down... *grin* (it was to deter our other dogs from any urge to dig there actually) Personally I don't go in for the cremation thing - I prefer to keep all of my furkids in my heart and memories instead - and each of them has their very own special memories that I can recall at any time. T.
  23. I have friends who own 2 gorgeous and extremely well loved Dachshunds... luckily the breeder they got their furkids from didn't have an issue about my friends' sexuality, and selected the very best home for TWO of their pups. I really think that some people can be so close-minded about the stupid stuff and can lose sight of the bigger picture... don't sweat it my friend - your new little one is going to be even more special after that first bad experience. At least you had the tenacity to not give up after that other knockback... And you have another Alwyn fan wanting more pics here... *grin* T.
  24. With the current bull breed hysteria after the latest media hype about the attack on that little girl... I'm thinking right now any bull breed looking dog could be under scrutiny if out in public unrestrained... Actual reported dog attack statistics don't have the bull breeds at the very top of the list - but the non bull breed dog attacks don't seem to make it to the front pages of the newspapers... grrr! I'm still wondering where all of these "pit bulls" and crosses are coming from - seeing as they are a totally restricted breed in Australia... *sigh* T.
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