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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. What about this scenario? Council seizes a mixed breed dog that they have "identified" as a Pitbull or cross of same. Council has no room to house and care for said dog as the "storage" facility is full. Council then destroys a few impounded "illegal" dogs to make room for new arrivals that are coming in by the truckfull... As dogs are regarded under the law as possessions - your only real recourse is to sue for the monetary "value" of said dog - which as a crossbreed isn't all that much. Not to mention that legal costs to mount such a case would probably outweigh the monetary "value" of said dog... I'm not seeing a winning situation here for the poor dog owner... *sigh* T.
  2. I use a travel crate for puppies, and a harness for the bigger dogs. T.
  3. Might be a question for the breeder? T.
  4. Unenforceable "bylaws" set by some NSW councils are actually a "suggestion" as to the number of dogs per household. There are no actual laws to back them if you have more dogs and they try to do you for it. I'm all for owners being held fully responsible for dog attacks, and hefty fines for same. That said, they need to define what actually constitutes an "attack" under the law... dog rushing over exuberantly and a person falling over due to being startled doesn't constitute an attack IMHO... Education is a bloody great idea - on all aspects of dog ownership and responsibilities please! T.
  5. My girls are desexed... they are still bitches... *grin* T.
  6. My guess is no matter what you tell them, they will do what they want to with regards to running 3 bitches together... then when the inevitable happens, they will come running to you for sympathy/help... *sigh* I have 3 bitches here myself - two of them have had vicious spats in the past, and are no longer allowed to run together. The 3rd bitch gets on fine with both of the others and is not capable of challenging either of them due to mobility/stability issues - plus she is more on the submissive side rather than dominant. I also foster puppies for rescue because that is what all of my permanent girls prefer. It's a PITA to keep dogs separated and still give them equal one-on-one and exercise time - but the alternative is pts for one or both, as I know exactly what they are capable of if they get into a spat and the other dog doesn't back down. Rehoming is NOT an option under those circumstances, so I manage my dogs, and they are coping just fine with the "arrangement" now in place. T.
  7. I had a young adult Husky decide to arrive on my doorstep (literally) at 3:30am one morning - as if he knew the crazy dog lady would help him find his way home... Had a few wandering the street, and usually either tempted them with treats or opened the car door and called them in. I tend to take strays to my regular vet, as they will scan them and contact the owner if the chip details are up to date - saves the owner impound fees - and the vet will forward to the pound if the owner can't be contacted. The actual pound is closer to me than my vet, but I'd rather the dogs not end up there if possible - not that the pound is a "bad" one, just that I'd rather they not go there if possible... T.
  8. Having 2 large breed dogs who have done exactly the same thing, I keep them separated at all times now. It's fiddly, but the dogs have adjusted to it very well, and I no longer have to worry about huge vet bills... or worse... T.
  9. Jase - it's never easy to say goodbye to a beloved best mate, my deepest condolences to you and your family. You will know if/when you are ready to add another dog to your family. Dogs have that special knack of reaching out and just grabbing a hold of your heart when you least expect it... Run free and healthy now sweet Jock - and say G'day to my old girl Woosie for me, OK? T.
  10. She looks more like Isla Fisher to me... T.
  11. *giggle* I've been tempted to do that myself... T.
  12. I've noticed that those who prefer large "tough" looking dogs, and make nasty comments about small dogs, are usually trying to compensate for their lack of something... predominately either brains or balls... lol! T.
  13. It takes a REAL man to own (or be owned by) a SWF... *grin* T.
  14. Definitely get it checked by a vet - if he has a UTI then he's going to start getting very uncomfortable very soon. My brother's Lab even went off his food when he had a UTI... poor baby... T.
  15. I used to feel the same way about little dogs... then I got involved in rescue and learned how lovely most of them are... I'm quickly becoming a convert. Seriously though, I prefer a larger dog to share my life with - much more of them to cuddle... *grin* T.
