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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Hey Katdogs - I have Fern AND Willow here... wannna cuddle? Fern is definitely the more outgoing of the two - she is as cheeky as all getout once she knows you. Willow is much more reserved, but knows her name and comes to me for a cuddle when called - and she does the BEST couch cuddles! Both of them go outside to do their business - although Willow has had a couple of pee accidents inside. Both went out this morning by themselves, even though it was raining - so that's a good sign... *grin* They are both so floppy when you pick them up for a cuddle - although at 7.4 and 8.1 kgs, that's going to get more difficult to do pretty soon... lol! They are also quiet - hardly a peep out of them - no mad barking when playing or squawking when put in their crate at night... they are just really nice young ladies in all respects. They love playing with their toys, especially toys they can chew on - but Pickles keeps stealing the toys and putting them out in the yard... she's so naughty! The babies love following Zeddy around and trying to get her to play - maybe they are identifying with her being the same colour as they are? Both of them are completely happy to play bitey face with Pickles and Trouble - and love zoomies! Oh, and they do love playing in water bowls - maybe that's the Labrador part of them coming out... lol! T.
  2. We all know that throwing more legislation at a problem works great, right? So much easier than actually policing the current laws - and they can make money from the scheme as well... win-win... I have a novel idea... why not actually put some funding into the policing of the CURRENT laws? RSPCA NSW made a large profit last year ($12 million was the number bandied about) - yet they don't have enough inspectors on the ground to respond to calls about people flaunting the animal welfare laws currently in force... no idea what the AWL NSW financial situation is, but they don't have as big an operation as the RSPCA, or the public's knowledge that they can do inspections also. Steve has the right of it... This proposal is only going to affect those already doing the right thing... in the most negative of ways... T.
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong... but doesn't a GSD look COMPLETELY different to a Pit Bull? Is there any footage or photos of the dog in question? Then again "Pit Bull" sells papers... "GSD" doesn't... T.
  4. My brother used to bring his assistance dog to work with us... and we used him as a portable shredder on many occasions... he loved it! T.
  5. Stunning! I'm loving your photos Rach... you definitely have some talent there IMHO... T.
  6. I didn't do all of the hard work with Bones and his siblings - lillypilly and the other volunteers at the rescue all helped with their upbringing and care. Young Chris especially worked hard on handling and socialisation with them when they were really little - he's so gentle and calm with the babies, and they all adore him. We actually found him asleep in their play yard once with all 8 pups snuggled into him... it was beautiful to see. The fact that their Mum was a really sweet tempered dog and allowed us all to help her with the babies was a great start - none of the babies were ever frightened of new experiences either. We are very happy with how nice they have all turned out. If anything, they may be too confident... *grin* Here's a tip for you - Bones LOVES honey - so when you have to give him a tablet (say for worming), use honey first, then stick the tablet in another dollop and shove it in, then give more honey - and you won't lose your fingers on those sharp teeth. He's also not too bad at getting his nails cut - once he stops wiggling around in your lap to get a comfy position - we used to do them of an evening when he was a bit tired after playing all day. He's a tough little bugger too - didn't even squeak when he was chipped. Might have been the fact that he was distracted with a nice treat though... roast chicken soothes all indignities... hehe! He does travel pretty well - my house is nearly an hour's drive from the rescue, so he was never going to be a big issue for you there... a few squeaks at the start, then settles just fine. His brother Mikey was a different story - he would scream the whole way home unless I positioned his crate to be able to see Bones in his... *sigh* T.
  7. Aww... that's my little man! Doesn't look like his big day has had any detrimental effects... still cheeky as ever... lol! Love his cute collar, it suits him to a tee... His Mum was quite a small Bull Terrier (just under knee height on me and I'm 5'7"), and we have no real idea as to what his Dad looked like, but his Mum's owners said he looked like an "English" Staffy. I reckon he may end up somewhere in between Chaos and Lilly in size going from how he's been growing in the past few weeks. He and his siblings didn't have the best start remember... not that you'd know it now, they really have grown heaps in the past 2-4 weeks. If you want another bigger dog, I'm sure we could arrange for Willow or Fern to come to you... *grin*... they are going to be TALL! All legs and feet right now... T.
