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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Pickles is the biggest tart - always up for cuddles from anyone... *grin* She doesn't know anything different, so copes with her disability as though it really doesn't exist. Funnily enough, she can run really well. When I first started fostering her, she used to trip over her front feet a lot and do the following... She loves playing with my other foster pups... and I think that's why her coordination has improved so much... She is also a great advertisement for rescue, isn't she? T.
  2. Mine don't lick toes, but if I have a cut or graze, one of mine has to lick it better... T.
  3. What has she been wormed with and when? I've seen pups get quite sick - and on some occasions, die - after worming... We tend to use Fenpral or Canex on surrendered or pound sourced pups - they are much gentler than things like Drontal. I've had recently vaccinated pups also test positive for Parvo, but they didn't actually have it. I'm not sure vaccinosis would start to present this long after vaccination - although it is also a possibility. T.
  4. Pickles says thanks for the cuddles and the vet check labs26... any excuse for a good cuddle session... *grin* ... although the young vet was a little perplexed by her disability... lol! Perfectly healthy apart from the funny walk... Pickles got to sniff and be sniffed by lots of lovely dogs today - and she's now having a well earned rest. T.
  5. I too didn't want to ask one particular vet that was particularly attached to my heart dog to have to help give her her wings - but Woosie had other ideas. When it was her time, she picked the only day that the vet clinic only had a locum on with our favourite vet... and there was no way on the planet I was having a stranger give her her wings. I was a complete mess when I rang the clinic to make that appointment - incoherent in fact - but the staff member who answered the phone worked out pretty quickly who I was and what I was calling for... and handled this total blubbering mess (me) with complete compassion and empathy. A big shout out for all the staff at Mortdale Vet Clinic - they all rock! Oh crap! Guess what's playing on the radio right now... and I'm bawling like a baby... Sometimes When We Touch - Dan Hill You ask me if I love you And I choke on my reply I'd rather hurt you honestly Than mislead you with a lie And who am I to judge you On what you say or do? I'm only just beginning to see the real you And sometimes when we touch The honesty's too much And I have to close my eyes and hide I wanna hold you til I die Til we both break down and cry I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides Romance and all its strategy Leaves me battling with my pride But through the insecurity Some tenderness survives I'm just another writer Still trapped within my truth A hesitant prize fighter Still trapped within my youth And sometimes when we touch The honesty's too much And I have to close my eyes and hide I wanna hold you til I die Til we both break down and cry I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides At times I'd like to break you And drive you to your knees At times I'd like to break through And hold you endlessly At times I understand you And I know how hard you've tried I've watched while love commands you And I've watched love pass you by At times I think we're drifters Still searching for a friend A brother or a sister But then the passion flares again And sometimes when we touch The honesty's too much And I have to close my eyes and hide I wanna hold you til I die Til we both break down and cry I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides T.
  6. I'm a total sucker for pretty much any dog... I think I can find something to love in them all... *grin* My current three all touch me in similar yet different ways. Zeddy - 12 year old Rotti/Pittie cross - was supposed to be my then boyfriend's dog - she decided that she liked me much better... and I love her to death too. Trouble - 5.5 year old Labrador (possibly something else - maybe Dingo - in her mix) - who can't love a Labrador puppy? Even though she was the naughtiest and most destructive terror when she was younger, she managed to grab hold of my heart and won't let go... Pickles - 1 year old camp dog (born in an Aboriginal camp in the Northern Territory) - came to me as a foster pup for rescue. She is disabled - walks funny due to a brain injury. This girl is something special - she really doesn't know that she is disabled - and has the most happy and sunny personality that I just fell in love completely and adopted her myself. I have had a few other dogs share my heart and life over the years - and each of them have been totally different in the ways that they all have stolen a small piece of my soul when they had to leave me - but I wouldn't have it any other way. T.
