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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. OMG!! What an adorable bundle of smooch! Love the comment about his face melting... funny as! T.
  2. Not a suggestion Steve... it's actually a fact, and can be proven... have printouts of the Facebook posting in question, and so do the police. T.
  3. Jodie is an awesome little dog... and so athletic when she is catching her ball. T.
  4. Hahaha! Maya obviously knows who's boss... T.
  5. One thing I am wondering is how does one ascertain if a stray animal has been dumped rather than just getting itself lost somehow? Microchip status certainly doesn't ascertain this... there are still many well loved pets out there who aren't microchipped for whatever reason... The first place a member of the public is sent to when they have lost a pet is the pound - how can an owner find their pet if it is never taken to the pound? Also, most reputable rescues will source a good number of their animals from pounds, so taking a stray there doesn't automatically sign a death warrant for an animal. What would you have done about the "found" swf you were contacted about the other day if the caller said it wasn't microchipped TigerSpirit? I shiver to think... T.
  6. Unfortunately we are seeing a little too much of this sort of thing since the advent of a couple of new "rescue" organisations... foster carers being left high and dry and being made to feel guilty about something negative a foster dog has done whilst in their care. It needs to stop, and stop NOW - before ALL of rescue gets a bad name. Reputable rescues thoroughly screen their foster carers, and have full backup and support for when/if anything goes wrong - and they certainly don't abuse or ostracise a foster carer if the group has placed a dog in their care that displays tendencies that weren't immediately obvious when that dog was "saved" from the pound. Reputable rescues would euthanaise a dog that kills or seriously injures a foster carer's pet or family member without provocation - not squirrel it off to a kennel situation and offer it up for rehoming with no disclosure about what it is capable of... kizzyneo - you have my heartfelt sympathy for what has happened to you... at the very least you should have received some support or counselling from the group in question - not lies and innuendo being spread about you. T.
  7. There's always the "I didn't know that" excuse, isn't there? But funnily enough it can't be used in a court of law if you get prosecuted... some obscure act of 1918 (from memory) states categorically that "ignorance is no excuse under the law"... trust me, I got smacked by that one once myself (not related to animals). Anyways DTyme - now you DO know, but imply that you would happily break that law anyway to "save" an animal... so it's a moot point really, isn't it? It would be really nice to be able to sit there and think "I don't like that law, so I won't abide by it" - but then reality may come back to bite you if you continue to engage in illegal behaviour... T.
  8. Unfortunately the law still says have to take a stray animal to the pound... and yes, she probably would have been pts if she was feral and unrehomable. But that is the law we have, and it's not for us to break the law at our own discretion. Campaigning to have things changed legally is the only real way to get that change - but if you want to play the emotional card rather than the logical one, good luck finding anyone in a position to help change those laws who will listen... The other option would have been for you to take her to the pound and let them know that you were willing to take her and her kittens into care once the impound time was up... that may have stopped her from being pts, and you still would have had a good outcome, right? T.
  9. If you desexed mum and all the kittens before rehoming them... then yes, maybe they did deserve a chance... if not, then you only made the problem worse by rehoming entire cats that could well continue the cycle... T.
  10. A lot happens in one year. Including 3 deaths, 1 in family, 2 of very close friends. There's a lot of stuff I don't remember from the past. If I did have this discussion or email, I honestly don't remember it due to the amount of personal grievances that I've been through over a matter of months. I'm sorry - you seem to have a perfectly fine memory for a whole pile of other things that happened around the same time you sent that email... not to mention some of your responses here (before you decided to edit them) seem to indicate otherwise. I suggest you research and familiarise yourself with the laws regarding Companion Animals BEFORE you start dispensing advice in future. T.
  11. Fern's latest trick is to climb up onto the chair I have my camera bags on and try to reach for the pigs ears on the shelf above the table next to it... no-one believes me that this puppy can be naughty... She also has this really cute habit of sleeping completely stretched out but with her head under the couch... T.
  12. It's a common thing for many vets to take in a stray, scan it, and contact either the owner or the council rangers to come pick it up... all of the vets locally to me do that. I live in an area surrounded by 3 pound coverages - say I found a dog 2 streets away to the north, in the Bankstown coverage area... I'd have to trek all the way out to Austral to deliver it to a pound that closes at 4:30-5pm. If I found the dog in my street, I'd have to take it to the vet that is the pound for my council area which is literally a 3 minute drive or 10 minute walk, and is open until 7pm. Alternately, if I found a dog 2 streets south of me, I'd have to take it to the pound in Carlton... Guess which place I'd be taking any stray dog I found to? TigerSpirit - what is stopping you from sourcing any of the many animals already in the pounds for your rescue efforts? Animals don't have to die in pounds if you are actively rescuing from them like most of the other rescues here do. Obviously your thinking/reasoning is flawed if you think that our questioning your lack of ethics is going to mean more animals dying in pounds - maybe a rethink is in order here... T.
  13. Ummm TigerSpirit - your plea of ignorance is flawed... remember last year when you learned that rescues can't take in strays from the public? I have access to an email you sent to a friend back then advising exactly that... on 27th Feb 2011 you sent to a friend... and I quote... "Thought I'd warn you though. By law, we're (animal shelter) not allowed to take in strays.. thought I'd warn you now so as not to disappoint you later. As it's something I only just learned myself in the last week." T.
  14. But if the animal is taken to the pound, some other rescue may get in first... and pounds charge for release.... so much simpler to get the animal for free from some unsuspecting and well meaning member of the public... T.
  15. Oh - and under the law, ignorance is no excuse... T.
  16. No TigerSpirit, I'm not happy... this is not the first time you have attempted to enable others to break the law... and obviously by your attitude, it probably won't be the last. T.
  17. Lucky Timmy has picked himself a great forever home... yay for Timmy!!! T.
  18. Steve... have PM'd you info... save you having to search, OK? T.
  19. Timmy is getting to be a big boy, that's for sure! Well over 10kgs now, and is 16 weeks old this week... He's a lovely happy and smart boy though... even when he's being cheeky... T.
  20. Most of the photos turned out OK... even though the light was ewwie again due to the storm that was on it's way. I think by the last few Jodie shots I was starting to get the hang of the new lens's focusing and range. Please thank your mum and dad for allowing me to monopolise your time to test my new camera/lens. Here are some of my fave shots... Stevie... Mate AKA Maggot... Stevie and Jodie... Jodie - little Miss Athletic... T.
  21. The person who is posting this ad all over the place (has a few Facebook groups also) KNOWS what the law is regarding strays - she just doesn't agree with it. She has also posted things on her Facebook page trying to incite others to do other illegal things - including breaking into places with kenneled dogs and stealing them (to "save" them apparently). What she needs is a good kick in the pants IMHO... I'm just trying to get ideas on the best way to serve her one legally. T.
  22. Timmy has someone coming to meet him today... and sounds like the perfect home that can give him all he needs with regards to exercise and training. Here is a pic I took of Timmy on Saturday. T.
  23. The ad I've posted is from that other "trading post" type website... but there are numerous Facebook entries/groups (some hers, some others) all touting the same thing. My worry is that even if a dog or cat is chipped, it would be so easy to forge a surrender form and get them transferred into any name you like - or a simple Stat Dec even... a lost animal is not necessarily dumped or neglected... *sigh* Sheridan - I've PM'd you with the answer. T.
  24. Me too... I love your Whippet fun day photos... and anything with Tag in it... *grin* T.
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