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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Awww.... they really do make a lovely pair! Loved Hoover's puppy bow in the second video... especially after Frida was being such a little terror... lol! She certainly appears to be well motivated with your training. Whoever adopts her is going to get a real bargain - already trained to do all the good stuff! T.
  2. Is the dog microchipped and/or council registered? If so, in whose name? You may need to have the dog signed over from the old owners before he can be rehomed legally... As for the PetRescue thing, you could always sign up the current "owner" as a foster carer under your group to satisfy that prerequisite, yes? Then he can be listed under your group. T.
  3. Pounds and shelters have a finite amount of space - and those who instigate a foster care program or work with rescue have a significantly lower euth rate than those who don't. This is a proven fact... The numbers of animals rehomed via foster care programs and rescue groups is a statistic that seems to have been missed out on in this debate. Cold hard figures are what will do the convincing - not slogans and buzz words and emotive anecdotes. T.
  4. It's just so sweet when your dogs take a pup under their wing, isn't it? I think Hoover has definitely taken Frida on as his own little project... lol! T.
  5. The other option could be to feed in the morning instead of the evening... T.
  6. That's my reaction too... SNAP! T.
  7. Whenever our rescue has pure breed dogs/pups for adoption, we get a heck of a lot of people applying for them. A good number of these people applying will come armed with all of the questions they should be asking a registered breeder - health checks, hip scores, etc... As we are usually not privy to that sort of information, and can't 100% guarantee that no issues will ever arise with the dog they are applying for, we tend to advise those people to seek out a registered (and ethical) breeder that CAN give them all the assurances they are asking for. Funnily enough - most potential adopters will say to us that a registered breeder charges more for their dogs than those in rescue... so we tell them the initial outlay is worth it if the dog will be sound mentally and physically because it was bred from the best stock and under the best conditions. Most seem to get the idea then... Not all people in rescue are completely anti registered breeders... *grin* Shoe on the other foot though... there aren't a lot of registered breeders who think very highly of those of us in rescue either. Many of us are actually quite sane and ethical, and are genuinely in the "game" because we feel we can provide a service that can help homeless adoptable pets find new homes - nothing more, nothing less. We are just as ashamed and mortified by the actions of the activists, bleeding hearts, and radicals as the purebred community is... trust me on that one, OK? Ummm... as for reporting actions undertaken by inspectors from the RSPCA... would they not fall under ICAC? T.
  8. I am so lucky to have a friend that has kennels and that I know would look after my dogs properly if I ever needed it. I also have a neighbour who knows my dogs' issues (2 have to be separate at all times), and is happy to come feed and check on them for short periods of time - like when I found myself emergency admitted to hospital twice last year. You just can't beat having awesome neighbours... *grin* Then again - I haven't gone away on holiday in many years... I'd rather be with my dogs... T.
  9. I think Tim V was the most articulate of the night... he got his points across extremely well, in terms the average pet owner could understand. Tabby did well also - showing (with rough stats) that pounds working with rescue can turn around horrendous kill stats. Steve Coleman tred to "justify" and spin the RSPCA stats, but did a very poor job of it. The trainer bloke with the long curly hair - brilliant job of explaining some facets of the RSPCA temp testing and why so many animals fail it. The commercial breeder looked like he was thinking more about how he was going to get out of there alive than anything else... *grin* PIAA rep... not very convincing - and I doubt that 1 in 4 pet shops are members of his organisation... The 2 men with their crossbreeds... 2nd dog came from a "breeder"... *sigh* Lady with the pure Bichon Frise did very well in explaining why she opted for the dog she bought - and it appeared well tempered and well cared for. Love how she emphasised that you had to keep up with the grooming stuff. Overall, the show did come across as somewhat confusing for the average person not involved in the issues we all face in rescue. I spoke to my mother after the show, and she said that none of it was all that convincing, and she really didn't know what to think. What she was impressed with was how calmly all the opposing "sides" presented their cases - can't have been easy while sitting with people you really don't agree with in the strongest terms. Oh... and I want Miles' rottie boy... he was gorgeous! Great save Miles! T.
