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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. It's not that hard really - just a bit more cleaning up with 10... *grin* This is the most foster pups I've had at once... my old "record" was 9... lol! The difference this time is that they are split over 2 litters and need to be separate - 6 in one lot, and 4 in the other - the 4 aren't big enough to play with the 6 yet... but they all get yard time and cuddle time, and my friends bring their grandkids over to play with them too... T.
  2. I got raused on once by a vet for my dog not being solid enough for their liking... the fact that she is a disabled dog who had absolutely no muscle tone in legs, chest, or shoulders when she arrived in our rescue some 4 months earlier, and had to learn to walk and play didn't seem to factor into the equation for that vet. The ensuing "discussion" with the vet (I'm embarrassed to say) got quite ugly... My Lab is a whole other story... she only has to smell food and she can put on weight. She's currently around 28 kgs and has a nice tuck and visible waistline, but I'd prefer her to be 26 kgs. I keep telling her she has "booty"... *grin* Then there's the old chook Zeddy, at 13 and fit and active, I'm keeping her weight to around 28 kgs because she has an arthritic knee that I don't want her to need surgery on. Nobody who meets her can believe that she's 13... T.
  3. Ok - we have names allocated now... The 4 of Blossom's bubs I have here are as follows... Little blue and white girl - Penni Blue and white boy - Jake Blue fawn brindle girl - Harper Black and white boy - Milo The other 4 are... Brindle girl - Holly Darker faced brindle boy - Oliver Lighter faced brindle boy - Riley Black boy - Sebastian Daisy Boo's 6 babies... Big black boy - Virgil Black girl - Poppy Small black boy - Toby Black and white boy with longer/wider head stripe - Samuel Black and white boy with shorter/narrower head stripe - Leroy Black and white boy with black spot on neck - Sage T.
  4. Crates, runs, chains, pens, etc... all have their uses. Use them properly, and you don't have any issues. Those who think any of the above are "cruel" obviously haven't had to use them for the safety and wellbeing of their animals. Lucky them... T.
  5. Ya think??? *grin* Daisy Boo's babies are going to all be absolute stunners when they grow up... and the more unusual coloured pups of Blossom's are definitely going to attract a lot of attention too methinks... When you see the blue fawn brindle girl in the flesh, she takes your breath away - she is totally stunning - and I'm NOT biased, honest! T.
  6. Now for Blossom's babies... Brindle girl... Black boy... Dark brindle boy... Blue and white boy... Lighter brindle boy... Black and white boy - I call him Milo... Blue fawn brindle girl... total stunner! ... and (not so) little Penni... Doesn't she look heaps better than the last photo we had of her? Check out the cheeky look! T.
  7. OK - Daisy Boo's babies first... Black and white boy - black spot on neck... Black girl... Black and white boy - narrow stripe on head... Small black boy... Balck and white boy - wider stripe on head... Bigger black boy - I call him Virgil... T.
  8. Daisy Boo's milk has dried up, so I now have her 6 munchkins here... and Blossom's milk is drying up, so I have 4 of her bubs here too. Daisy Boo's bubs are now too big to be weighed with the kitchen scales, and Blossom's bubs are way too active to stay still long enough for us to get a reading - so no weight updates any more, OK? Blossom's bubs have all been vaccinated, and Daisy Boo's were done last weekend. I played wrangler for the lovely lillypilly while she took photos of everyone today, so you're gonna have to wait until she picks out which shots are decent enough for public viewing and sends them to me for posting... *grin* Oh - the blue fawn brindle pup, and the 2 blue and white pups from Blossom's litter all have blue eyes! And the 3 border collie marked pups from Daisy Boo's litter have a green tint to their eyes, which gives them an extra special cuteness factor... hehe! T.
  9. Here's a link to the patent application... http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PTXT&s1=20090074827&OS=20090074827&RS=20090074827 Anyone make sense of it? T.
  10. Not much fazes the cheeky little sod... that's for sure. Any new toy I put in her playpen must be thoroughly checked out and moved to just the right spot... lol! Although her fave chew toy appears to be her brother's ears at the moment... *sigh* You should see her with my own 3 adult dogs - she struts through the sea of legs like she owns the world - get out of my way, I'm coming through! They are so careful where they put their feet when she's loose - even Pickles! T.
