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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Oh CC, you know you'd love to share your pool with 2 crazy Labs... they make great photo fodder... *nudge nudge* We take dogs into the pool at the rescue property all the time, and the pump thing never has an issue getting rid of any hair that may be left behind by the doggies. Go on! You know you really want to see Labs in your pool... T.
  2. In rescue we see quite a few litters that have obviously had more than one sperm donor... but it would all be from the same season in the bitch. T.
  3. As you can see Rubystar, a Lab will have just as much fun going looney in a clam shell pool... and they are really cheap in Kmart... *grin* T.
  4. Zeddy is the one who will only get her feet wet in the clam shell type too... plenty happy to walk into it and stand, but that's it. Get the hose out and turn it on though, and you have maniac water chomping dog! lol! She will happily get thoroughly soaked doing that... T.
  5. She also decided that the water bucket was fair game... She's just spat the ducky out... I love this photo - taken my lillypilly with my camera. ... and just chillin' after all that fun... T.
  6. Seeing as Trouble is such a willing subject for water fun photos, we took the opportunity again yesterday - this time in a clam shell wading pool. More coming...
  7. Have you thought about him being a foster failure? He's looking great - awesome job you've done! T.
  8. Honestly, after seeing you and Takoda a couple of times now, I reckon that she is somehow channelling some of Gypsy too. It's awesome to see you and her interact - you are definitely soul mates - and Koda has eyes only for her mummy. T.
  9. I think that the first photo is an awesome shot. I don't have any problem with the fact that Boof is doing what comes naturally. tlc - I just love the expression on the dog nearest Holly... that's Cooper, right? Gorgeous face! T.
  10. 12 year old Rotti/Pittie desexed female nearly 6 year old Lab desexed female 1 year old unknown cross (camp dog) female The Rotti X and the Lab used to get along just fine, but as the Lab matured we started having the odd fight - these fights escalated in intensity to the point that I now keep them separated. Both are alpha personality types. The camp dog gets on fine with both of the other girls - she is not an alpha personality type, so can run with either alpha girl without incident. I've had multiple females running together without incident in the past, but am much more careful in the selection of any new dog (of either sex) nowadays - to make sure that the personality types don't clash. All of my girls get on fine with the foster pups I have on regular occasions, but that's because they usually tend to be young and have a "puppy license" with the older dogs. T.
  11. Zeddy got lucky today... it's raining... *grin* She will have her turn in the pool. I reckon we'll get the best shots with her trying to bite water I'll be splashing at her - she loves trying to kill water coming out of a hose, so maybe she will perform nicely for splashes... Go away rain!! T.
  12. Awww... aren't they just so photogenic? Lovely photos! T.
  13. The pool in question is at a friend's rescue - we take lots of dogs into it... *grin* It's amazing how many dogs not traditionally known for liking water will happily have a paddle with an experienced handler. I had a Shi Tzu cross fellow floating on his back quite contentedly the other day. So far I've taken Trouble and Pickles (my own dogs) in the pool for a photo session... Zeddy's turn is next... *grin* You can see Pickles' photos here... http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/229762-pickles/ T.
  14. Trouble had a complete ball tlc... she is a true water baby, that's for sure! I really like that shot too - it shows us sharing a moment, doesn't it? T.
  15. The lovely lillypilly gets credit for these awesome photos of my girl Trouble having fun in lillypilly's pool - taken with my Canon 450D and 55-250mm IS lens. I'm the one in the pool with Trouble... More coming...
  16. Happy to help Katdogs - all I need is a little advance notice so that I will make sure to be home to help out... So far she sounds like she's a pretty even tempered sweetie. T.
  17. Buster and Trouble Dominic and Cody Dante (brindle Dane X), Esme (Kelpie X), and Cody (AmStaff X) - 3 pups from 3 different litters - all fosters Dominic and Dante James with his 3 little girlfriends - Flower, Blossom, and Petal Pumpkin (Beagle) and Willow (CKCS) T.
  18. I want your camera, your lens.... and Tag... *grin* Awesome shots! T.
  19. Definitely loving the playmate shot... Maui looks like he's giggling... T.
  20. I have a few... Trouble pretending that butter wouldn't melt... Zeddy pretending she hasn't stolen someone else's Puppacino at the dog park... Buster snuggling with Trouble Dexter making friends with Trouble Zoe as a teeny tiny puppy Barney's reaction to me making strange noises Winston resting on the top step Pudding and Zoe... looks like Zoe is breaking wind... *giggle* I have lots of favourites... but then, I have LOTS of photos... *grin* T.
  21. I was using the Canon EF-S 55-250mm standard zoom lens that came with my camera - Canon EOS 450D. I should have used my polariser filter for some of the shots, but I'd lent it to my friend. Hopefully we will have some more sunny weather next week and I can go again on my own (we were in a group on the weekend), and take my time at some of the enclosures fro some better photos. Here are some of the shots I took about 4 years ago with my Canon Powershot S5... http://s6.photobucket.com/albums/y220/tdierikx/S5%20Zoo%20photos/ T.
  22. Looks like the gang had a real blast... I reckon they think the car park prices were worth it... *grin* T.
  23. I got quite a few of that little fellow too persephone - he was having a great time swinging and jumping all over the place. T.
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