  10. Awww... Hoover looks like he's taken on daddy duty with Frida... what a good boy! T.
  11. You have an Alienware computer? Me is jealous!! T.
  12. That's awesome news Michelleva... congratulations on a job well done! T.
  13. Didn't have any issue at all in Firefox... no mixed formatting at all. Then again, I'm using a nearly brand new computer with Windows 7 Pro (64 bit) and all the bells and whistles on it. And using Firefox 15.0.1 Here's the listing I just put up... http://www.petrescue.com.au/listings/200358 It took me about 5 minutes... T.
  14. The Iphone Ap doesn't work anymore either! Gonna be fun designing an Apple app to access a site designed for Google Chrome... lol! I'll let you all know how I go listing my foster pup on PR via my Firefox browser... T.
  15. You're kidding right? Why would anyone optimise a website for one of the lesser used browsers and make it somewhat non-functional for the others? Chrome pulls its settings from the IE settings, why would IE not work properly with PetRescue's site? I have to try to add a foster to PetRescue tonight - I use Firefox, and on first fiddle the other day, it seemed pretty functional. T.
  16. I was Satan's Spawn as a child... and my mother bought her wooden spoons by the dozen, because she'd break them over my behind so often... *grin* Tell a kid today that you are going to get the wooden spoon, and they think you are going to cook them something... *sigh* Kids today have all the rights and absolutely no responsibilities - is it any wonder so many turn out feral? And all of the tried and true methods of discipline are now illegal... and the little turds know it. You can't even give them a good telling off because you may damage their psyche... *sheesh* T.
  17. I'm addicted to puppy breath - so need the fosters in order to feed my addiction... ... and the house seems so quiet and empty with only my own 3 dogs in it... *grin* T.
  18. Awwwww - ain't she a cutie! The best thing about puppies is that they can learn so much in a short time. Frida has definitely found herself the best place to learn all the good things... T.
  19. Makes you wonder where the kids learned the behaviour from... Sometimes I'm ashamed to be part of current society. T.
  20. The black girl in Daisy's litter is the 3rd pup from the left in the first photo - or the one licking the other pup's back in the 3rd photo... *grin*... less white on the chest than the big black boy. She also has the cutest little Staffy type ears... As for the wrinkly noses... aren't they just gorgeous? No other wrinkes on them though PS... don't think there's any Pei in there... hahahaha! Actually, most of Blossom's babies are a bit wrinkly nosed at the moment, but I think their heads will grow into their skin pretty quickly... a couple of Daisy's babies were a little wrinkly faced last week, and there's no sign of that now in them. It's amazing how much can change in a week, isn't it? There was much squealing and laughter yesterday when we did the photo shoot - they are just getting to the fun stage now... T.
  21. The black girl in Daisy Boo's litter gives the BEST puppy breath kisses huntrox... *grin* Next week we'll try to remember to get photos of Daisy Boo and Blossom as well... all the puppy cuddles seem to be giving us fuzzy brains and we forget about how lovely their mummas are too. Both are looking great and doing really well - albeit having boobies to put Dolly Parton to shame... errr! T.
  22. Maybe just give Denise from PAWS a call tomorrow and ask her what she may have in foster care... I'm sure she'll point you in the right direction. Petrescue website got an upgrade this week, so some of the listings may be all over the place... and it's a time consuming job updating individual rescues' websites, so theirs may not have been updated yet with some of the dogs that may be available. T.
  23. Some close ups... ... and a shot showing you what I had to put up with whilst trying to take those photos.... again by the lovely lillypilly... T.
  24. Check out the colours on this lot... Blossom's babies... Mobile little buggers - wouldn't sit still at all... ... a couple more coming...
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