  8. He certainly has perfected those "pound puppy" eyes looks, hasn't he? Too adorable for words! T.
  9. Today is the day!! You don't have to take pics today Leanne - tomorrow will be fine... *grin* Bones is such a happy little man - he loves everyone and everything, so you shouldn't have too many issues introducing him to your pack and everyone in the family getting lots of cuddles - he's an expert at cuddles! He hasn't met any cats yet, but I reckon your cat is probably used to dogs and will teach him his limits there... hehe! I can also see some zoomie sessions in the near future with Chaos and Lilly... T.
  10. I have one rule... if you don't like dogs, don't stay here. My dogs are my family. They live here permanently. Visitors don't have the right to dictate the rules in MY house. Why should your dogs have their whole world turned upside down just so your relatives have somewhere cheap to stay? T.
  11. That bird photo is to die for! I wish I'd taken it... T.
  12. Noice shots!! Brilliant capture of the action... T.
  13. Do they do an OK job at Officeworks? I've got about 900 photos of my cousin's wedding that I'd love to print out for my Aunt - I may be able to prune them down to about 400-500... *grin* My Aunt is an old fashioned type who likes to be able to hold her treasured photos... and she's almost worn out the DVD slideshow we made up for her... *sigh* *note to self - need to check out Canberra Zoo* Nice shots muttrus! T.
  14. There are still 5 of them available huntrox... William, Charlie, Joe, Petey, and Sasha. They are all turning out to be quite stunning little dogs, and have lovely temperaments to match. Not afraid of anything, and love playing with all people/dogs big and small. Bones had his stitch out and a bath today - all ready for his big day tomorrow... and we want pics when you get him home Ozstar Kennels... T.
  15. My old girl Zeddy will be 13 in August, and there are days when she's a little bit slower to relinquish her spot on the bed or couch - but she's still up for short zoomies sessions with the foster pups most days. She has also started to go grey and her bark is a bit hoarser. I'm hoping for a couple more good years out of her yet. Luckily we aren't at the stage of needing supplements or pain relief for her creaky bones just quite yet, but I think this winter may see us starting her on something to make her more comfortable on those cold mornings. T.
  16. Did you take pics of the other animals at the zoo muttrus? Last time I went to the zoo I took around 1400 photos... errr! Did you get to see the baby tigers? How big are they now? I got a couple of photos when they were 10 weeks old back in November. Another good place to test your camera is the Reptile house - lighting isn't great in there, and you don't want to have your flash going off against the glass. Here's a link to some of the photos I got back in November with my Canon 450D... http://s6.photobucket.com/albums/y220/tdierikx/Zoo%205-11-2011/ ... and here's a link to the ones I took back in 2008 (New Years Eve) with my point and shoot Canon S5... http://s6.photobucket.com/albums/y220/tdierikx/S5%20Zoo%20photos/ T.
  17. With those long legs... who knows what may be in there... and his ears could change too. He really is a cutie patootie... and looks so happy to be staying with you. How old is he? T.
  18. My skin was crawling while looking at the photos on my 23" screen... "revolting" is definitely a good word for them... *grin* T.
  19. He and his siblings have been eating Bonnie puppy dry mixed with Pedigree puppy tinned... you can substitute either Pedigree puppy dry or Supercoat puppy dry for the Bonnie if that's easier for you to get while you wean him onto whatever you prefer to feed. Bonnie only comes in 20kg bags. Only one more sleep!! Woohoo!!! T.
  20. Never! My Pickles is a good girl! Mostly... *grin* Fern is a boot bandit... I've had to put my work boots and ugh boots out of her reach so I can still find them where I left them... *sigh* T.
  21. Excited? Nahhh... can't tell at all... *grin* T.
  22. A little birdie tells me that a certain bundle of cuteness may be off to Adelaide on Friday... *grin* T.
  23. Well - Fern had her play date at Katdogs' place this afternoon... She wasn't sure about the big black crazy thing doing play bows and barking, but was happy to follow Katdogs for a run up and down the yard. Mate kept giving her the hairy eyeball as if to say "she ain't staying" and climbing onto laps and defending them against the evil little black dog. Jodie was just happy we kept throwing her ball... Fern is such a timid thing when it comes to new experiences and friends... if you could see her running up and down my hall tormenting Pickles right now Katdogs... you'd swear I swapped dogs... *sigh* T.
  24. Lamb puffs are the best! But I'm not sure I'd want to try a piece of dried lamb lung myself... ewww! You are doing great with Clancy... but I think we need more pics... Y.
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