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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I'd love an 18-200mm lens for my 450D - but Santa can't afford it this year... *sigh* It would be nice to have for when I am photographing our rescue pups - save having to change lenses all the time... T.
  2. My 2 girls are pretty smooth coated, but the most GSD looking pup is definitely my Rory - and he's just the most laid back and sweet little man. I'll post photos once I've sorted through the couple hundred I took yesterday... I went out and got collars for them all today - nice little Rogs ones - so we can tell them apart at a quick glance. The only obviously identifiable one at the moment is Rory, so he got the black collar... *grin*. Everyone else has coloured ones. The girls have 2 different pink ones, and the other boys have red, blue, orange, and light blue with pink. I'm leaning towards Dexter for the boy with the orange collar - he's a bit of a slow learner so far, or he's just lazy and wants to be carried everywhere and cuddled. I'd better go and sort through those photos now I suppose... *grin* T.
  3. Hahaha! I get 7 and all are lovely and don't play in their poo. Darren gets 3 and 2 of them play in poo... I'm thinking of names for mine... so far I have the following names... Rory - for the GSD/fluffiest looking boy Jasper Caleb James Dexter Ellie Maddie We are still trying to work out who is who, which are the girls, etc... will have to take photos of them each and get different coloured collars methinks. They are all different to look at closely, but when they are swarming around your feet pulling at your pants legs, it gets a lot harder to make out who is who... aarrgghh! Only Rory really stands out as different at a distance because he's more fluffy - and he is the one who is perfectly happy to play off to one side quietly. The lovely lady who has reared these babies has done an awesome job with them. They are all very social little canine citizens, and are all really healthy and well adjusted. We've had a couple get a little squirty from the change in kibble (mixed with the food the lady gave me), but that is all looking a lot more solid today. They are currently playing in my overgrown grass in the back yard and having a ball. We don't have feeding frenzies at tucker times either - they all share and eat really nicely and don't gobble it down. T.
  4. It's not just "Greyhound people" who are averse to it... I'm totally over the concept of everyone wanting to get some sort of reward for doing the right thing - too many people nowadays with the "what's in it for me" attitude... Whatever happened to people just doing the right thing because it's the bloody right thing to do? T.
  5. No poo players in my lot. But there are a couple of ankle bites. T.
  6. Feel free to use the photos on Facebook Darren. T.
  7. Last one... I'm going to be late for my appointment... T.
  8. Please excuse the long grass in the back yard - will be mowed this weekend... More coming...
  9. 7 babies safely ensconced in my granny flat having a nice feed. They have had a romp in my (overgrown) back yard already, and photos taken - not sure how may good photos I'll have as the sky is a bit overcast and they keep running towards me. A bit pressed for time right now - got to be elsewhere soon - so will post the best of the photos tomorrow morning, OK? T.
  10. I agree with Steve - most pups are quite self sufficient by 7 weeks of age, and most would be just fine going to their new families at that age... It comes down to the pups themselves most of the time - some of the smaller breeds seem to be coddled by their mums for longer and thus still can be reliant on her until she tells them to rack off... *grin* Seeing a few litters now through rescue, I've noticed that the ones whose mothers seem to have a less "caring" attitude to the pups seem to mature and become more self sufficient faster. The ones whose mothers are always checking them and cleaning and feeding them fastidiously are much less likely to take to new experiences like solids, toys, etc until they are older. T.
  11. Great concept... but I'm a bit worried that we have to resort to "rewarding" people for doing the right thing... nothing does anything for nothing these days - so mercenary... grr! T.
  12. I'm going to pick up our bunch of munchkins today around lunch time... and their "grandmother" sounds like a really lovely lady - can't wait to meet her... 7 big puppies for me and my pack to play with... yippee! Off to set up their lodgings now... T.
  13. Squeeeeeaalll! They are adorable! Me wants! Are they doing the cute tiny puppy growls and barks yet? I love those noises... Stunning and healthy looking little chubbies - you and Charm are doing a great job with them. T.
  14. Your photos are gorgeous Darren... I don't think I've seen a bad one posted by your fine self... *grin* T.
  15. Ummmm... it's been 3 days without a photo update... *waiting patiently* T.
  16. Oh - there will definitely be pics PS... *grin* Can't wait to meet the little munchkins... have lots of nice new bedding, big bag of decent puppy kibble, lots of love... all ready and waiting to go pick them up. Just sorting logistics as there is more than one group involved in rescuing these babies - much kudos goes to Darren and S for all of the organisation behind getting these guys into foster care rather than the alternative. T.
  17. I must say that the nine 4 week old crossbreed pups our rescue got from a pound were the easiest fosters I've ever had. At 4 weeks they are just working out their environment and learning all sorts of things really fast - introducing toys and lots of gentle handling (read cuddles), teaching them to be touched and manipulated all over, etc... those pups were the most even tempered and socially confident pups I've had the pleasure of fostering... and all of their new families are totally chuffed with their happy and friendly new little members. We rehomed them at 9-10 weeks by the way. Some older pups have learned undesirable behaviours from my experience - and that means much more work getting them back to being socially confident. T.
  18. I used to be terrified and totally leery of anything small and fluffy - had met way too many pampered SWFs with nasty temperaments. Honestly people, it's NOT funny when your little feral tries to bite everyone and everything - and it's also far from cute. If any of my dogs (smallest weighs in at 15kgs) acted like that, people would be calling for them to be pts... grrr! Then I got involved in rescue... and have met and been smooched by literally hundreds of the nicest little dogs... and most of them were from the pound!! I still have a really soft spot for anything bull breed and anything REALLY big... T.
  19. We can take as many as needed Darren - I can also pickup and drop some off to you if you like... will call you... T.
  20. I'm pretty sure in most states the pups must be 8 weeks minimum - with first puppy vaccs at 6 weeks... T.
  21. Gotta love the scruffies... she's beautiful! T.
  22. Another fun one to play with is this one... http://wigflip.com/automotivator/ Enjoy! T.
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