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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Thanks PS - and none of these photos has had any post processing except resizing down for putting up here... T.
  2. My dogs love staying with "Uncle Jason" at Sharaleas Australian Dog Squad - and it's the only place my brother will ever leave his assistance dog... Their phone number is 4683 2467 T.
  3. Awww... that first photo is gold!! Beautiful! T.
  4. *me is jealous* Looking forward to seeing your photos though... *grin* T.
  5. Totally loving the final early morning beach walk photo... says it all, doesn't it? T.
  6. Hahaha @ the funny "chinese hat" ears... they are the cutest! T.
  7. It is good! Much better to beg politely like that than jump all over everyone asking for it... *grin* In that last photo Bones could be mistaken for a camp dog... hehe! Maybe he got that from hanging around my Pickles... errr! T.
  8. Awesome shots there... I wish I'd taken them! T.
  9. Thanks heaps Frodo's Mum... have you seen my Taronga Zoo photo thread? The camera got a good workout there last week... *grin* Still sorting through the ones I took at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney the other day... T.
  10. OMG!!! Look at that awesome "beg"!!! Poor Chaos... Bones is definitely a cheeky sod MAKING Chaos have to play with him... lol! Thanks so much for the cool updates Leanne, they are great! T.
  11. Puppy ears are too cool for school... they seem to have minds of their own at times... lol! ...and he also has the cutest eyes... they seem to be saying "stop with the camera thing and just give me cuddles!" T.
  12. The owner needs to be in a position where he/she is the more interesting object... pocket full of treats or a favourite toy pulled out at the moment the dog spots something more interesting (ie. other dogs), and massive reward for doing what YOU want, rather than what IT wants. If this is impossible - don't take the dog to places where it is going to be overstimulated in that way - stay home and work on being the best thing on the planet for your dog, so it's attention is on you, not anything else. T.
  13. BJ is adorable! And now I see why his ears took so long to stand up... Haha @ Maverick - he looks truly "happy" about his outfit... *grin* T.
  14. The rescues that worry me are the ones who have quick and high turnover numbers... how can one truly "know" a dog they have only had in care for a couple of weeks - or in some cases even less time? There are some who have the animal up on PetRescue (or other advertising sites) within minutes of getting it out of the pound... Some rescues don't give their foster carers a say in the rehoming of the dogs in their care. I think this is a bit silly when the foster carer is the one who is actually living with said dog, and has better insight into what that dog needs from their new family than someone who may not actually have met the dog in question personally. Some rescues focus on how many animals they can "save", rather than how many they can place completely responsibly... and some have no backup plans for animals they have placed that need to be returned because the animal was not suitable for the home it was placed in. There are good and bad stories about even the most reputable groups - some are real, and some are based on malicious gossip that seems to be a part of the rescue scene - weeding out the truth from the chinese whispers isn't always easy. All that said, when we hear MANY stories, such as that in the OP, about the same group's practices - often with further backup by the actual people who have been stung by said group - one can only surmise that there may be some truth to the stories that are circulating... especially when any questions are ignored and/or deleted from said group's public "face" on the internet. The reports of intimidation and harassment are also of concern - especially when those reports come from certain people in rescue who ARE truly above reproach. The big problem is how the heck do we deal with it if what said group is doing is actually not illegal under current law? T.
  15. Hahaha! Those photos of Justice are hilarious! T.
  16. My dogs are my "furkids"... but they are dogs, and treated as such... and I'm pretty sure they appreciate that immensely... *grin* T.
  17. Hmmm... I see that it's your birthday today stans mum... may your present be the best home ever for little Raymond... *grin* T.
  18. Hey - I think I learned something! After Tess32 made her post about Aperture Mode and setting it to a higher number, I went looking on Google and found out that aperture relates to the depth of field blur effect for backgrounds whilst keeping the subject in focus... awesome! I'm gonna try it out a bit today when I go to the Royal Easter Show... T.
  19. Percynality - why don't you ask here for recommendations of a good vet in your area? I'm sure if you post what suburb you live in, some of the members here can give you plenty of good vet options. Sometimes - just like with human doctors - the cause of the illness is not immediately obvious, and will need time to diagnose fully. What I don't understand is why you didn't take Percy to the other vet hospital when it was suggested. Instead, you opted to have him euthanaised... Over the years I've held quite a few animals whilst they were given their final sleep - most go easy and peacefully, but depending on what the medical issue is, sometimes it's not a pleasant experience at all for anyone witnessing it. If Percy had an issue with his heart, for example, it would take a lot longer for him to succumb to the drug, and there would be vocalisation and struggling involved - maybe even evacuation of bowels or bladder also. Please don't refuse your next dog vet care if it needs it, OK? Just find a different vet that you are comfortable with... T.
  20. All of my friends save their toilet roll cardboard for my fosters... *grin* Funnily enough, the toy I have here that every one of my foster pups have played with is a stuffed toy flea... it's the most popular by far... it has lasted 3 years now, and seen better days, but they love it so much. The other toy that has lasted many years and gotten a lot of use is the Chuckit rubber tennis ball... nothing can destroy them, and haven't met a dog yet that doesn't like a ball. T.
  21. I think you've done pretty well :) I meant to say though, why landscape mode? I shoot on aperture mode and use the maximum fstop (which is 5.6 on my lens). To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what all the fancy settings do - can't seem to get my head around what all the terminology means when I need to take a photo. I tend to click the dial onto either Landscape (for more overall focus), or Sports (when photographing moving things like puppies) - the camera and lens seem to just do the rest once I point and press the magic button. I'm getting pretty good at pointing at the right things and pressing the button at the right time now I think, yes? What I really need is an Idiot's Guide to what all the new words mean with regards to me getting the best out of my camera, but not to lose the fun part of just throwing caution to the wind when taking photos... I don't want to get tied up with all the fiddly things and lose sight of just catching the "moment", if you get what I mean. The main reason I haven't looked into getting any lessons or doing any courses is that I tend to find that they push you into doing things a specific way, and I lose my "creative" streak... *sigh* I must say though, this new camera takes VERY nice pics - even when compared to what I thought were awesome pics taken with my 450D. My head would probably explode if let loose with an even better camera and lens... lol!
  22. Such a stunning easter bunny you have there ruthless... *giggle* T.
  23. Jack is a truly lovely young man... cheeky as all getout, but always up for cuddles with anyone. And as soon as he sees the cameras come out, he's there trying to be in every shot! T.
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