  16. Awww... it definitely is moments like that which make your heart sing and feel that he's going to be OK eventually. Keep up the great work Jakey! T.
  17. Zeddy hates her feet being touched, but finally at 12 years old, she will grudgingly let me trim her nails - used to be she would only allow her favourite vet to do it. I now just walk up to her while she's lounging on the couch and take her paw and clip the nails - no hesitation is the key here - she doesn't like it, but won't mouth me any more. It's as though she's finally worked out that the more she plays up, the longer it's going to take... *grin* T.
  18. Lipomas are fairly common in older dogs - my oldest girl has a few of them... and like Riley, she just stands and lats the vet do the biopsies on any new ones. Well.. she does give them kisses while they do it... They are really easy to diagnose from the biopsy too - the dye won't stick to the tissue/sample when they put it on the slide - takes about 10 minutes to get the all clear and some liver treats... *grin* T.
  19. Hang in there Jakey boy... your fan club are crossing everything for a full recovery... Healing licks and "woo-woos" from my girls to make you feel better... T.
  20. My Zeddy (Rotti/Pittie cross) is 12, plays nice at dog parks with dogs of all sizes and shapes, and helps me with my rescue foster pups - she is also very gentle and tolerant with children... T.
  21. I have seen first hand some cases of cruelty that I wouldn't share photos of... but photos of the same dog happy and healthy AFTER treatment and rehabilitation with a few words to describe what treatment and rehabilitation was needed should suffice. Our rescue does take photos of the cruelty cases we get on entry - many never get aired as they can traumatise others - but we need them for our records, especially if the dog needs long term care to rehabilitate. What never ceases to amaze me is the happy and friendly nature of so many dogs that have had humans do bad things to them... so trusting... it chokes you up knowing what they have been through and still manage to have trust in humans. As for activists posting graphic images all over the internet... well... some of those images are manufactured too. Some people will do just about anything to get others to join their cause... grrr! T.
  22. You told her to call Dr Chris??? Oh man I hope she doesnt. That would be the blind leading the blind. She'll just bat her eyelids and ask him to take his shirt off. That's what I'd do... *grin*... Wouldn't let him treat my dogs though... T.
  23. Good luck getting media help - they are the bloody ones who started this stupid hysteria in the first place... grrr! As for the politicians who drove this law through parliament as a knee jerk reaction to a tragic event caused by ONE rogue dog - I have no words fit to air on a public forum... I can see VCAT getting a right hammering with all of the bull breed owners challenging orders made under this new law. T.
  24. I tried to keep my letter as non-hysterical as possible... I hope she doesn't read the Oscar's Law website... some of the people involved in that are scary! As for the personal stuff doing the airwaves about Julia Gillard... all I can say she must be one thick skinned woman to be able to get out of bed each day to face more of it - with stuff all support from the bastards that shunted her into the position. Wouldn't want that job for quids! T.
  25. My letter started as follows... "With the current media announcements that you are adopting a "Spoodle" puppy, may I offer both congratulations on deciding to add a dog to the family - and some regret that by choosing a "designer" bred dog, you may be inadvertently popularising a breed that is known to be "farmed" for the pet market. As a volunteer for a rescue group in Sydney, I have had the sad experience of having to help rehabilitate ex puppy farm dogs that have been used for breeding crosses such as a "Spoodle" - and while I am sure that you and Mr Mathieson have chosen a breeder who may not mass produce puppies for sale - please be aware that for those who may follow your lead and may now want a "Spoodle" puppy, their pups (most likely to be bought from pet shops) may not be bred as lovingly as yours. If it is not too late, may I please ask you to reconsider your choice, and maybe look into adopting a rescue dog instead? So many totally lovely and healthy dogs in Australia end up in pounds and shelters annually, and the rescue community is doing their utmost to save and rehome as many of these animals as possible - with no funding or assistance other than recouping the cost involved to desex them" I didn't mention that I don't vote Labor... lol! T.
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