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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Did she come via a transport company or was it a private run? My general rule is that if the snot is clear, leave well enough alone - if yellow or green, AB's are given, usually Amoxyclav or Clavubactin at 12.5mg per kg of weight for 5-7 days. After all symptoms are gone, still keep dog separate from other dogs for up to 2 weeks as they can still pass it on. T.
  2. He is gorgeous PS... doesn't he look built for cuddles? If he'll oblige, can you give him a little cuddle from me please? T.
  3. The larger Cuz balls are pretty darned durable - and the Chuckit rubber tennis balls are indestructable. They are the only toys that my Lab hasn't managed to destroy to date. We have 2 large Cuz balls and a few Chuckit rubber tennis balls that have lasted nearly 6 years so far - they are still her fave toys and get a good chewing on a daily basis. T.
  4. A beautiful name for a beautiful little girl... Zeddy, Trouble, and Pickles send comforting "woo-woo's" to Tala - and wet sloppy kisses for Alibi. T.
  5. Umm... there is wet stuff running down my cheeks... Jane and Rach - you both have my total respect for how much work you both did to get Ellie to where she is now... an absolutely awesome result for one of the sweetest dogs I've had the pleasure of meeting - even if it was only one day. Damn it's good to see her now so happy and full of cheek. T.
  6. The 2 times I've used Comfortis on my dogs I Capstar'ed them in the morning, then after their evening bigger meal, they were given the Comfortis - no adverse reactions from any of mine at all... and it got rid of the darned fleas! T.
  7. Hugs to you Alibi... and happy vibes for your little one for the time she has left with you. My dogs go nuts for rice boiled with a chicken stock cube in the water when they are feeling a bit poorly - might be worth a try, and fairly low in fat for her Pancreas. I've had Pancreatitis, and I certainly wouldn't wish it on anyone or anything... not pleasant at all! The yoghurt suggestion is a good one if she will eat it... What is your little one's name? T.
  8. Look at prices of the Canon 550D with the twin IS lens kit... should come in under $1000. T.
  9. Oh Rach - you are going to love your Canon once you start using it. I can't work my point and shoot cameras worth a damn now that I'm used to my DSLR Canon. I reckon you are a pretty awesome photographer - I don't think I've seen a bad one you've taken to date... and this current set are stunning! T.
  10. Don't get a Lab unless... You want chew marks in everything - skirting boards are a specialty You love being covered in dog hair You want a high energy smart dog that will drive you insane by being a puppy until about 5 mins before they pass away As for the chaperones in the bathroom - I have FOUR of them - all different breeds/mixes/ages... and they all want to climb on my lap when I'm otherwise engaged... grrr! I used to have 5 Rotties - can verify that they are definitely lap dogs... *grin* T.
  11. Crossed BT and Stafford - should make a pretty good little obedience dog methinks... he'll do almost anything for a cuddle or treat... ... although we had Little Joe doing "sit" on command at 3.5 weeks old... of course we kinda got a bit busier as they all are getting older and more easily distracted by everything nowadays, and we haven't been trying to get them to do anything except "please don't poo there" within 5 mins of us cleaning up the last one... lol! T.
  12. No... no FF... I already have 3 permanent dogs who shed like there's no tomorrow - and they are short haired dogs... just what I need, a longer coated dog that will also shed! He's growing! I just had to loosen his collar - and I only bought it 2 days ago!! T.
  13. Pickles is definitely certifiable... lol! Seriously, she is really good at playing with the little ones so they learn how to do it just right... ie. not biting too hard, etc Timmy just got up Zeddy's nose and she flattened him - that was a shock for the poor little munchkin... he squeaked and squawked and went and sat in a corner for a few minutes eyeing her off as if to say "she was mean to me"... and I didn't go save him either - he can be a naughty boy sometimes, and Zeddy is more effective than me at correcting that sort of behaviour... *grin* Oh, and he has worked out how to climb out of his playpen... *sigh* Lucky boy gets to sleep in Trouble's crate at night, and she gets to sleep on my bed. T.
  14. She is a most lovely and sweet natured little lady - if your mum meets her, she'll fall in love I reckon... *grin* T.
  15. Pups will be vacc'ed, microchipped, desexed, etc, before they go to new homes - price... around $300 is the usual. T.
  16. OK - the best of a decidedly lacklustre bunch of photos... Joe Thomas Thomas again - for Ozstar Kennels Sasha Petey Mikey Charlie William Jack All 8 of the munchkins... T.
  17. Pups will be 6 weeks old on Monday... and all are now weaned and doing well. I took some photos the other day, but there weren't any really nice ones because the weather was overcast and the little buggers wouldn't stay still... grrr! I'll see if any of them are worth posting here... T.
  18. Timmy (boy puppy) is a Border Collie cross - looks to be crossed with an ACD of some description from the cute ticking on his face and paws. As for being deaf, it certainly does have its challenges. Timmy won't even wake up if I stomp on the floor next to him - I have to touch him to wake him. He's a cheeky bugger too - try to get his attention to teach him something, and he looks away and trots off to play instead... *sigh* When I do get his attention when he's being naughty, I lift up my index finger and wag it at him to say "no", and if he's being good, he gets a pat and a thumbs up sign. Trying to get his attention for a recall is very entertaining for anyone else watching - I have my arms out wide and waving them about to get him to notice and come... hehe! T.
  19. How is this for cuteness overload?? Perfect in every way, but he is totally deaf... he can't hear himself having a tanty at bedtime... but I can! He settles pretty quickly though and then sleeps like a stone... hahaha! He loves playing with Pickles, and she is completely loving having her very own live squeaky toy to play with... *grin* He is 8 weeks old, and is going to be a big boy methinks... T.
  20. We have an adult girl - bichon/shihtzu - think bichon with shihtzu colouring... her name is Jessica. She is the sweetest thing and quite happy to be on her own or being cuddled/spoiled. We haven't advertised her yet, but she is available for adoption. www.nswar.org.au for the phone number - and we are located in Bringelly - about 20 mins south of Penrith. T.
  21. Sharalea/Aussie Dog Squad at Picton - 4683 2467 - they have a pickup and drop off service too... My dogs didn't want to come home... *grin* T.
  22. Thomas is a fairly quiet boy so far - the pups will be 5 weeks old tomorrow (Monday), so they haven't fully developed their personalities as yet - still working on that... *grin* I'll try to get more pics of them all, OK? T.
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