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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Pixie the Mini Foxie usually doesn't like puppies - especially larger breed puppies... but she seems to have taken a real shine to Jack the BT/Staffy pup. Jack became ill when he was 6 weeks old, and as a result he has some neurological damage that makes him unadoptable to the public. We can't give any guarantees as to whether he may develop fits as he get older, etc. Currently, when he gets anxious/stressed/excited, his head seems to spasm to one side like a huge tic sort of effect. He is also a little weak on his right side, so he tends to fall over if he plays rough and tumble with his other puppy friends. He is hitting all other normal physical milestones, and doesn't appear to be mentally compromised at all. He doesn't know or care that he is "special", and he's been adopted by lillypilly (who runs our rescue). They have formed a lovely bond since she was his primary carer when he was ill. What has started to happen lately is that Pixie - lillypilly's other permanent furkid - has decided that Jack is way fun to play with, and is having her second childhood with lots of gusto... lol! Here are some pics of the unlikely best mates... and here's one of Jack doing his best "sit"... and another shot of Mr Handsome, just because he's so photogenic... T.
  2. Have you tried taking photos at Taronga Zoo in Sydney Tess32? The most annoying thing for me was when the animals were behind caging wire - trying to focus just right to get past the wire was a complete pain... grrr! I'm pretty chuffed at how this latest lot of zoo photos turned out - all were handheld in Landscape mode on the camera (I'm not brave enough to go manual), and at pretty full zoom on the 18-270mm lens - and most of the reptile ones were also done in lower light without using the flash. The penguin ones were the hardest to get as they are so fast, and you are in a darkened enclosed area shooting through glass AND water. I think I had managed to work out the panning focus a bit better by the time I got to them... *grin* Yesterday I was taking photos of some of our rescue pups racing around like wind up toys on speed - and I think I'm getting better with the panning focus thing... you get lots of practice photographing puppies... lol! T.
  3. Hahaha! That is a very cool caption for the photo... Jack is growing into a very handsome young man, isn't he? Even with the missing tooth, you can see the gentle soul in his eyes... T.
  4. Awww... look at Cooper... he looks sooo over it... lol! T.
  5. Poor Bobby is VERY impressed that you are taking photos of him in those ears... lol! T.
  6. Monet n Diva's Mum - if I ever decide to go to Melbourne, I'll be giving you lots of advance warning, OK? OMG Tess32 - am totally loving your stuff there! Me is jealous! T.
  7. You also have my respect Holly's Mummy... I wish I could be there to give you a hug right now... T.
  8. amp - DLG is the Division of Local Government here in NSW... http://www.dlg.nsw.gov.au/dlg/dlghome/dlg_index.asp DLG has Pound Rounds listed as a 16D exemption holder in their 23/2/2012 circular... see attached file... Approved Organisations - Clause 16(d) exemption - as at 23_02_2012-1.pdf T.
  9. Monet n Diva's Mum - I so wish I lived in Melbourne right now! Do you have any contacts at Taronga Zoo in Sydney by any chance? *grin* T.
  10. Baby sheepies are too cute!!! Stunning herd you have there... T.
  11. OK - if PR are using their 16D to get dogs out of pounds, aren't those animals chipped to them by said pounds? Then PR must report all animals released under that 16D to the DLG, right? And those reports must marry up to the reports from the pounds as to which animals were released under which 16D... yes? Maybe if someone contacts the DLG about PR and convinces them that an audit is in order... ? As for the fundraising and charity status thing, the ATO has quite strict reporting guidelines - especially if said charity is bringing in large sums of money. It ALL must be accounted for fully, and is also subject to arbitrary auditing. Maybe this group could be brought to their attention also... The pounds aren't going to stop letting them get dogs out - it's more lucrative for any dog to leave their care rather than be euthed and then they incur disposal costs etc... I hate Facebook with a passion - but anyone who knows how it works could always start up another group page maybe asking people to tell their PR horror stories - then spam the hell out of the PR pages with links to the horror story page... fight fire with fire I say! For sure the horror story page will soon fill up with stories from those left high and dry by PR, and you can then control what is posted there so the truth isn't deleted willy nilly... *grin* T.
  12. Run free Sage... you were loved to the end... Hugs to you and yours Holly's Mummy. T.
  13. I got really lucky with the male lion and the gorillas this time at the Zoo - got heaps of nice photos of both. The female lion was way up in the back corner of the enclosure under a bush - obviously well over it all... lol! And the male gorilla was camera shy too... *sigh* My legs don't like me today though... it's a lot of walking... but worth every minute when you score cool shots! T.
  14. I nearly wet myself when I saw some of the lion photos on my 23" screen... I am sooo loving this new camera/lens! There are some pretty nice reptile shots on the Photobucket album too - most of them through glass and in icky lighting... and I didn't use a flash or tripod... T.
  15. Everyone loves Zoo photos, yes? I think I got a few pretty nice ones yesterday with the new Canon 60D and Tamron 18-270mm lens. The male lion was really close to the glass (yes, shot these through glass!) - about 4-6 feet away - excellent for getting some really nice photos... The 3 tiger cubs have grown heaps since I was there in November - shot through glass again, but they were further away than the lion. I'm not 100% happy with these, but I'm sure some post processing could fix the glare effect from the glass... Meerkats... gotta love those cheeky little munchkins - they so like to pose for the camera! AS for gorillas... nothing cuter than a tiny baby one, is there? Chimp toddlers are cute too... Giraffes pulling faces is way funny! Otters are cool to watch too... not so easy to photograph through glass though... If you want to see more pics... reptiles, birds, etc... and more of the above animals - feel free to check them out on my Photobucket... I only put up 55 of the 900-odd photos I took... *grin* http://s6.photobucket.com/albums/y220/tdierikx/Zoo%203%20April%202012%20-%2060D/?start=all T.
  16. When he's sleeping he looks like a deflated balloon... lol! And I love his wrinkly bum... Is he going for a chew on the bookcase/shelf in that last shot? Naughty puppy! T.
  17. Ummm... I just point the camera at what I want to photograph, try to stay really still, and press the button... the camera does all of the hard work, honest! And this new camera does it's job really well! All those numbers are really confusing to me too - thank god for the nice presets on these DSLR's... lol! T.
  18. I'm certainly not hiding behind a fake name... the one to the left is the one my parents gave me... *grin* T.
  19. "Stupid mistake"?? I think not... at least one of those "girls" had full knowledge that all strays MUST be handed in to the pound more than 12 months ago. Claiming ignorance after the fact is no excuse under the law - it won't float in any court in this country if one is prosecuted for inciting an illegal act. You can have your say all over the internet, but it still won't make you right... *grin* As for "personal"... who was it that started throwing people's names about? Oh, that's right, the person who has tried to incite other illegal acts before this current faux pas... T.
  20. Guess who went to Taronga Zoo today with her new kit? I am only half way through the 919 photos I took, and am so far pretty chuffed with quite a few of the pics... but my knees and feet are telling me that they don't like me very much right now! I have some hilarious Giraffe pulling faces shots, and an awesome one of the male Lion's mouth wide open and showing ALL of his teeth. Hot damn! I LOVE this new camera and lens! T.
  21. The foster course offered by Steve is a great resource. It really makes you think about things you probably never would have before foster caring. Another awesome resource is Shmoo's Foster Manual... http://www.fostermanual.com - worth it's weight in gold! T.
  22. Awww... that last shot is to die for! What a little champion! T.
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