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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I'll have to start a new thread for the new furbabies - they are too cute for words - all legs and ears and puppy gawkiness. Lab cross cross cross by the looks of them - look to have some sighthound going on with the longer noses and gangly legs with huge feet and really long tails. Meanwhile - the 8 BT x Staffy babies are getting bigger by the day - hoping that they will be ready for adoption in a couple of weeks now. Cazstaff - you know where we are, feel free to call and let us know when you'd like to come for a proper puppy fix... the furbabies are always up for some new human friends to cuddle with... *grin* T.
  2. I have the best neighbours in the world and have their numbers programmed into my mobile phone. Last year I found myself hospitalised twice (Pancreatitis and Colitis), and my neighbour happily looked after my dogs for me - even though it's a fiddly job due to not allowing Zeddy and Trouble to be together because they fight. Pickles runs fine with both. If I were to be out of action and unable to care for my babies for more than a few days, my friend runs a rescue with kennels that my dogs can go stay at - and she also knows the issue between Trouble and Zeddy so wouldn't let them run together. T.
  3. Interesting how the owner has developed an allergy to the JRT X after 2 years... and that they took on another dog around Christmas... ... and are now looking to rehome both? Amazing how quickly circumstances can change and require offloading 2 older dogs... maybe the OP could point the advertiser to a local rescue group to take on the dogs? T.
  4. Hahaha! We just call our little guy Jack-Jack. I have a couple of new fosters I brought home last night... I reckon you'll love them... black and going to grow fairly large. You can guess what their breed mix is when you see them... *grin* T.
  5. You met Petey and Jack Katdogs... Jack is the "special" one... *grin* T.
  6. I pretty much exclusively foster puppies, and find it very rewarding indeed. I have crates, playpens, toys, food, and lots of love as my "arsenal" - and my own 3 dogs love having lots of little playmates around. Depending on age, it's not really that difficult to care for one or more pups at any given time... I have cared for litters of 7, 8, 9 with no major problems - even when having a full time job... T.
  7. Ahhhh... but if you adopt him donatella, will you have room for more fosters at a later date?? Seriously - I fostered 44 pups before I had my first foster failure... and it was hard going not to adopt ALL of them! I'm still fostering though... can never have too many dogs/pups around, right?? T.
  8. They certainly do love their tucker! Nice healthy appetites, that's for sure... lol! T.
  9. Wait until they meet him in the flesh Leanne - they might think Thomas actually fits him... he gets around like a certain little tank engine... lol! T.
  10. He's a little tank! Built like the proverbial sh!thouse actually - with a fat boof head to boot... I reckon he's stunning even without the ear - it does make him more attractive I think... T.
  11. A bit of both plus the grass wasn't overly short... they are small though - more on the staffy side of size than the BT methinks... T.
  12. Look who's getting really good with her new camera! Lovely shots! T.
  13. He is a bit pretty isn't he teekay... a total cuddle tart to boot! I just went through the 190-odd photos I took, and managed to find 10 that were passable of all the pups... and extras of Thomas for Ozstar Kennels... *grin* Sasha Joe William Mikey Charlie Petey Jack Thomas... especially for his number 1 fan... hehe! T.
  14. Here are some of the others... William Sasha Petey Charlie Mikey Jack Joe Cute, aren't they? T.
  15. OK - Storm went home to her owners last weekend... it was lovely to see her trotting off with her new lead and collar to their car full of new bed and bedding, toys, etc... I think they realised how big a part of their family she really was while she was with us and are set to spoil her rotten from now on... *grin* The babies will be 8 weeks old this coming Monday. We have finally had some sun to dry up the soggy ground after those horrid storms and we got some of the grass mowed and had a photo shoot - no easy feat when the little buggers all just want to climb all over the nearest human instead of being cute and posing for photos... All of these photos are courtesy of lillypilly... mine were actually pretty crappy... Here are some of Thomas - especially for Ozstar Kennels... T.
  16. One time when I was visiting Caz, Tammy got into my bag of treats that was (I thought) secure in my backpack.... she may not have been able to see much, but she had the BEST nose! Hahaha! I always put my bag up out of her reach when visiting after that... the treats were supposed to be shared with everyone, not only for Tammy - but she definitely thought otherwise... Tammy - you will be missed sorely by everyone you met. A very special girl indeed! T.
  17. I have some fond memories of handing out treats at Caz's place... nearly lost my fingers a few times due to Tammy's enthusiasm... *grin* I think Tammy has touched quite a few hearts around here... and will always have a special place in those who met her. I must go now... my eyes are leaking... *sob* T.
  18. We have a couple of dogs at our rescue who won't make eye contact either - but are completely happy to play with you as long as you aren't looking at them directly... it's kinda weird, but we just go with the flow for those little guys... *grin* T.
  19. Well... a couple of big storms made for a lot of work cleaning up around the rescue property this week... will try to get more photos of the "chubbies" in the next few days, weather permitting, OK? T.
  20. Oh Caz... hugs from me to you and the kids (fur and skin)... Run free and healthy Tammy. T.
  21. Just watch and listen to her breathing for the next couple of weeks - if she gets any hint of a gurgle, get some strong AB's into her ASAP... if the KC at Mildura is particularly nasty it could turn to a form of Pneumonia. Make sure she stays warm and dry and keep an eye on the snot and breathing sounds - pretty much the same as you would treat a human child with a nasty cold... T.
  22. PS, how does he react one on one if you are sitting on the floor nearer to his level? With a head like his, all I'd want to do is grab it and smother it in kisses... *grin*... he is such a pretty boy... I've only had close interactions with 2 Pei's who were a bit scared, and I found they reacted better at first if I was down closer to their level and posed no immediate threat - a couple of days of non confrontational interaction and they were much more at ease with me and allowed me to do almost anything with them - oh, and they both loved scratches just above the base of the tail and on the side of the neck up near the ears... I must also say that I wouldn't have known how to make friends with those Pei's if I hadn't gotten some great advice from Ams - she's awesome!! T.
  23. Well - if he loves his cuddles (on his terms of course), please make sure he gets at least one cuddle per day from me, OK? Is he food oriented at all? Some yummy smelly lamb puffs broken into small bits might work. Lamb puffs are dried lamb lung - I have met very few dogs who refuse them. T.
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