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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Oh man! How awesome are those photos? Definitely in the "I wish I'd taken it" basket! T.
  2. Lobo is a very pretty moggie... and Harry is a spunk... T.
  3. Oscar has to have the largest shmooshy face I've ever seen on a Pei... there ARE eyes in there somewhere, right? *grin* I wish I lived near you... then I could come and plant a big kiss on that big nose of his... *sigh* Maybe you could do it for me instead? Please? Lots of kisses on his adorable nose... T.
  4. If it's soft, see a vet... if it's hard, it could be internal scar tissue from the desexing and will probably flatten out over time. Have seen similar in pups who wouldn't stay quiet (ie. not play like loons) after desexing... I don't see any redness or anything that may indicate infection or the like... T.
  5. I'm totally loving that last shot... life is so hard, isn't it? *grin* T.
  6. Considering that there is only 1 bowl in each crate, and they appear to have been emptied with the relish only a Lab can dish out to food, I'd be inclined to think that the picture in the article was taken around feeding time, and the dogs may have been crated so that each got their allotted share without annoyance from the others. The fact that they aren't obviously barking like crazy at the stranger photographing them also seems to indicate that they may not spend a heck of a lot of time in those particular crates. T.
  7. Poor Socs had had a couple of lumps taken off him... benign lumps apparently. He so badly wanted to go down and have a swim, he was trembling with excitement. He is 9 years old and his lovely mummy has had him since he was 4 weeks old - she totally dotes on him and he's the sweetest boy. I got a lot of cuddles too... *grin* The shadier seagull shots were taken while I was sitting at a bench throwing bits of my rock cake (which was very yummy) up into the air in front of me - the seagulls "hugging" was a mid air collision... lol! Even though I didn't end up doing what I'd planned to do for the day, it wasn't a complete waste - I did get some pretty cool pics after all... *grin* T.
  8. Last lot... seagulls... There you go... I'm pretty happy with most of these. The ones that have some blur still tell a pretty cool story, and I think the blur seems to show how frenetic the little buggers get when they think there's food about... *grin* T.
  9. Water Dragons on the walk to Shelly Beach... This big fellow was most obliging and let me get pretty close... More coming... seagulls in flight/fight next... *grin*
  10. OK... but there were so many seagull pics to sort through... *grin* I'll start with this awesome little dog I met on the promenade at Manly surf beach - his name was Socs, and he wanted to go play in the water so badly... A cormorant sitting on a pylon at Little Manly beach near the ferry wharf... Surf crashing over rocks... A crow that was shooed away from some guy's lunch... it was a very persistent crow though... A seagull taking a drink from a small fountain in the Corso... More coming...
  11. I always ask if a stranger's dog is allowed treats - then I make them sit for it if they are allowed. Love your suggestion pepe001... that's gold! T.
  12. Well... I decided this morning that I'd take a trip to Manly and maybe do the sightseeing thing around North Head, the Q Station, etc... Walked up the Corso from the ferry to the surf beach, then headed down the walk to Shelly Beach... Stopped along the way to take way too many photos of seagulls in flight, water dragons, and waves crashing on rocks - headed back from Shelly Beach back to South Steyne, and took even more photos of water dragons and waves crashing on rocks - then even MORE photos of seagulls in flight... Then back down the Corso to the ferry wharf and Little Manly Beach... took even MORE photos of seagulls in flight... Never got to North Head or the Q Station... but have some stunning shots of seagulls in flight... lol! Will post some pics once I've sorted the wheat from the chaff, OK? T.
  13. Lovely shots Rach... and the boys look like they totally loved the outing too... Am totally jealous of the close up emu head shots! Brilliant work! T.
  14. Awesome! You must be so proud MonElite... T.
  15. My "sweet" number for dogs is 4... but I currently only have 3 - so I foster for rescue to make up the numbers... *grin* T.
  16. I could spend all day looking at your work Kristin... *grin* T.
  17. Disclosure of the naughty habits is a good thing - at least the new family knows what they are getting into with a young and inquisitive dog... *grin* Try to balance it out with a few of the outstandingly sweet things she does too, OK? T.
  18. We have had a couple of dogs in rescue that would always pee on me when I went near them... seeing as they loved me to death above all others, we decided that it had something to do with them marking me as "theirs"... Random peeing, I have no clue... T.
  19. Doesn't Pickles have lovely white teeth and nice clean gums? Hahahaha! T.
  20. How does that last pic look with a bit of the open space at the top snipped off? Looks great to me as is though...*grin* T.
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