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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. He's just gorgeous I reckon... I'm a sucker for a nice tight pair of buns... lol! T.
  2. I told my mum about me adopting Harper, and she started out by getting cross at me... but when I told her that Harper was starting to look like another heart dog (like my beloved Woosie was), she understood completely. T.
  3. Intoducing my latest addition to the family... Harper the Staffy cross pup. I was fostering the whole litter, and Harper decided that she would attach herself to me as her one and only fave thing on the planet... and the feeling is pretty darned mutual. Isn't she one of the cutest things you've ever seen? T.
  4. Awww... what a nice tight little butt he has too! T.
  5. Blossom's babies now... Oliver Harper Holly Jake Milo Penni Rex (used to be Riley) Sebastian All being desexed this week - will be ready for adoption from next weekend. Pups already adopted are Harper, Penni, Jake, and Rex. T.
  6. Okies... here are the pics... Daisy Boo's babies first... Leroy Poppy Sage Samuel Toby Virgil All are ready for adoption now... T.
  7. Simply adorable... poor bugger is a lousy catch though... lol! T.
  8. What a fit and healthy looking little man he is... and he certainly loves his new ball! T.
  9. Oh - and we got photos of everyone today - but you are going to have to wait until tomorrow for me to post them. I'm totally shattered and just want to curl up on the couch with Harper and veg in front of the TV tonight. I promise to post the photos tomorrow, OK? T.
  10. All of Blossom's bubbas will be desexed this week. Penni had her pre-op check with the vet to make certain she was ready, and the vet couldn't believe that this 2.6 kg (!!) bundle of 'tude was the same pup he saw 3 weeks ago at 900 grams. He did enjoy heaps of cuddles and kisses from her though... *grin* We had a lovely visit from Daisy today... and the pups and mums really enjoyed her company... as did we. It was great to meet you and share our bundles of joy Daisy - feel free to visit anytime, OK? T.
  11. And you only went out to check the mail right? Hahahaha! T.
  12. I reckon me, Jodie, and Stevie can all fit in Stevie's cupboard... and Jodie already loves me, so I don't think we'll have any problems there... lol! T.
  13. You head right on over Daisy - a visit from you is always welcome! I think we may be able to arrange some puppy cuddling too... *grin* The mums will be desexed as soon as their underhang has receded enough for the vet to see what he's doing down there... lol! T.
  14. Ummm... maybe Katdogs would take me in? I wouldn't mind sleeping with Stevie in her fave beddie spot - there's room... Hahahaha! T.
  15. It's only been a couple of days since spaying eyeopener... T.
  16. I have the "luxury" of having a friend with kennels... and can test my own dogs in that environment. Simply put, they don't present the same way when in the kennel environment as they do at home or in public places... even though I am there and they know that they aren't staying... My Rotti/Pittie girl who is 13 (but looks younger), shuts down when placed in a kennel block surrounded by other dogs in their own kennels. She barks and whines and then begins to sulk. When you open the kennel door, she tries to barge out past you. She is not interested in interacting with the other dogs or toys in this sort of environment. My Lab girl who is nearly 7, does not fancy being in a busy kennel environment either. When you try to enter her kennel, she will barge for the door or jump all over you in extreme excitement (but no mouthing). If you walk away from her kennel, she goes mental with barking and whining to try to get you to come let her out again. My disabled camp dog who is 2, is the only one who handles being in a busy kennel block - but she'd probably never even get as far as an RSPCA temp test due to her physical disability. I think the temp test posted needs some refining to allow for a wider range of actual behaviour and also needs to note that most dogs will show completely different results when NOT in a busy kennel/shelter environment. T.
  17. Ummm... Belmore Park is a loooong way from Bringelly. You'd have to take the M5 to get out there, and it would take about 45 mins on the M5, then another 15-30 mins once you got off the M5 at the Crossroads. Whereabouts are you normally located huntrox? T.
  18. I can guarantee that any pup Shirley adopted would have every need met to the fullest extent. Should anything happen to Shirley down the track, family and friends have all stuck their hands up to care for any dog she has. Her previous dog Holly was groomed regularly (see Katdogs' post above), walked at least twice a day, had only the best food and accessories, saw the vet regularly for her annual shots - and was a beautifully well socialised and sweet dog in all respects. Hell - I'd like Shirley to adopt ME!! T.
  19. You're not an "older" person at all DD... you have much more get up and go than most 20-somethings I've met. Don't ever stop being you, OK? My mum is in her 70's and she's not showing any signs of slowing down. If anything, becoming retired gives her more time to find all sorts of activities to pursue... I'd hate to have to keep up with her on a regular basis... hehe! T.
  20. Our local butcher gives them away mostly... but I insist on paying something so they fill a bag and only charge me a dollar... *grin* T.
  21. huntrox - pups can be met by appointment by calling Cassie on the number on this page... http://www.nswar.org.au/index/contact_us.htm - they are in foster care with me in Riverwood, but can be met at our property in Bringelly which is about 20 mins south of Penrith. Thanks for the congrats Kajtek - I think she's pretty special - and she's pretty to boot! Chicken - the lady who is adopting Penni and Jake is such a sweet person - they will be extremely well loved and cared for... if that makes you feel any better... T.
  22. OMG mita - she's adorable!!! Will definitely check out PAWS and put Shirley in touch. She definitely wants a pup that she can train and bond with, and preferably of a Shih Tzu cross type... but I reckon if Tashi was still available, she'd be very amenable to that adorable face... *grin* T.
  23. Jake and Penni both have a home to go to... as does Riley, the lighter of the 2 brindle boys... oh - and Harper is MINE! *grin* Jake is a "pants leg puller" of the first order... but definitely does give great cuddles. He has the head and build of a bulldog... lol! Available pups from Blossom's babies are... Sebastian - the black boy - totally adorable natured little man, the quietest of the bunch by a long shot. Holly - the brindle girl - happy go lucky little soul. Oliver - darker faced brindle boy - the quiet achiever. Milo - black and white boy - quite happy to do his own thing, but will snuggle nicely on your lap for a kip. All of Daisy Boo's babies are now ready for adoption too... T.
  24. I used to be terrified by small breed dogs before I got involved in rescue... I had met so many not very nice ones... Now I know better. What I've also learned is that most dogs who have found themselves homeless and impounded for whatever reason can display behaviour that is not exactly endearing - but if approached calmly and confidently and you gain their trust some, most dogs will respond favourably when given a bit of time to adjust to their new situation. A pound or large scale shelter like the RSPCA is not a place I would expect my own socially well adjusted dogs to show you their true temperament - they would be scared silly by all the noises and confined spaces and feed off the fear and angst of the other dogs impounded there too. T.
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