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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. 2 out of 3 ain't bad Snook! The DSLR ones are 3, 4, and 5... T.
  2. Rach - if your Mum or you or Jack wants a cuddle of Fern, just you holler OK? I would be happy to bring her over for cuddles... T.
  3. Maybe tomorrow evening then Katdogs? Fern will probably have to have another bath before coming over, but she is such a good girl and stands quietly for her bath, it's not an issue... *grin* PS - "ickle bickle" should be part of every large dog's socialisation routine... works a treat around here if one of the bigger dogs (usually crazy dog Pickles) is getting a bit rough with a puppy. Pickles has a new "trick" - take toy off puppy and deposit outside - then saunter back in and wait until puppy has another toy, then repeat... grrr! Now they are gallomping up and down the hallway... *sigh* T.
  4. Some pounds only do a rudimentary scan at the spot they are supposed to be located in... if the chip has moved, then they won't find it. Scary, but true. I think it's just plain lazy myself... T.
  5. Run free sweet Tess... Rach - huge hugs from me to you and yours. T.
  6. Nope - Timmy is not a FF... one dog with a disability is enough for me to cope with... *grin* Mind you... Timmy really isn't disabled... he just can't hear, and thus can ignore you more... grrr! He's very smart too! Fern and Willow certainly don't care that he can't hear, and neither do my other dogs - play spans all ages and abilities around here... lol! T.
  7. I paid my entry fees today... The only photo competition I've ever entered was a fun one at work once... and I won 2nd prize - a bottle of wine... and I don't drink! This will be on display for the public to see... aarrgghh! T.
  8. Was that Taronga Zoo? I have some nice ones of the seal that plays to the people walking in and out at the bottom entrance... I've not managed to get any decent ones of the penguins like your one there though... lovely shot! T.
  9. Careful... fostering puppies is highly addictive! I'm sure I'm hitting triple digits in the numbers I've had through here now... I'm addicted to puppy breath, so fostering feeds my addiction, and I'm doing something good in the process... *grin* The most pups I've had at one time was 9 - had them from 4 weeks old to 9 weeks old... a lot of work, but well worth it for the cuddles and cute antics they get up to. Some of my fave photos are the ones of a 7 month old Dane/Ridgeback (35kgs) and his 3 Terrier cross girlfriends (2kgs each) - he was truly a gentle giant, and they loved getting him to "chase" them - they'd tear around the yard and he'd lollop along behind them... so sweet... T.
  10. Naughty puppies kept emptying their water bowl to make more mud today... then had great fun sloshing around and digging in it! Fern had to have a bath so that she's presentable for her playdate at Katdogs' place this evening. She's currently fat from dinner and having a power nap on the floor behind me. She's grown heaps too! 2 weeks ago she was 5.2kgs - this morning she was 7.0kgs!! And she's the smaller leaner one of the two!!! T.
  11. Can't feel any of my dogs' chips - all are where they should be - although Zeddy's appears to be pretty deep as you have to make a few passes with the scanner to find hers... T.
  12. I'll talk to Cassie today and see if we can't expedite things to get Bones to you asap... T.
  13. Thanks... The Lizard was most obliging when I saw him and was snapping away - must have about 35 photos of him posing away... ... and the Tiger was shot through glass - lucky lighting there... None of the photos have had any correction either - that's how they all came out... all luck methinks... *grin* Only 3 of the above photos were taken with my Canon 450D - the other 5 were taken with my Canon S5 point and shoot. Can you pick the SLR ones? T.
  14. It was really funny to watch them - when they were getting ready to move forward, they would rear up like that last photo, then start tapping their tails, and then go forward... T.
  15. Bones' stitch comes out on Thursday - ready to travel any day after that... *grin* T.
  16. I've decided to enter some of my photos in a local country show. This will be the first time I've ever done anything like this, and it's not easy trying to pick photos to enter... I selected the following 8 photos to enter in 4 sections (2 per section max limit) - and they have been printed at 6x8 (the point and shoot camera shots) and 6x9 (the DSLR shots), then mounted on stiff black cardboard. They look pretty good in the flesh IMHO... *grin* Study of an Historical Building in colour Study of animal/s - not domestic - in colour Study of animal/s - domestic pets or farm animals in colour Any other subject in colour Entries to be delivered to the show on March 20 for judging on 22 March - and the show is on 23/24 March. Wish me luck... T.
  17. Thanks muchly PS... here are some more - taken yesterday... T.
  18. Photos from yesterday... Fern... Willow... Group shots with Timmy and each other... T.
  19. It's a date Katdogs! Fern definitely thought your hubby was the bee's knees, didn't she? Especially after he gave her a couple of tennis balls to take home... Fern was such a good girl last night when I popped her in Trouble's crate. Settled down just fine after a couple of little whimpers, and stayed quiet all night. Got up and had her breakfast, then went outside and did potty. She's giving Pickles a good workout right now mita... you may be right about the puppy physiotherapist thing - Pickles' mobility certainly wouldn't have gotten as good as it is without the help of all the foster pups along the way that she's had to keep up with... *grin* If I wasn't so allergic to cats, I'd have stopped and picked up a free kitten that I saw a sign for on my way home last night... it would be nice to be able to cat proof my fosters. Could be do-able if it wasn't so hard to buy antihistamine tablets that actually work... my girls wouldn't hurt one, and Pickles knows to be gentle when I say "ickle bickle". I wonder if I could set up a cat enclosure in my granny flat? Hmmm... food for thought... T.
  20. Fern is being a cheeky bugger and playing zoomies with Pickles right now... all I can hear is the galloping sound of Fern's huge feet and the thump-drag of Pickles' up and down the hallway... crazy dogs! Occasionally Fern will stop and have a bark and a play bow at Zeddy - who is steadfastly ignoring the puppy antics - to try and make her join in the game... Zeddy just ignores her and so Fern races off to Pickles again... T.
  21. I'll second that one Staffyluv... I think I'm almost into triple digits now... errr! T.
  22. I was thinking of sending some of the photos to the various info websites out there - all their photos are boring... lol! We actually had 2 clusters of them... that was the smaller cluster but the easiest to photograph. I eventually scooped up the other cluster with a shovel and merged the 2 groups... it was a mega swarm then, and they all moved in unison... truly bizarre! T.
  23. Well... not so built for cuddling today... errr! Come play with me!!! What do you mean MUD??? I wasn't in the mud... uh uh... I wasn't! C'mon girls - another dash to the mud puddle... 1... 2... 3... GO!! T.
  24. The crux of the matter in the OP appears to be that a volunteer was given insufficient info on the dog they were to collect. Until the giver of that info learns to suck it up and take some responsibility themselves, this sort of thing will continue to happen. I can't believe that in this day and age, it was so impossible to include a photo of the dog with the other info - or at the very least, a decent description of said dog - like the one they were supposed to pick up was a YOUNG adult as opposed to a geriatric one. At any given time in HP there could be more than one Kelpie cross for dog's sake! The other stuff BL and others are going on with has been done to death many times with the only real result of threads being deleted. For the sake of our sanity, could we stick to the general topic raised please? T.
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