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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Puppies are crazy things - who knows what motivates them half the time... and with the attention span of a gnat to boot! The fact that Timmy is deaf is fun - when he decides to wander about we find ourselves following him to make sure he doesn't go where he shouldn't - and I think he's slowly learning to stop and see if we are OK with where he's going and what he's doing - he does tend to look back and check where we are more often than the other pups who can hear fine. He also watches the other pups for cues, so we can call them and he'll come with them most times. Poor lillypilly was near the creek at the back of the property today, and Timmy and Fern thought they'd go and check it out - not a good idea after the amount of rain we've had lately. Lillypilly grabbed them both before they could go into the water though, and they both got a right telling off - they probably won't be trying to go for a swim there again if their looks were anything to go by when they got roused on... We had fine weather for a change today, so Timmy went potty outside after his dinner like the good boy he really is... *grin* T.
  2. You wouldn't think that Timmy the BC/Cattle pup had 3 weeks and 2kgs on the girls when they play - the three of them tend to stick together and explore all the fun things around, like puddles and piles of tree bark, etc... The bum shot is definitely one of my all time faves to date... *grin* T.
  3. Thank you dogmad... I gave their names some very careful consideration, as they are stunning little girls and deserved to have pretty names to match their looks... *grin* They really are funny pups... Fern is smaller than Willow - probably because Willow is a piggy guts at dinner time - but is a bit more adventurous and less timid when experiencing new things. Both are quickly getting more confident every day, especially during their play sessions with Timmy the ruff nut - Fern is actually the one starting the snipe and run zoomie sessions of late... hehe! Today they all played with Petey (one of the Pregnant Paws BT/Staffy pups) - poor Petey's short little legs got a real workout trying to keep up with the bigger pups in the long grass... lol! He was mighty peeved when I said he'd done enough exercise and popped him back with his brothers and sister - he wanted more big puppy playtime, and wasn't scared to let us all know just HOW narked he was... cheeky sod! The bigger pups were so good with him too, playing gently as though they knew he wasn't in their league - they even lay down and let him play bitey face with them in turns... a great time was had by all methinks. T.
  4. Most of my replies on internet forums are read and reread, edited, and carefully considered (and checked for spelling) before I hit the post button... take it as read that I actually mean what I say, although there could be some ambiguous layers there by intent... *evil grin* T.
  5. Bones and Mikey have flown through their surgeries today like true little professionals. They were a huge hit with the vet clinic staff who apparently just had to keep giving them cuddles and kisses every time they passed them... even the owner of the clinic had nice things to say about how well behaved they both were today. Just off to give them some dinner now... T.
  6. Awww... cuteness overload! She is a little stunner! T.
  7. God gave us the internet so that we could type our answers, read and reread them to try to make sure they aren't overly ambiguous, BEFORE hitting the Post button... Pity so many don't avail themselves of the luxury of time when they post and run... *grin* T.
  8. Finally managed to get a photo shoot with the new foster babies Fern and Willow. They are nearly 9 weeks old - born on 4/1/2012. Fern has the red collar, and Willow has the pink one. The girls were having a ball playing with Timmy in the wet yesterday morning - so I apologise for the mud - but they were having such a great time... *grin* Feel free to guess the breed mix in these two... I'm tipping some Lab and some sighthound in there myself... they are all legs and feet. Fern... Willow... Group shot - love the wet bums... T.
  9. New photos of Timmy having fun in the wet... certainly not scared to play in puddles with his 2 foster sisters... even though he's taken to not going outside to poop of late due to the rain... *sigh* Solo photos... With his "sisters"... T.
  10. Hahaha @ Katdogs! I actually got some photos this morning of them playing with Timmy in the puddles and wet grass at the rescue property - will have to load them onto the PC and see how many actually came out viewable. Back to the BT x Staffy pups - Bones and Mikey are both being desexed tomorrow - as they both have homes to go to... yay for my little men! T.
  11. My dogs all eat Bonnie - all are doing great on it. Adult Complete is our choice. I used to feed Supercoat - pretty much the same ingredients as the Bonnie, but Bonnie is cheaper for more. We also feed Bonnie at the rescue I volunteer at - all the dogs are doing well on it there too. T.
