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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. The bearded bloke looked rather depressed that he wasn't out in the main arena being the centre of attention... and his stall wasn't getting much attention either... *grin* T.
  2. I can't stress enough how sweet and gentle this little girl is... seriously, she is pretty close to the perfect pup! The proof of the pudding will be to test her with my friend's cat - if she has any ideas of chasing, Tilly Devine will soon put paid to that... lol! Tilly Devine doesn't put up with any of that sort of nonsense... T.
  3. As Katdogs kindly pointed out in another thread, I have a new foster pup... and we have decided that her name is Noni (which is short for NoName... *grin*) Noni seems to like the name, and she answers to it if I call her "Nonni"... hehe! Best we can work out she may be a Kelpie/Whippet kind of mix - although some silly billy chipped her as a Staffy cross. I'm not seeing any Staffy in her at all apart from having a glorious brindle colouring. She is 14 weeks old, and a complete delight to foster. No noises or vomiting in her crate in the car, no noises or messes in her night crate at bed time, doesn't seem interested in chewing up things, doesn't bark unless the other dogs are barking at the TV (quite funny to watch her tell Pickles off for that last night), walks pretty well on lead, and is quickly picking up having to sit for treats, which she takes very gently. No food possession either - I can stick my hands in her bowl while she eats, and pat her while eating too. Oh - and she is an expert couch cuddler! She is not fussed on having her nails cut, but I'm sure she'll figure out that isn't so bad fairly soon. I took her to PetFest at Merrylands today (she is vacc'ed), and she did really well. She took it all in her stride, meeting all sorts of people and dogs - and she was especially enamoured of all the children she met. I think she will make someone's child a faithful companion, she is just so good with them. She has the cutest ears and the sweetest soft and kindly eyes I've seen on a dog in a long time. Anyways - I know you are all now wanting photos, so here they are... Ain't she purty?? T.
  4. All I can suggest is to try to distract him quickly with something else to do when normal noises alert him to bark - throw a ball or a toy for him to go chase or something? T.
  5. No name Noni is going to Petfest today - maybe someone there will help us pick a nice name for her... *grin* And she will get her own thread once I get some pics of her... T.
  6. So this is the only surviving pup? Do you have the bitch available for possibly supervised feeding sessions with the pup? She may get the idea once she realises that the pup is making her boobies feel better by emptying a few. T.
  7. Now there's an offer well worth the drive! Ruthless takes the most divine photos... T.
  8. The second splurk moment of the thread... keep them coming ladies... *grin* What if the little fella picks YOU for his forever home PS? T.
  9. So far it's looking like Daisy's bubbas are going to be larger dogs than Blossoms bubbas - even though Blossom is a bigger dog than Daisy... go figure? All of the bubbas are going to be good looking dogs too from the looks of them... T.
  10. Are we about to see a foster failure with Dweeb PS?? He sounds way too "special" to be rehomed to a stranger... lol! T.
  11. Black boy - 900g Black and white boy - 700g Aren't they all gorgeous??? T.
  12. Lighter brindle boy - 800g Blue and white girl - 600g Blue and white boy - 800g 2 more pics to come...
  13. Now for Blossom's babies... eyes are open, but not focusing at all yet - will be 2 weeks old tomorrow (Sunday) Blue fawn brindle girl - 900g Dark brindle boy - 900g Brindle girl - 750g More coming...
  14. Black girl - 1kg Black and white boy with thin head stripe - 1.4kg Small black boy - 850g More coming... Blossom's babies...
  15. All bubbas are simply gorgeous... I had a really good time today cuddling with them all... *grin* I got photos, but stupid Photobucket is having a brain fart and won't let me upload them to make it easier to post here, so I'm gonna have to upload 2 or 3 per post the old fashioned way, OK? So here are the first 3 of Daisy Boo's babies - will be 3 weeks old on Monday. Eyes fully open, and they are alert and mobile little munchkins... Black and white boy with black spot on neck - 1.5 kg Big black boy - 1.25 kg Black and white boy with wider head stripe - 1.5 kg More coming...
  16. Sometimes the bitch actually knows something about the refused pup that you don't... Does the bitch have other pups that she is happily feeding? If so, maybe nature might need to take it's course with the refused pup. T.
  17. Fostering is a great way to see if your dog will be readily receptive to having a companion around... and who knows, you may find yourself a new forever friend at the same time. I agree with persephone - any new addition to your fur-family should really be for yourself first, and your other dog's companion second... T.
  18. That it is Daisy... *grin* ... and we have some lovely sunshine so far... Daisy Boo's babies are nearly 3 weeks old now, so I'm anticipating they will be naughty and trying to waddle about everywhere - a couple of them were already starting that behaviour last weekend... errr! Blossom's babies will be 2 weeks old tomorrow, so I'm hoping for some pretty puppy eyes on them today. Oh - and the runty white and blue girl is gaining in weight - she is still lighter than the rest, but very mobile and feeding well by the looks of it. Does anyone envy us having 14 Staffy cross pups that will be fully mobile and almost self sufficient in a few weeks... aarrgghh! T.
  19. ... and you reckon I get some seriously cute pups to foster... Dimples and Dweeb are stunning!!!! I am so jealous of you getting all those shmooshy face cuddles. T.
  20. The "money shot" is the cute head tilt... like the little fellow in the first pic I posted above. You have no idea how many calls we got for him... *grin* T.
  21. The trick to taking nice puppy photos is a long lens... and time and patience. What you need to do is to have puppy outside in nice sunshine, playing happily while you sit and wait for them to leave you alone. Once they go off to do their own thing, train the camera on them and start snapping. Take LOTS of photos - most will be crap, and you will delete them, but you are also more likely to get a few really nice ones too. T.
  22. Pics like the following will get you plenty of interest... Pics like this one are cute to us... but might put off the general public... *grin* T.
  23. Found it... http://www.petrescue.com.au/view/174755 He is cute - but some less dark pics may bring more enquiries. T.
  24. My 3 are all different too - except when they want something... then they are all clingy... lol! I haven't been to the bathroom without a chaperone since I left home and got my first "only mine" dog... and after 25 years of it, it seems strange when I go to someone else's house and don't have a toilet buddy... *grin* Zeddy is definitely Mummy's girl - she likes to be wherever I am. Trouble is a crazy Labrador - she will come and demand pats on a regular basis, or be off checking if anything has changed in the back yard since she was out there 30 mins ago. This can alternate with leading Pickles or my fosters in a merry game of zoomies. Pickles is hot and cold - sometimes she wants to be as close to me as she can, and other times she couldn't care less if I even exist. T.
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