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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Well done Rach! Hopefully someone will see it and come forward with info so the b@stards who did this to Cookie can be prosecuted. T.
  2. I'm up at 5:30 every morning - regardless of the day or what time I went to bed... the joys of puppy fostering... lol! T.
  3. I have a dog who has mobility issues that include knuckling over... and I can attest that with time and patience, the dog can be trained to adjust their walking pattern to avoid the knuckling. My dog's issues are caused by a scar on her brain and affects all 4 limbs, she has little feeling in all her legs, so she had to learn to walk properly instead of it being an instinctual thing. She will be 2 in September and apart from her funny gait, she runs and plays just like any other dog... we say that she doesn't realise that she's "broken", and she just loves to live life to the fullest anyway. T.
  4. May I recommend using Canex or Fenpral next time? They are a little easier on a puppy's tummy, and still get rid of the worms just fine. Drontal can hit them pretty hard sometimes... T.
  5. Haha @ dogmad! Welcome to MY world... lol! I hope the little fella behaved for you last night and Mrs Grumpy hasn't showed up... The trick to keeping pups quiet at night is to have their night crate in your bedroom - positioned where the little monsters can see you... or have more than one pup so they have company to cuddle up with at bedtime. If you have a solo pup, give them a teddy bear around the same size to snuggle with. Just like with the older dogs, ignore the little terrors a bit when they first arrive, and let them get used to their new digs - they do it very fast I may add... oh... and couch cuddles is a big part of having a pup around - it helps them settle of an evening. If you need any other puppy fostering tips, just yell, OK? Would you like some name suggestions? How about Simon, Chester, Barclay, Linus, Rupert, Samuel, Tristan, Webster, Xavier... T.
  6. Looks like everyone had a great time... and Elsie looks very pretty in her new collar. T.
  7. Mine will sit and stare at me if I'm lying on the couch watching TV... and they stop when I reach over and start scratching them... I don't have to look at them to know what makes them stop the staring... *grin* When I've given them a good five mins of scratching, I pat them 3 times on the scratching spot and say "Finish", and they move over to their couch and let the next dog come in for her pat... there is no particular order as to who gets first in line for the pats either. T.
  8. Ummm... depending on the level of damage Cookie had to her spine, she may not have been in a lot of pain at all. I'm sure that if Cookie appeared to be in pain at any point, k9angel would have been beating down the doors of the vet for a fuller diagnosis right from the start... You and the boys did everything you could for Cookie - and you gave her probably the only love she had ever known in her short life. At least she passed knowing that love. T.
  9. Done - but I have 3 dogs, and was really only given the option to state the age of 1 of them. My dogs are perfect weight for their types anyways... even though I'm not... the only one who gets extra treats around here is me... *grin* T.
  10. Kirislin - thanks for the DPP tips - will definitely give the right click a shot... and read the help files... *grin* Kristin - awesome focus tips - just gotta read up and work out how to change the focus point(s). I'm pretty good with the half press focus lock thing so far, but will see if your suggestion works better for me too. I think my breathing and hands are pretty steady, but will concentrate on both to find out if I'm a bit off there too. Oh - and the lenses I have have got the IS thing to help minimise any small shakes. ... and I need to find time in this lifetime to really get off my arse and properly explore all these things... *grin* T.
  11. Leanne - these guys are going to be smaller than Bones when they finish growing... but if you want one feel free to call... *grin* T.
  12. Oh damn! My heart goes out to you and the boys right now... Run free and healthy now sweet Cookie. My eyes are leaking now... *sob* T.
  13. You gotta tell them that the teddies are for rescue dogs... and sometimes it depends on who is manning the counter... Don't go into the Vinnies next door to the Salvos - they charge $1-2 per teddy... T.
  14. Don't sell yourself short Kristin... your work is sublime... T.
  15. Kirislin - I played about with all sorts of sliders... on different tabs too... *grin* How do you check where your focus point was in DPP? Maybe I should read the manual for it to find out what I can actually do with it, yes? I was just fiddling about really... persephone - all of the flowers (except the one you liked) are my neighbour's flowers. The one you liked is actually on a weed "tree" thing in my yard... and that is what it did in response to being poisoned - bloody thing decided to flower rather than die... lol! And that one was actually the one that wobbled in the wind the most.. *sigh* I have a Tamron 18-270mm lens on this 60D - and for the life of me I can't work out how to adjust the focus on it - it has a 9 point system, and I'd rather some less if possible... I have a total of 3 lenses here - a Canon EF-S 18-55mm IS with broken AF (manual works though), a Canon EF-S 55-250 IS, and the Tamron 18-270mm DiII VC PZD. I should really test all of them on the 60D to see what I favour the most for different "jobs", yes? Maybe when I have some money, I can get a nice Macro lens too... T.
  16. Please do post it Ella... Oh - and awesome job you and Digby are doing with the boys... you be da bomb!! T.
  17. Haha @ MM! You really need to train your mum better... lol! T.
  18. Babies have been enjoying the delights of my back yard today... Bilbo Frodo Lily Peaches Daisy Fun shots... T.
  19. I'm completely speechless... jaw droppingly so... Awesome stuff kja! T.
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