  12. I have a Labrador... nuff said... ... and when they used to run together, Zeddy and Trouble used to play in the mud puddles together. Zeddy won't do it unless Trouble goes first though... Pickles doesn't play in mud, thank dog! T.
  13. Whatever dog you get, it would probably be best to get a puppy so that Carter can help you train/socialise it. If you source your pup from a reputable breeder, you are more likely to get a dog with both the type and temperament you are after - and I don't think that a Stafford would be out of the question if sourced from such a breeder. T.
  14. Who says they don't understand what we say to them? My girls understand sentences too... T.
  15. I love it when the rescue community get together and work towards the happy endings for the dogs... we can do it, and do do it, more often than is ever recognised... Much kudos to all who helped this boy have his happy ever after... you are all legends! T.
  16. He is one truly handsome boy, isn't he? Even with the goober lips flapping away... *grin* More hugs to be delivered from me please... and a big smacky kiss on that gorgeous shmooshy face... T.
  17. I still have the crutches the hospital gave me from the time mine and my brother's two Lab pups (5 & 6 months old) decided to play zoomies in the front yard... dodged the tree, dodged the mailbox... thought I'd move instead of them having to dodge me... they were wrong... ouch! T.
  18. Hahaha! I have a queen bed and have to share it with a Labrador and a crazy camp dog - they know that they have to stay on their side or they get kicked... *grin* T.
  19. I've had a few pups come through my place that really clicked with my other dogs... and it was darned hard to hand them over to new homes... ... but, I knew that the homes selected for them would be able to give them everything I could and more. I adopted Pickles for more than one reason - the fact that I love her to death and she fits just fine into my pack - and that she is disabled, and I wasn't sure about the motivation of anyone wanting to adopt a disabled dog... once the novelty wears off, you still have a disabled dog. Two weeks after I adopted her, she went and broke her leg - an expensive exercise and a frustrating one because she doesn't like crates and needed 6-8 weeks of crate rest... that would have put off many new owners for sure! I currently have 3 fosters - a deaf BC/Cattle pup who is growing on me in the same way Pickles did - and 2 Lab X pups who are darned cute! I also have a couple of our Pregnant Paws BT/Staffy pups every couple of days to get them used to house noises, other dogs, etc... My permanent pack love having the fosters here - Pickles especially loves having little playmates to get up to mischief with... T.
  20. Bones will be having his "easter eggs" removed on Monday... give 10 days for his stitch to be removed, and he will be ready to come to you Leanne... So far he looks to be tracking to be Staffy sized rather than BT sized when he's fully grown - so you may only need a queen sized bed to fit all of the pets... lol! We will try to get him used to his new name for you too, OK? T.
  21. What a stunning little pup... and the willpower to be "normal" with some help from her human friends... Rescue can be so rewarding when you win one like that. As someone who adopted a disabled (mobility challenged) puppy, I can attest to their sheer determination to be just like all the other dogs and to enjoy life to the fullest. T.
  22. There are possibly quite a few mixes in this little guy... possible that the mother may have had Lhasa in her, but the genetics haven't panned her way in this boy... *grin* Having seen a few litters of crossbred pups over the years, it's amazing how so many don't look anything like what they are supposed to be mixed with. Think about the great diversity of coat and build in "Labradoodles" for example - one knows they are Labrador/Poodle, but you'd be hard pressed to identify either in some of the offspring... Then throw into the mix the possibility of more than one male dog siring pups in the litter - and you have a complete lucky dip as to what the pups will turn out like. My best guess for this boy is "Terrier mix"... but "Cuddlehound" sounds good too... *grin* T.
  23. Hahahaha! Looking good Leanne! I'll arrange Bones's desexing asap, OK? So he will be ready for travel sooner... It was lovely to talk to you yesterday also - Bones is one lucky little man to be heading off to your place methinks... *grin* T.
  24. I spent most of yesterday making sure the dogs at our rescue were situated where they can't get wet - prediction that tomorrow (Thursday) is going to be the worst for rainfall and flash flooding, and that they are going to have to spill Warragamba Dam either tomorrow or Friday which will impact the river level significantly. Who would have believed that 2 years ago we were all on strict water restrictions and couldn't get the grass to grow because it was so hot and dry? T.
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