  11. I just weighed little Penni the little blue and white girl who is now doing very well indeed... and she tipped the scales at 1.45 kgs!! What a porker! I'll confess that she just had her dinner about an hour or so ago and her belly is full and fat, but what an awesome weight gain from last Saturday's 900 grams... and even Tuesday's 1.08 kg... That makes a total weight gain since Saturday a massive 550 grams!! Aunty lillypilly won't recognise her when she sees her tomorrow... *grin* T.
  12. I'm pretty sure that copyright to the photos wasn't assumed by PR in the previous incarnation... I remember being approached at one stage with a request to use a photo our group posted for PR marketing purposes. T.
  13. I think the initial gripe here was the fact that a good number of the Gumtree and pet shop threads appear to be more acts of hand wringing and general decrying of how unprincipled the advertiser is for offering their dog up for sale there, than actual calls to help the dog in question. Those type of threads really don't bring much to the table in the general course of things... and tend to make the people who participate in them look like they are trying to score some sort of brownie points for showing how outraged they are. Without actual figures, I'm going to make an assumption that not many of the animals referred to in those threads get safely rehomed via this forum or it's members. Like I said before - if one isn't actually going to get physically involved in "saving" the animal in question, then please slow down on the number of these threads you post. If you see something illegal posted on Gumtree, please contact the relevant authority about the ad - ie. unchipped pups for sale, get hold of the council or DLG via email or phone to report it... T.
  14. My take on the whole gumtree thing is that if you are so concerned about it, get up off the computer and do something about it... hand wringing and trying to score brownie points here about how much you care about dogs by decrying the advertising of animals on a trading post type of website wears thin after a while... We all know about Gumtree... T.
  15. Someone has definitely perfected the "love me and I'll love you back" eyes... lol! T.
  16. Hiding under chairs and the like seems that he's making sure he doesn't get bumped around... I'd be looking for xrays of neck and spine - all the way along... just to rule out any issues there. The symptoms you describe come across like a dog that is in a lot of pain. Have the vets tried any pain relief/anti inflammatories meds to see if he perks up? T.
  17. Way to go Hollie! Much kudos to all who have been involved in her plight... my hat is off to you! T.
  18. The CTTT is the first point of call for small claims (up to $30,000)... You can lodge here... your application will most likely come under the "General" section, OK? http://www.cttt.nsw.gov.au/Applications/Lodge_an_application.html You can represent yourself, just make sure you have any and all documents and evidentiary items like photos and vet assessments, etc, with you when you appear. I used to represent my old company with CTTT issues, and can attest to the fact that the system there is actually pretty easy to work with - have your case well prepared and you should have them finding in your favour. T.
  19. He's a stunner, isn't he? He's also a complete piggy for chicken wings - but the biggest smooch too... T.
  20. Last weekend the vet advised that she be taken away from the rest of the litter so we could make sure she got all the food she needs/wants, rather than having to share with all of her siblings. She and the next smallest pup from her litter came home with me, and have been eating yummy things like chicken mince and necks and premium kibble. They haven't missed mum or the other pups at all... lol! She's a riot of a little bugger though... beats up on her brother, and loves nothing better than chewing on the hand that feeds... *grin* T.
  21. Penni the blue and white runty puppy from Blossom's litter has stacked on 180 grams since Saturday... that's 30 grams more than she put on in the whole of last week! I think she's gonna be just fine now, the tough little tacker... she can eat like a horse, and loves her chicken mince the best of all... *grin* T.
  22. Friends of the Pound... in Tweed Heads South... http://www.friendsofthepound.com/ T.
  23. Knowing what it takes to run a reputable rescue is why I'm far happier to volunteer for one than try to run one... *grin* It would be lovely if it were as easy as many "armchair rescuers" believe it to be... but there are MANY facets to running a reputable rescue - much more than springing everything with a pulse from the pound system and lumping the general public with animals that may have been better off going to God. T.
  24. I'd probably build a house with a really big master bedroom, so I could get a custom made HUGE bed to fit all of the dogs on with me... *grin* T.
  25. That second photo says... "when I'm big I'm gonna get you back for that"... lol! Lucky Frida, off on her next big adventure... T.
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