  7. Today is the day! Pickles can't wait to meet some new friends... *grin* T.
  8. For each of my own animals that have had to be helped on their journey to the Bridge, my vets have sobbed with me... our animals are more than just patients to them - they have built relationships with them over the years, and it's a bit like losing a friend to them as well I think. It's one of the worst feelings in the world to leave a vet clinic with only a collar and lead - but it is made a little easier when you know for certain that it wasn't "just part of the job" for the vet staff. Empathy is a great asset Destroya - don't ever lose it, OK? It sets the special people apart... T.
  9. It's going to be a warm one tomorrow... should be a great day! I'll remind Pickles to be on her best behaviour tomorrow... *grin* T. This is Pickles... so you can recognise her tomorrow and come say hello - she loves cuddles!
  10. Run free and healthy Macky... you touched many souls you never met with your courage and determination... thank you! T.
  11. I used to think crates were evil and cruel... until I had cause to use one... now I'm a total convert and have several in different sizes. My 5.5 year old Lab girl had never used a crate until she was nearly 5 - and now it's hard to get her out of hers... *grin* I use crates for my rescue foster puppies, and they get used to the idea really quickly. I have one dog who actually destroyed her crate - a steel one at that! But one failure out of literally several dozen pups fostered, plus training my older dogs to use them - not a bad strike rate over all... lol! My vote is with the Vebo crates too - the metal collapsible ones... T.
  12. Sounds like Buckley may need to be reminded of his place in the pecking order. You may need a professional trainer to advise you of methods to get Buckley back into line. There are a few here on DOL... I'm sure one of them will be by soon to give some great advice. T.
  13. Will do labs26! She'll even do her funny walk for you if you like... *grin* T.
  14. Pickles came running into the room, looked at the speakers with head tilted, then ran around barking and looking for the strange dog... then Zeddy ran after her as if to say "the guard dog thing is MY job!"... hahaha! T.
  15. I'd like to do that to but I don't really know how to get started. For now I have donated goods and money. I unfortunately can't foster at the moment in the place i'm in but hoping that maybe I could help with some administration or something. Makes me sad that soo many dogs need homes due to people's irresponsibility Every little thing you can do to help is great lilmisssascha83 - even if you don't have the facility to to the hands on stuff, your donations have made a difference in an animal's life. Thank you! T.
  16. I've been reading this thread and loving that you now have another ray of sunshine and hope Rach... happy tears here my friend! T.
  17. I'm going to take Pickles for a wander around - she really enjoyed going to the PetFest in Merrylands a few weeks ago, and she's always up for stranger cuddles... *grin* Look for the strange woman with the white and brindle patched medium sized dog with a red harness that walks funny - that will be us! Pickles would love to give you cuddles... T.
  18. I read the Sam one years ago - long before I became involved with rescue... it will never leave me... *sob* ... but now I get to help make sure that at least some dogs don't end up like the "shelter demonstration" dog in that story... *grin* T.
  19. My very first dog as a kid was a black Lab girl.... couldn't fault her at all... the perfect family pet... My current Lab girl is yellow... and her name is Trouble... suits her to a tee... *grin* I will always have a soft spot for any big black dog though... there really isn't anything more stunning than a glossy back coat IMHO... T.
  20. Here's another oldie... make sure you have your tissues ready... http://maxellah.tripod.com/sam.htm T.
  21. Would that be the gorgeous Ben you people are referring to in Kogarah? He is a darling, isn't he? I'd take him over the Bondi guy in a heartbeat! Annandale Vet Clinic is also excellent. T.
  22. Another vote for the crimsafe solution here... Zeddy didn't just rip the screen off my old doors, but she would buckle the mesh as well. Paid $900 for the crimsafe screen door and haven't had to replace anything for years now... worth every penny spent! The thing still doesn't have a single mark on it. T.
  23. All of mine have to chaperone you to the bathroom... must be something scary in there... *grin* Rather disconcerting to have dogs watching you go potty if you don't own said dogs... lol! Pickles HAS to meander in front of you whenever you are running to get the ringing phone... grrr! T.
  24. I'd probably go with SASH as they have all of the latest and best diagnostic equipment at their disposal - and the recommendations from fellow DOLers definitely give them the big thumbs up... *grin* T.
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