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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Hmmm... thinking I may need to either get better at pointing the camera, or find out exactly how to work this DPP software... Here's what I have so far... The only one I'm even vaguely happy with is the first pic... T.
  2. Has the vet done abdominal x-rays or ultrasounds to eliminate the possibility that Buddy may have eaten something he shouldn't have? Blood tests to rule out things like Pancreatitis or the like? Fecal samples should be done more than once to completely rule out some bugs like Giardia... T.
  3. OK - I think I have this computer set up enough to load the Canon DPP stuff now... Wish me luck... T.
  4. Finally have my spare computer back - and up and running nicely with the 23" screen... just have a few little adjustments to do and will be all good to set up the Canon software and see what transpires with my various pics taken in RAW (first time using RAW) today... For tonight I think I'll just load up the latest AV program then call it a night... *yawn* Tomorrow I can play... yay! T.
  5. My friend rang me back - she's swinging by here soon and we are going to buy her a new computer so I can have my old one back... yay!!! T.
  6. Just rang my friend - she's out and won't be home until later. But she will feed me tonight and I'll swap her this laptop for my decent PC. she only uses the computer for email and netbanking, and the lappy will do that for her just fine. I just don't want to leave her without a computer... T.
  7. So much for building one working computer... all of the dud ones here seem to have the same issue... faulty motherboards... *sigh* Looks like I'm going to have to get my one working spare PC back from the friend who "borrowed" it last year... T.
  8. This?? http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/consumer.shtm T.
  9. Did he pick his own hat? Great sense of style there... lol! T.
  10. This crappy lappy is giving me the poops... screen res 1024x768 max... grrr! Not happy when I've gotten used to a 23" screen with 1980 res... and can't attach the big screen to the lappy because it has a digital cable and the lappy has an analog connection - and no analog cable to be found (I searched everywhere)... Loaded up the Canon software (DPP etc), upgraded DPP to latest, etc... still can't really tell what is going on when looking at this crappy screen... even when playing with the HDR functions. Everything looks crap... *sob* Going to go get all of the dead PC's here and see if I can build one decent working one. Not a good look for a PC tech to have no decent PC... *grin* Might even lug over the old 19" analog screen to add to whatever PC I get working - even more screen space... yeah! T.
  11. No macro lens sadly... but all the other suggestions are brilliant... keep them coming! T.
  12. Seeing as my car is in dire need of some serious attention from my mechanic, and he can't fit it in until next Wednesday... I'm stranded at home this weekend... My primary computer is also dead, my backup computer is on loan to a friend, and I'm reduced to using my old and crappy lappy with no decent software on it to do anything fancy... grrr! I do have my Canon cd's though, so can load up that software if needed. Thinking about maybe doing some exploring of my camera(s) - 450D and 60D - rather than lying on the couch watching TV and wallowing in my own self pity... *grin* What I find hard is getting started - so any ideas from you wonderful people would be great. The weather is supposed to be sunny but windy here tomorrow, and Sunday will be showery... *sigh* Please give me some ideas... please... T.
  13. Love them all! I can see why she was thrilled... Nice job! T.
  14. Thanks for clarifying Stormie... I'm not terribly au fait with cats and their diseases, so I'd done a quick Google search on FIP before I made my reply. It does seem that the general concensus on FIP is that it's a constant decline, rather than ups and downs though... T.
  15. Removal of breeding ability (in dogs) isn't going to stop people allowing their dogs to run loose and create carnage... What may work better is harsher penalties for the owners of animals that do what happened to Ms Southam - stiff fines and/or jail time for the owners of the dog in question might be a better method of deterrent IMHO. T.
  16. Funnily enough though, the general public tends to ascribe to the "it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck - therefore it must BE a duck" theory... My Lab X girl looks "all" Lab... and no-one ever asks me if she's a cross. However, she definitely has some traits that are definitely NOT very Lab at all... I know that her "undesirable" traits come from an outcross somewhere in her "lines" with a Dingo - but if she ever ended up in a pound, or in rescue, she'd be put forward for adoption as a "pure" Lab - based only on what she looks like and her general happy and outgoing nature. Imagine the new owner's surprise if she then decided to show her nasty side when challenged by an alpha dog on her new home turf... it's not pretty, I can tell you! T.
  17. If Cookie had FIP, wouldn't she continue to go down hill rather than showing signs of recovery of her movement, Stormie? From what I've read it's a pretty quick decline... Crossing fingers she's just been shaken and bruised by some other animal, and that now she's in loving hands with access to lots of good food, she will come good to live a long and comfortable life as someone's treasured lap cat. T.
  18. Microchipping has been mandatory in NSW for some good long time now, yet we are still seeing many animals turning up in pounds without chips... we also see dogs with chips, but nothing has been entered into the register... All well and good to have a mandatory rule, but until it's policed properly, it's not going to be effective, is it? Also - NSW CAR registry insists on at least one "breed" being identified on the chip... when I was entering my camp dog Pickles (who would make a Heinz 57 look like a pedigree/purebred) I didn't have the option to put "unknown/unknown" as the cross. Seriously, in Australia, we have "camp dogs" - literally born in camps in the outback - why can't that be a "breed" on our registries? Listing "breed" as "camp dog" or "unknown" and then having the "identifying features" section allow room for a decent description of the dog's size/shape/colouring/markings, would be a much more effective way to identify each individual dog, no? BTW - I have no idea what breeds are in Pickles' mix, and I don't really care - she's one of a kind really... *grin* T.
  19. Is it possible that she may have been picked up and shaken by a dog? She may have a bruised spine rather than broken - or some nerve damage that just needs time to settle... that plus the obvious malnutrition that has caused wasted muscles... The movement in her back legs is a definitely promising sign - crossing fingers she gets a prognosis that means she can live a long and happy life. I may be getting ahead of myself here, but have you thought about keeping her if she gets the all clear from the vet about anything broken? T.
  20. OK - you made me cry... the photo of Cookie's paw on Jack's hand... *blub* She's looking like she might just surprise us all and come pretty good... T.
  21. Good at what? :laugh: LOL... I think a lot of people have different ideas on what makes a behaviourist and what they should do. In my mind a behaviourist should assess the dog, educate the owner on what is going on with the dog and show them how to get the best out of the dog. This obviously differs from dog to dog and owner to owner. ... and there is the truth of the matter. Not all dogs and owners are the same, so assessment of both, and training of both is key... T.
  22. She sure is a cutie... She looks pretty comfortable considering what she's been through. If she has a chance at all, you are the one who will see her right methinks. As for your description of Bailey talking to her - he sounds like he's following nicely in his big brother's footsteps there... you must be so proud of them both... T.
  23. I'm talking about purebred dogs that are hard to identify because they're rare and don't end up in pounds often if at all rather than a guess whatever mix thread. Well then, I'd definitely love one of those too Sheridan... information like that is gold! T.
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