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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Oh Leanne... looky who says "Hi Mummy Leanne!" ... and for the Charlie fans... ... and one of William too... That's all I managed to get today... Oh - and Mikey went to his new home today... yay!!! T.
  2. Look what greeted us this morning at the rescue I volunteer at... WARNING!! If you are squeamish, please don't look... ... and if that wasn't scary enough... I took pics too! Apparently they are Steel Blue Sawfly larvae looking for somewhere to burrow and pupate... truly bizarre critters... about 10cm long each! T.
  3. Only one of my Rotti's had cancer... not a bad strike rate out of the 7 I've shared my life with... and he was 7 years old before it manifested. As for letting the pup select me... I'm not the type that goes for the first pup that sits on my lap or wants to play... I'm the type that will sit there for a good couple of hours (or more if allowed) and let all of the pups interact with me in their own ways, and it's the one that I have a mutual "comfortableness" with that may be selected. If none of the pups give me that feeling, then I'm probably the world's worst tyre kicker for the breeder... *grin* All of my Rottis bar 2 were direct from BYB's - one that wasn't was from a pet shop, so by default he was BYB too, and the other was a stray that had not been reclaimed. Regardless of their ignoble births, all were extremely healthy for a good many years, and each of them was totally well adjusted and well socialised. When one has a dog of a breed looked at with fear by Joe Public, one needs to make sure that the dogs are good mascots for their breed, yes? What I don't understand is people who want a big scary looking dog to be a "guard dog" and then just have it chained up or confined to a yard, and not properly socialised - in many cases even the owners end up scared of their dogs. Don't get a Rotti if you want a guard dog... get a Jack Russell or the like instead - much more likely to be effective at the job... Rotti's are sooks! T.
  4. I'm loving reading all the stories... it does read like an honour roll... all these lovely dogs waiting for us at the Bridge... My Woosie died in 2004 - and I still choke up when I think about her or try to talk about her. It's going to be a great day when we are finally together again and cross the Bridge - that will be my heaven... T.
  5. The one time I went to pick up a dog for someone else, I knew well beforehand what that particular dog looked like, his age, etc... then checked and double checked with the very helpful HP staff member that he was indeed the correct dog for me to take... I agree with those who said that the person picking up the dog should have known what they were there to collect... and when the wrong dog was brought out, they should have asked questions. It's no excuse to blame the hard working volunteers that contribute to the urgent list pound pages here on DOL. The mistake was ultimately made by the person YOU sent to pick up the dog... or YOU for not letting them know EXACTLY what they were supposed to be picking up. If you just gave them an impound number based on what was posted here, then YOU ultimately can carry the "blame" for all the expense and heartache you've had in this case. T.
  6. My first Rotti was named Woosie - because she was a big sooky lala - she was the perfect dog in every way. Her sister Blossom was pushy and dominant. Her half brother Rastus was another sooky lala, but would occasionally try to push the boundaries. Shadow was found as a stray at around 4 yrs old - she was almost as perfect as Woosie. Connor - the biggest sooky lala ever - another near perfect dog IMHO. All of them required different approaches in training and discipline - mostly I just loved them unconditionally and they returned it a thousandfold. Best advice I would give is for you to let the dog/pup select you as their new best friend - not the other way around. T.
  7. Blossom - 6 yrs Rottweiler - poisoned by neighbour Woosie - 11 yrs Rottweiler - arthritis threw a clot to her spine... my heart dog - I still cry whenever I think of her Connor - 7 yrs Rottweiler - bone cancer blew a neck vertebrae Shadow - 5 yrs Rottweiler - hemangiosarcoma Punkin - 3 mths Rottweiler - parvo Dexter - 4 mths Rottweiler - parvo My current oldest girl is Zeddy, who will be 13 this year - Rotti/Pittie mix - going strong with no major medical issues apart from a little bit of arthritis that gets a little stiff in Winter. She still looks and acts a heck of a lot younger than her age. Only just starting to go grey now. T.
  8. Well - Bones and Mikey had a big adventure in my back yard today... they helped me do poo patrol and the mowing. Neither was terribly fazed by the mower either, but they did stay a healthy distance from it... *grin* Mikey the Naughty has managed to remove his stitch - but it's no big worry - the wound appears to have healed very well and is nice and closed. He's off to his new family tomorrow... Looks like Bones is going to learn to sleep solo (in his own crate) until he gets to fly to you Leanne... at least you'll have a crate trained pup, even though he may not be totally toilet trained... *grin* T.
  9. Could be AmStaff cross... Whatever mix he may be, he really is a handsome boy... T.
  10. I'm guessing the council/police don't have the funds to buy/hire a dart gun to sedate the dog from a distance, then humanely shoot it elsewhere? How about a trap? Maybe someone could fashion one to trap this dog so it can be transported out of town to be humanely shot... T.
  11. That look is why we do it (fostering)... gorgeous! T.
  12. Maybe a concerned community member could put those suffering animals out of their misery... why wait for a vet to come in April? T.
  13. Thank you mita... your kind words mean a heck of a lot... Really, I just feed them and love them and treat them as though they are my own dogs - and my permanent pack take care of all of the rest... lol! Fern is a totally cheeky little soul - she and Timmy can get up to a bit of mischief together at the rescue property... we've had to steer them away from the dam a few times, and they just look at us as if to say "you is spoiling all our fun" - but I refuse to go wading in the rain swollen dam or creek to fish out inquisitive puppies... *grin* Willow is a bit more reserved and unsure, and tends to be the first to come to me or lillypilly to check if what she's doing is all OK. Both of them are expert cuddlers though... T.
  14. The number of PIAA accredited stores and "breeders" is so small, it's barely going to make an impact whatever they say they are going to do... IMHO it's all fluff... T.
  15. This is the part that worries me a lot... there has been a report of the "inconsistency", yet the advertising site refuses to do anything about it... T.
  16. Well laid out and easy to follow - a valuable resource indeed! Thank you muchly Cosmolo! T.
  17. Having actually met the man in person on a number of occasions, I'd say melzawelza's summation of the situation is the most likely to be correct here... he trains dogs to do some pretty amazing jobs, and is darned good at it. Just because he's the top dog in the PIAA doesn't mean that he is evil incarnate or relishes the killing of any animal. T.
  18. Awww... I'm starting to get that FF sensation... *grin* T.
  19. You might not need one CBD - but I bet you want one... *grin* T.
  20. He's even more handsome in the flesh Clover - and so soft!!! Definitely built for cuddling... T.
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