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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I found that Ellie was not too bad walking on a harness - pretty easy to correct when she wanted to go say hello to the silly cattle dog making a racket from his yard too. But then, I'm used to working with big dogs - and Pickles is all over the place when she goes for a walk - can run straight just fine, but walking pace is a whole different ballgame... *grin* T.
  2. O...M...G...!!!! Can he get any more handsome?? One day when I don't have a house full of large dogs... I swear I'm going to seek you out and apply to adopt one of your stunning munchkins... ... and as for Charm... mud baths are good for the skin... and one must wash off the mud once it's done its goodness thing, right? hehe! T.
  3. I've witnessed a guy bringing a dog to the pound and wanting to swap it for another dog... people confuse me sometimes... T.
  4. Ummm... need photo update please... *waiting patiently* T.
  5. Pickles jumps up and puts her paws over the armrest of the chair - if I ignore that, she will start clawing at me. Zeddy will shove her head in my lap and whine... T.
  6. My previous dogs used to eat Supercoat dry... did just fine on it. My current dogs eat Bonnie dry... and are doing just fine on it. My foster pups get Bonnie Puppy dry... and they do fine on that too. My current foster pup loves My Dog Puppy tinned - so she gets that also. At the rescue I volunteer at, the dogs get Bonnie dry, and for those that don't eat it straight up, we mix a bit of Pedigree (PAL) tinned through the Bonnie. T.
  7. Caleb was adopted yesterday... and I have the feeling he is going to be spoiled rotten... *grin* So that's all of our 7 adopted... yay! Ellie's mum and dad will be picking her up on Sunday, so she's still here with me and learning things like toilet training and crate training. She is a funny little sod - give her a toy and she takes it outside and stashes it - I keep bringing the toys back inside and telling her she can play with them inside... she seems to be getting the idea slowly. She's not had any accidents inside yet - goes outside of her own accord - so the toilet training is coming along nicely methinks... She just made a toy squeak... the look on her face is priceless! T.
  8. Awesome photos! I think you have a real talent there... you have captured the essence of each animal there... T.
  9. Blue Staffords are as rare as rocks nowadays - every BYB out for a buck is breeding for them... grrr! You could check out the breeder listings here at DOL for any breeders in SA... Try this link... http://www.dogzonline.com.au/breeds/puppies/staffordshire-bull-terrier.asp?state=SA&Submit=Go T.
  10. A well bred pure SBT is a wonder to behold - both in looks AND temperament. You won't see many well bred SBT's in pounds - they are definitely "keepers"... *grin* T.
  11. So do I Mr Katdogs is pretty amazing too, even if he is a sook. I'll second BOTH sentiments there! Not only are both gentlemen completely wonderful... they are both not hard on the eyes either... *grin* T.
  12. I'm the only human at my house - but my 3 permanent furkids help me with the fosters way more than they are ever given credit for. Zeddy plays Mumma Dog - teaching the littlies their limits socially... Trouble teaches them to live each moment like it's their last - zoomies is a big fave around here! Pickles teaches them that even dogs with disabilities can play and be part of the pack. I just feed them and clean up the messes really... *grin*... well - there is "couch cuddles" - a VERY important lesson for any dog... hehe! T.
  13. I have most of them in little containers, and a few of my fosters' teeth are on my computer desk... T.
  14. I am so glad I'm not the only one who has puppy teeth from previous dogs... I still have puppy teeth from my first ever dog, and plenty from many of the others who have passed through here over the years. T.
  15. I've had pups literally knock themselves silly on furniture when playing like loons - and I mean staggering and dazed here! All you can really do is watch and wait... and you are probably going to notice something abnormal a lot faster than a vet who doesn't know your dog very well. T.
  16. I don't think your girl pup is Ellie Flaves - no white on this Ellie's chest... could have been another littermate though by the looks of them... doesn't she look like she's had all of her Christmases come at once? She's home now methinks. T.
  17. Try sending a message to k9angel here on DOL - she usually has lovely huskies in rescue. She is in Sydney, but she's also great for a chat about the breed and whether you should look at a male or female to fit into your current pack... T.
  18. Had an email enquiry about Caleb yesterday - hopefully they will call and come meet him today... He really is the nicest boy - and so laid back - he spent a while on my lap at a neighbour's New Years drinks and nibblies. He didn't give 2 hoots about the fireworks going off nearby, and didn't care that we were eating yummy nibblies - he had a snuggly lap and was quite happy to hang out. T.
  19. There are many more offensive terms than "pet quality"... personally I could care less what people describe their pups as - I'm up for loving them all... *grin* T.
  20. You is teasing me now... me wants so bad!! Simply stunning little munchkins all, but the fawn boy is going to be amazing methinks... T.
  21. Sweet! Can't wait to meet you in the flesh Plan B! Well - it's happened again... Caleb's prospective family really wanted something smaller... so they have put a deposit on the sister of the other pup Caleb helped rehome... lol! Seriously, Caleb is the most laid back and goofy doofus... he may grow to be a biggish boy, but I reckon he's definitely going to remain goofy and placid... at this rate I'm going to fall in love with him and have me another foster failure! Anyone know anyone who is looking for a really nice natured pup who is going to be a BIG nice natured dog when he grows up - please send them our way... T.
  22. It's not that bad RubyBlue - all of my dogs have been wormed and I know what they eat, so it's all good healthy stuff even after they've expelled it... *grin* Zeddy doesn't eat "stranger" dog poo - only her own pack mates' poo... T.
  23. It happens a lot - strays don't attract a surrender fee... I was at my local pound one day when a couple brought in a "stray" with a huge mammary tumour - once they'd signed the paperwork for dropping off the "stray", they asked if they would be allowed to adopt it from the pound if it's "owners didn't come get it" - the pound staff said no problems if they wanted to adopt the dog once it had served it's impound time... then the people said "so that thing on her belly will be removed before she's allowed to be adopted, right?", and the pound staff said "no, that will cost you extra"... funnily enough no-one heard from them again. Interesting note about that dog - she was the shyest thing with strangers, but had snuggled quite happily in the arms of the person who brought her in. We strongly suspect that they were the actual owners and were looking for a cheap way to get the mammary tumour seen to. Upside was that Millie was taken by rescue, had her surgeries for the tumour and desexing (separately)... and is now living the life of a totally spoiled princess in Townsville... *grin* T.
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